Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/578

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500 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. cross engrailed, dividing the four quarters sable, Siacltir; the whole within a bordure parted per pale, the dexter side indented gules, the sinister ermine. Crest A cock proper, j^npporters Two griffins proper. Seat Barrock House, Wick, Caithness, N.B. Town Residence n, St. George's Road, SAV. Clubs Conservative, Scottish. Brother living NORMAN ALEXANDER, b. July 2 9 th, 1869. Club, Scottish. Sister living Margaret: m. 1884, George Felix Standish Sinclair, Esq. [see Sinclair, Bart., cr. 1778]. Residence, Woodfield, Inverness. Mother living Margaret Crichton, da. of James Alston, Esq. : m. 1861, Lieut. -Col. Alexander Young Sinclair, who d. 1871 (ante). Residence, n, St. George's Road, S.W. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Capt. George Sinclair, 3rd son of 6th baronet, /'. 1826, d. 1871 : tit. 1859, Agnes, who d. 1876, da. of John Learmonth, Esq., of Dean, Edinburgh : John, M.P., b. 1860 ; ed. at Edinburgh Acad., at Wellington Coll., and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; formerly Capt. 5th Lancers ; served with Soudan Expedition 1885 (medal with clasp) ; appointed Assist. Private Sec. to Sec of State for War (Rt. Hon. H. E. Campbell-Bannerman) Aug. 1892; unsuccessfully contested Ayr Dist. 1886 ; has sat as M.P. for Dumbartonshire (LG) since 1892. Residence, 176, Jermyn Street, S.W. Clubs, Brooks's, Army and Navy, Naval and Military, National Liberal. Charles George, b. 1862. George Henry, b. 1866. This family is a younger branch of the Earls of Caithness, the ist baronet being a grandson of the 4th Earl. On the death of the 6th baronet in 1842, John Sinclair, Esq., of Barrock, his cousin, succeeded to the title, the propinquity being proved by a retour of a general service expede by him Dec. 23rd, SINCLAIR, Creation 1636, of Murkle, co. Caithness, and Stevenson, co. Haddington. Sir ROBERT CHARLES SINCLAIR, gth Baronet; b. Aug. 25th, 1820; s. his father, Adm. Sir JOHN GORDON, 1863 ; formerly Capt. 38th Foot ; is a D.L. and a J.P. for cos. Had- dington and Caithness, and Hon. Col. ist Caith- ness Artillery Vol. : ;//. ist, 1851, Charlotte Anne, who d. 1874, da. of John Coote, Esq f , Lieut. 7ist Regt. ; 2nclly, 1876, Louisa, da. of Roderick Hugonin, Esq., of Kinmylies House, Inverness. Candidly, but cautiously. gatnm of One gibing Rippla R., Kent. Sams Quarterly : ist, azure, a ship with sails furled within a double tressure counter-flory or ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion rampant gules ; 4th, azure, a ship in full sail or ; over all, dividing the quarters, a cross engrailed quarterly argent and sable, in the centre a crescent sable. Crest A griffin's head erased proper. Supporters Two griffins proper. Seats Murkle, Caithness; Stevenson, Haddingtonshire, N.B. Clubs Arthur's, New (Edinburgh). Sisters living Madalina (Hon. Mrs. Dudley Pelhani) : i. 1839, Capt. the Hon. Dudley Pelham, R.N., who d. 1851, son of ist Earl of Yarborough. Residence, St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight. Susan Hay (Lady Lennox): m. 1867, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Wilbraham Gates Lennox, K.C.B., V.C. [see D. Richmond, colls.]. Residence, East Pallant House, Chichester. Collateral Branch living. Descendants of the late James Lockhart Sinclair, Esq., 2nd son of sth baronet : , Issue of the late Robert LOCKHART, Esq., b. 17, d. 1850 : m. 1804, Eliza, who d. 1816, da. of Richard Newman-Newman, Esq., M.D., of Thornbury Park, Gloucestershire; 2ndly, 1817, Charlotte Simpson, who d. 1869, da. of Capt. William Mercer, of Potterhill, N.B. : GR/EME ALEXANDER, C.B., b. 1820 ; entered the Army 1837, became Capt. 1850, Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1859, Col. 1866, and Maj.-Gen. 1867; served with 78th Highlanders in Persian war 1857 (medal with clasp), and in Indian Mutiny campaign 1857-8 (medal with clasp) ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for co. Lanark; C.B. 1861 : m. 1861, Emily Udny, da. of James Brebner, Esq., Advocate, of Aberdeen. Residence, Cambusnethan House, Wishaw, N.B. Frances Charlotte Mercer. Roberta Emilia. Barbara Forbes : ;. 1859, Alexander Whitelaw, Esq., who d. 1879, and has issue living, Alexander (of Gartshore, Kirkintolloch, N.B.), b. 1862 ; is Lieut. Lanarkshire Yeo. Cav.: m. 1886, Dorothy Sa, da. of Ralph Disraeli, Esq., Grseme Alexander Lockhart, />. 1863; is Lieut ^rd Batn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders) : m. 1885, Elizabeth, da. of James Reed-Stewart, Esq., William, b. 1868 ; is Lieut. Lanarkshire Yeo. Cav. : m. 1890, Gertrude', da. of Col. Thompson, of Milton Hall, Carlisle, James Baird, b. 1870, Charlotte Lockhart, Janet Baird, Mary Barbara, Helen Douglas, Caroline Forbes. Residences, 91, Eaton Square, S.W. ; Alangrange, Bridge of Allan, N.B. The 3rd baronet was a Privy Councillor and a Baron of the Exchequer. The Sth baronet, a distin- guishs^d Admiral, served sixty-three years in the Royal Navy.