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zo6 DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Dulcius ex asperis. Sweeter out of diffi- culties. FERGUSSON, Creation 1703, of Kilkerran, Ayrshire. Right Hon. 'Sir JAMES FERGUSSON, P.C., G.C.S.L, A'.C.M.G., C.I.E., M.P., 6th Baronet ; b. March I4th, 1832 ; s. his father, ..SVrCHARLES DALRYMPLE, 1849; ed. at Rugby, and at Univ. Coll., Oxford ; formerly Lieut, and Capt. Grenadier Guards, and Hon. Col. 3rd Batn. Royal Scots Fusiliers ; served in Crimean campaign 1854-5 (wounded, and medal with three clasps, and Turkish medal) ; is Ensign-Gen. Roy. Co. of Archers, and a D.L. and a j. P. for Ayrshire, for which co. he sat as M.P. (C) 1854-7, and 1859-68; has sat for N.E. Div. of Man- chester since 1885 ; was Under-Sec, of State for India 1866-7, Under-Sec, at Home Office 1867-8, Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of S. Australia 1868-72, Gov. of New Zealand 1872-4, and of Bombay 1880-5, Under-Sec, of State for P^oreign Affairs 1886-91, and Postmaster-Gen. 1891-2 ; unsuccessfully contested Ayrshire 1857, Sandwich 1859. Frome 1876, and Greenock 1878 : m. 1st, 1859. Lady Edith Christian Ramsay, who d. 1871, da. of the late Marquess'of Dalhousie; 2ndly, 1873, Olive, C.I., who d. 1882, da. of the late John Henry Richman, Esq., of Warnbunga, S. Australia, and has issue. ^rms Azure, an arming buckle argent between three boars' heads or. Crtsl On a thistle leaved and flowered proper a bee or. Seat Kilkerran, Maybole, Ayrshire. Town Residence 25, Tedworth Square, S.W. Clubs Carlton, Guards', Constitutional. Sons living By 1st marriage CHARLES, b. Jan. i7th, 1865 ; is Lieut, and Adj. ist Batn. Grenadier Guards. James Andrew, R.N., b. 1871 ; became a Sub-Lieut. 1891. By 2nd. marriage Alan Walter John, b. 1878. Daughters living By 1st marriage Susan Georgina : ;. 1880, John George Alexander Baird, Esq., M.P., formerly of i6th Lancers. Residences, Wellwood, Muirkirk, N.B. ; Adamton, Monkton, N.B. ; 89, Eaton Square, S.W. Edith Helen, C.I. Brothers living Sir Charles DALRYMPI.E, Bart., M.P., b. 1839 ; cr. a Baronet 1887. John Adam FERGUSSON, b. 1845 ; is Major 2nd Batn. Rifle Brig. (Prince Consort's Own) ; was D.A.A.G., Ceylon 1887-9 I unsuccessfully contested Peterborough (C) 1883 : in. 1871, Sarah, da. of Joseph Gilbert, Esq., of Pewsey Vale, S. Australia, and has issue living, Gilbert Charles Dalrymple, b. 1874, Catherine Helen Dalrymple, Anna Mary, Edith Nora, Jean, Olive, Margaret Agnes, Sarah Faith. Club, Junior Carlton. Sisters living Elizabeth. Henrietta Duncan : m. 1882, the Rt. Rev. George Wyndham Kennion, IVD., Bishop of Adelaide. Residence, Adelaide, S. Australia.^ Mary Dalrymple: m. 1866, Walter Severn, Esq., of the Privy Council Office, and has issue living, Walter Dalrymple, b. 1867, Claud, b. 1869, Nigel Bruce, b. 1871, Cecil Alexander, R.N.,b. 1874; be.came a Mid- shipman 1890, Hew Fergusson. b. 1877, Helen Christian. Residence, 9, Earl's Court Square, S.W. Eleanora Charlotte Dalrymple : in. 1871, the Rev. David Robertson, R. of Hartlebury, and Hon. Chaplain to H.M., and has issue living, Julius Charles, b. 1879, Helen Edith, Eleanora Margaret. Residence, Hartlebury Rectory, Kidderminster. Uncles living (sons of 4th Baronet) Hew Dalrymple Hamilton, b. 1817 ; formerly in Civil Ser. of H.E.I.C. ; is a J.P. for Ayrshire : in. 1838, Louisa, da. of the late Gen. C. Godby, C.B., and has issue living, James, C.I.E., b. 1840; formerly Lieut. 73rd Regt. ; C.I.E. 1881 : in. 1887, Annie Gillespie, da. of William Gillespie Mitchell, Esq., of Carwood, Lanarkshire, Charles Robert Kennett, b. 1842 ; formerly Lieut. 7gth Highlanders : ;. 1872, Eleanora Dalrymple, da. of Duncan Davidson, Esq., of Tulloch, N.B., and has issue living, Muriel Catherine, Sybil Henrietta. Residence, 35, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. Frederick William Brown Gustave, b. 1826 ; formerly Major Ayrshire Militia: m. 1871, Alice Wilhelmina Mary, da. of the late John Stuart Hay- Newton, Esq. [see M. Tweeddale, colls.]. Residence, Catherine Lodge, Inveresk, N.B. Aunt living (daughter of 4th Baronet) Mary Jemima Dundas Adamina: m. 1845, Andrew Buchanan, Esq., of Auchtentorlie, who d. 1886. Residence, Collateral Branches living. Issue of the late George Hermand Fergusson, Esq., 2nd son of 4th baronet, b. 1810 d. 1870: in. ist, 1841, Jane, who d. 1844, widow of Major Gordon, of Halhead and da. of Little Gilmour, Esq., of Craigmillar ; 2ndly. 1857, Georgina Grace, da. of Archibald Buchanan, Esq., of Auchentorhe : George J. FERGUSSON-BUCHANAN, b. 1862 ; is Capt. 3rd Batn. Roy. Scots Fusiliers, and a J.P. for Dumbartonshire ; formerly an Extra A.D.C. to Gov. of Bombay ; assumed in 1890 the additional surname of Buchanan : m. 1886, Grace, da. of Claud Hamilton, Esq., and has issue living, Noel Grace, b. 1889, Avril Nora, b. 1892. Residence, Auchentorlie, Bowling, N.B. Mary : m. 1878, Capt. James Creagh Richard Scott, formerly of R.M.L.I., of Crevagh and Kildysart, co. Clare, and has issue living, John Creagh, b. 1879, George Buchanan, b. 1881, Helen Mary, b. 1883. Residence, Hinwick Hall, Wellingborough. Issue of the late Lieut.-Col. James Alexander Duncan Fergusson, 3rd son of 4th baronet, b. 1812, d. 1864 : in. 1844, Margaret, da. of the late James Hope, Esq. : Alice Jane : in. 1872, Col. Andrew Smythe Montague Browne (formerly of 3rd Dragoon Guards), and . has issue living, Alexander Fergusson, b. 1876, Andrew, b. 1878, Margaret Violet Mary, b. 1873,