Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/15

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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parliament. President His GRACE THR DUKE OP ROXBURGHK. ^ice-President His GRACE THK DUKE OK SUTHERLAND, K.G. Chairman of the General Court. THK RIGHT HON. SIR MATTHEW WHITE RIDLEY, Bart., M.P. LONDON DIRECTORS. Chairman Baron SchrOder. Deputy Chairman Pascoe Du Pre Grenfell Esq. Charles Morrison, Esq. George Garden Nicol, Esq. Alexander H. Campbell, Esq. Alex D. Kleinwort, Esq. Geo. E. Scaramanga. Esq. Charles J. C. Scott, Esq. John Sanderson, Esq. Quintin Hogg, Esq. Hon. Charles W. Mills. Hon. Charles N. Lawrence, Manager of Fire Department George Henry Burnett. Manager of Life Department and Actuitry Henry Cockburn. Foreign Sub- Sfanngrrt Philip Winsor and E. A. D Paiva. Secretary F. V. Lanue. Medical Officers -Hermann Weber, .VI. D., and H. Port, M.D. Solicitors Bireham & To. Hankers Glyn, Mills, Carrie & Co., Lombard Street, B.C. Aii'litor James Haldane, Chartered Accountant. EDINBURGH -DIRECTORS. J. F. Walker-Drummond. Esq. David B. Wauchope, Esq. Sir James Gardiner Haird.Bart. Georere Auldjo Jamiesou, Esq. Frederick Pitman, Esq Right Hon. the Earl of Elgin SirThomas Clark, Bart. Charles B. Logan, Esq. Charles C. Maconochie, Esq. Charles Gairduer, Esq. Ralph Dundas, Esq. John Wharton Tod, Esq. Sir Jas. H. Gibson-Craig, Bart. Manager A. Gillies Smith, F.R.S.E. Secretary Philip R. D. Maclagan. Actuary Thomas Wallace. Medical Officer J. Playfair, M.B., F.'R.C.P.E. Solicitors]. & F. Anderson, W.S. Auditor James Haldane, Chartered Accountant. Total Assets at 31st December, 1891, 10,695,969. I. Authorised Capital .......... .......... .'3,000,000 Subscribed Capital .................... 2,750,000 Paid-up Capital ................... .... .^687,500 ft II. Fire Funds Reserves (including Balance of Profit and Loss Account) .. 2,717,1/7 12 9 ail. Life Funds Accumulated Fund of the Life Branch .. .6,012,552 7 ,. ,, Annuity Branch . . 1,278,739 9 7 7.291.291 io a 10,69.1,969 aT> Revenue for the Year 1891. From Fire Department Net Premiums, Interest, &c ........... .'1,552,862 5 ft From Life Department Net Premiums, Interest, &c. .. 829,861 1 7 Annuity Premiums (including ^218,012 10s. 4d. by single payments) and Interest ....... 267.806 19 2 J_,097,66s ij ^2,650,530 6 S The Accumulated Funds of the Life Department are free from liability in respect of the Fire Department, and in like manner the Accumulated Funds of the Fire Department are free from liability in respect of the Life Department. LIFE DEPARTMENT. THK PRIVCIPI-ES on which this Company was founded, and on which it continues t" act, combine the system of Mutual Assurance with the safety of a large Protecting Capital ami Accumulated Funds. NINKTV PER CB.NT. of the Life Assurance PROFITS is divided among the Assurers on the Participating Scale. THE PROFITS are divided every Five Years. The next division 31st December, 1895. CLAIMS paid on proof of Death and Title. Cheap and Simple Arrangements for NAVAL and MILITARY OFFICERS. ANNUITIES of all kinds are granted, and the rates fixed on the most favourable terms. FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROPERTY OF NEARLY EVERY DESCRIPTION, at Home and Abroad, insured at the lowest Rates of Premium corresponding to the risk. Net Premiums for 1891 amounted to 1,441,931 6s. 7d. Losses from Fire occasioned by Lightning are made good by this Company. Losxes H' Damage caused by explosion of Gas in Buildings not forming part of any Gas Works are made irooil by the Company. Insurances effected for seven years will be charged six years'Premiums on!v No charge for Alterations by Endorsements. Rents of Buildings Insured. Prospectuses and every information can be obtained at the Chief Offices: London: 61, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Edinburgh: 64, Princes Street. London : (West End Branch) 8, Waterloo Place, S.W.