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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 167 Brother living FREDERICK BAINES, b. 1846 ; formerly Lieut. 66th Regt. Club, Junior United Service. Daughters living Of 4th Baronet -Ellen Susanna (Lady Kelly): tn. 1848, Gen. Sir Richard Denis Kelly, K.C. B., and has issue living, Arthur Dillon Denis, b. 1853 ; is Major ist Batn. Border Regt., Richard Makdougall Brisbane Francis, b. 1857 ; is Capt. R.A., and Instructor of Gunnery at Hooghli Defences, India: in. 1887, Mary Percy, da. of Maj.-Gen. Bedingfeld, R.A., Ellen Catherine : m. 1870, the Rev. Walter James Tail, Sophia Henrietta : tn. 1872, Major Hamilton William Wetherell Spooner, J.P., formerly of 3rd Foot, Beatrice Frances : m. 1892, Francis Arthur Beauchamp, Esq. [see Proctor- Beauchamp, Bart., colls.]. Residences, Shrublands, Earley, Berks ; Mucklon, Ahascragh, Galway. Louisa Wilhelmina : m. 1857, Maj.-Gen. John Prevost Battersby, and has issue living, Henry Francis, b. 1862, Herbert Dillon, b. 1872, Helen Elizabeth, Louisa Georgina Frances : m. 1886, the Rev. John Charles Wellesley Burnaby, R. of Etton, Hull, and has issue living, Hugh b. 1889, John b. 1891, Margaret b, 1887, Ethel. Residence, Listoke, St. Stephen's Road, Baling. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Major Robert Dillon, sth son of ist baronet, b. 1787, d, 1864 : m. 1814, Eliza, da. of John Swiny, Esq. : Robert, b. 18 ; formerly Lieut. -Col. 3Oth Foot ; served in Crimean campaign (medal with clasp, and Sardinian and Turkish medals) : m. 1862, Minnie Margaretta, da. of the late Hon. Stuart Mills, a Senator of the Dominion of Canada, and has issue living, Robert Arthur, b. 1865 ; formerly Sub- Lieut. R. N. ; served at bombardment of forts at Alexandra 1882 (medal with clasp and Khedive's star), Grace Minnie : tn. 1888, Charles Edward Bonner, Esq., of Spalding, Lincolnshire, and has issue living, Charles Robert Dillon b. 1889, Grace Eileen b. 1892, Katharine Weltden : tn. 1886, Richard J. Crookes, Esq., of Raithby House, Spilsby, Lincolnshire, and has issue living, Arthur Dillon Farrar b. 1890, Daphne Graham b. 1888, Ivy Eileen b. 1889, Melita Edith Almeria, Minna Marguerite, Evelyn Drake and Alice Maude (twins). Residence, 15, Westbourne Gardens, Folkestone. This family is descended from a common ancestor with the Earls Roscommon and Barons Dillon and Clonbrock. The ist baronet, Sir John, M.P., was created a Baron of the Holy Roman Empire, 1782, with reversion to male and female descendants, and was authorised by royal license to bear the title in this country. Dillwyn-Llewelyn, see Llewelyn. DIXIE, Creation 1660, of Market Bosworth, Leicestershire. Sir ALEXANDER BEAUMONT CHURCHILL DIXIE, nth Baronet ; b. Dec. 22nd, 1851 ; s. his father, Sir ALEXAN- DER BEAUMONT CHURCHILL, M.D., 1872; ed. at Harrow; formerly Lieut. Leicestershire Yeo. Cav. ; is a J.P. for Leicester- shire (High Sheriff 1876) : m. 1875, Lady Florence Caroline Douglas, da. of 7th Marquess of Queensberry, and has issue. gatron of iu Jibing (but being a Roman Catholic cannot present) Carlton V., Leicestershire. ^rins Azure, a lion rampant or, a chief of the last. Crtst An ounce sejant proper, ducally gorged or. Residence, The Glen Stuart, Annan, N.B. Club Boodle's. Sons living GEORGE DOUGLAS, b. Jan. i8th, 1876; is a Naval Quod dixi, dixi. Cadet. Albert Edward Wolstan Beaumont, b. 1878. What I have said, I Sisters living Mary Catherine: tn. 1863, the Rev. Benjamin Buckler have said. Gifford Ludford-Astley, formerly R. of Cadeby, and has issue living, John Beaumont, b. 1868, Alexander Gifford, b. 1882. Residence, Queen's Gate West, Cheltenham. Rosamond Emily : tn. 1866, Charles Fetherstone-Dilke, Esq., who d. 1877. Caroline Ellen (Hon. Mrs. Charles L. Adderley): tn. 1870, the Hon. Charles Leigh Adderley, el. son of ist Baron Norton. Residence, Wolverton Hall, Pershore, Worcestershire. Clementina Churchill : tn. 1874, Capt. Edmund Waldigrave Park-Yates, late Capt. Royal Dragoons. Residences, Ince Hall, Chester; Sandiway, Northwich. Eleanor Frances Pochin. Agnes Sophia : in. 1877, John Frederick Cay, Esq. Fanny Julia (Lady Edward Somerset) : in. 1880, Lord Henry Edward Brudenell Somerset, son of 8th Duke of Beaufort. Residence, Badminton, Chippenham, Wilts. Daughters living Of 8th Baronet Alice: m. 1861, Capt. Charles Sutton, who d 1892 [set Sutton, Bart., colls.]. Residence, 32, Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. Emma Georgina (Hon. Mrs. Cecil Forester): m. 1866, the Hon. Cecil Theodore Weld Forester, el. son of 4th Baron Forester. Residences, Rose Bank, Birchington, Isle of Thanet; 54, Seymour Street, W. Daughter living of 7th Baronet Eleanor Frances Anna : m. 1848, Lieut.-Col. Dottin Maycock (Middlesex Rifles Militia), who d. 1879, and has issue living, Willoughby Robert Dottin, b. 1849 ; formerly Capt. 2nd Middlesex Militia. Residence,