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14 DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1808. LIFE. Head Office 92, Cheapside, London, E.G. West End Branch 4, Pall Mall East, London, S.W. DIRECTORS. nirfrtnrsf SlR WltLIAM J - w - BAY.VES, Bart., Chairman. (.CHARLES ANDREW PRKSCOTT, Esq., Deputy-Chairman HERBERT BROOKS, Esq. JAMES PATTISON CURRIE, Esq, WILLIAM COTTON CURTIS, Esq. BENJAMIN BUCK GREENE. Esq. EUGENE FREDERICK NOEL, Esq. FREDERICK GREENE, Esq. JOHN OLIVER HANSON, Esq. [RICHARD Bl-ANEY WADE, Esq. (PHILIP AINSLIE WALKER, Esq. OSWALD CECIL MAONIAC, Esq.j Bankers Messrs. PRKSCOTT, DIMSDALE, CAVE, TUGWELL & Co. Limited. Secretary SAML. J. PIPKIN. Actuary GEORGE KINO. THE GROWTH OK THE BUSINESS is SHOWN B- THE FOLLOWING FIGURES : Fire Life Other Total Premiums. Premiums. Income. Income. 1883. 95,898. 79,734. 80.922 256,554 1891. 238,393. 11 ),922. 77,015 426,330 Total Assets, 31st Dec., 18O1, dei,OOl,7"7'8. The Company has paid in claims nearly 12,000,000 Sterling. LIFE DEPARTMENT"! Life Policies are granted under any one of the following six principal plans : I. ORDINARY WITH PROFIT POLICIES, at moderate rates with large and progressively increasing bonuses. II. POLICIES " AT COST PRICE," giving the largest possible Assurance at the smallest immediate outlay. III. TONTINE INVESTMENT POLICIES, for a fixed sum during a term of years, and large accumulations of bonuses at the end of that term. IV. NON-PROFIT POLICIES, of use principally in financial transactions. V. DOUBLE ENDOWMENT ASSURANCES, a safe and profitable investment for annual savings. VI. RENEWABLE TERM POLICIES, or temporary Assurances at minimum rates, renewable- without fresh medical examination. ADVANCES. THE DIRECTORS have adopted a Mortgage Assurance Scheme, which is more particularly intended to assist purchasers in buying freehold or leasehold property for their own occupation (for particulars see Prospectus.) FIRE DEPARTMENT. LOSSES OCCASIONED BY LIGHTNING will be paid whether the property be set on fire or not. LOSS OR DAMAGE caused by Explosion of Coal Gag in any building insured will be made good. SEVEN YEARS' POLICIES granted on payment of Six Years' Premiums. SAML. J. PIPKIN, Secretary. ' COLES'S TRUSS IS BEST > TIKE Latest Invention and Improvement, WM. COLES & CO.. TWVF.NTORS ANn PATP.VTP.T.H r.r, -PHW S INVENTORS AND PATENTEES OF THE SPIRAL SPRING TRUSS, 225, PICCADILLY, W,, near the ".CRITERION," LATE 3, CHARING CROSS. Read " Cobbett's Legacy" gratis per post.