Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/285

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DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 207 Frances Belinda, b. 1875, Alice Charlotte Helen, 6. 1878, -Eileen May, b. 1881, Evelyn Douglas, b. 1883. Resilience, Woodcote Hall, Wallington, Surrey. Issue of the late Major Robert Duncan Fergusson, 4th son of 4th baronet, />. 1813, d. 1878 : itt. ist, 1852, Helen, who d. 1863, da. of John Blackburn, Esq., of Killearn, co. Stirling; 2ndly, 1866, Margaret Eliza, widow of John Stuart Hay Newton. Esq., of Newton, and da. of William Fairlie, Esq. : Harry James, b. 1852; is Major Rifle Brig. (Prince Consort's Own), and Assist. Mil. Sec. and A.D.C. oops in Canada; formerly A.D.C. to Gov. of Bombay has issue living,' Robert Duncan, b. 1881. Lucy Jane : m. ist, 1877, the Hon. Arthur Hay David Fraser. who d. 1884, son of I7th Baron Saltoun; 2ndly, 1887, Francis John Stuart Hay- Newton, Esq. [see M. Tweeddale, colls.]. Residences, British Consulate, Oporto; 25, Tedworth c c ir Issue of the late Henry Duncan Fergusson, Esq., W.S., jth son of 4th baronet, b. 1814, d. 1868 : in. 1846, Anna, da. of Robert Nasmyth, Esq., F.R.S., of Edinburgh : d. 1868 : in. 1846, Anna, da. of Robert Nasmyth, Esq., F.R.S., of Edinburgh : Robert Henry Duncan, b. 1849:?;/. 1877, Mabel Frances, da. of the late Robert Balfour Wardlaw- Issue of the late Robert Dundas Octavius Fergusson, Esq., 7th son of 4th baronet, b. 1819, d. 1882: m. 1842, Amelia, da. of Capt. George Macdonald, of Morer : George Adam Duncan Camperdown, b. 1847 :;;/. 1883, Marianne M'Donald, widow of Alfred Stephens. Esq., of Bridport, and da. of the late Henry Paul, Esq., ofTopsham. Charles Dalrymple Hamilton, b. 1849. Robert Dundas Arthur Graham : itt. 1877, Mary Rachel, da. of the late Francis Whitworth Russell, Esq. [see Russell, Bart., colls., cr. 1812], and has issue living, Alice Mary Adelaide Gordon. Hew Dalrymple Hamilton, b. 1861. Henrietta Sarah Eleanora Augusta : tit. 1868, the Rev. Joseph Richards, R. of Shelley, and has issue living, John William, b. 1872. Kate Amelia J9sephine, Henrietta Gertrude. Residence, Shelley Rectory, Ongar, Essex. Julia Anne Catherine Charlotte: in. 1876, George James Macdonald, Esq., Advocate, who d. Bruce. Edith Jemima Mary Amelia. Residence, o. Jane Roberta anu ior r,uinuurgii 1792-0. ne cianneu in 1790 the r^anaom 01 oiencairn ^createu 1400^; me -uuius decided that he had proved himself to be heir general to Alexander, Earl of Glencairn, who died 1670, but had not proved his right to the Earldom. Vi et arte. By strength and skill. Gravesend. burgh). FERGUSSON, Creation 1866, of Spitalhaugh, Peetolesshire. Sir JAMES RANKEN FERGUSSON, 2nd Baronet; b. Aug. loth, 1835; s. his father, Sir WILLIAM, LL.D., F.R.S., 1877; ed. at King's Coll., London, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1858; is a J.P. and a D.L. for Peeblesshire. and a Member of Roy. Co. of Archers, Queen's Body Guard for Scotland : m. 1st, 1862, Mary Ann Somes, who </. 1868, da. of the late Thomas Colyer, Esq., of Womb well Hall, Northfleet, Kent; andly, 1877, Louisa, who d. 1878, da. of the late William Forbes, Esq., of Medwyn, Peeblesshire; 3rdly, 1886, Alice Fanny, da. of the late J. Price Simpson, Esq., and has issue. ^rins Argent, a lion rampant azure armed and langued gules, on a chief engrailed of the last a mullet between two cinquefoils of the first. Crest A dexter hand grasping a broken spear in bend sinister all proper. Seats ^jpitalhaugh, West Linton, Peeblesshire; Hever Court, Seats spitalhaugh, West Linton, Feeblesshire; Hever Court, Clubs Conservative, Garrick, Constitutional, Scottish Conservative, New (Edin- Sons living By 1st marriage-THOMAS COLYER COLYER-FERGUSSON, b. July nth, 1865; ed. at Harrow, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1889); assumed in 1890 the additional surname of Colyer : m. 1890, Beatrice Stanley, da. of Professor Max Miiller, of Norham Gardens, Oxford, and has issue living, Max Christian Hamilton, b. 1890, Mary Adelaide Somes, b. 1892. Resi- dences, Ightham Mote, Sevsnoaks; Wpmbwell Hall, Northfleet; 34, Curzon Street, W. Clubs, Conservative, Constitutional, New (Edinburgh). By 2nd marriage Louis Forbes, b. 1878. By 3rd marriage James Adam Hamilton, b. 1892. Daughters living By 3rd marriage Margaret Alice Hamilton, b. 1889. Helen Hamilton, b. 1890. Brother living Charles Hamilton, b. 1849; e d. at Harrow : formerly Capt. and Brevet Major ist Batn. Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's); served in Afghan cam- paign 1879-80 (medal with two clasps), and in Egyptian campaign 1882 (medal and bronze star). Residence, Broomlee, West Linton, Peeblesshire. Clubs, Junior United Service, Constitutional, New (Edinburgh). Sisters living Jane Porteous.^ ^Catherine Hamilton. Helen Seymour. Residence, Broomlee, West Linton, Peeblesshire. The ist baronet, Sir William, LL.D., F.R.S., a distinguished surgeon, was many years Sergeant Surgeon to H.M. Queen Victoria. Fermor-Hesketh, see Hesketh.