Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/579

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DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. SINCLAIR, Creation 1778, of Ulbster, Caithness-shire. Ad astra virtus. Virtue leads to heaven. J'aime le meilleur. / love tlie best. Sir JOHN GEORGE TOLLEMACHE SIN- CLAIR, 3rd Baronet ; b. Nov. 8th, 1824 ; s. his father, Sir GEORGE. M. P., 1868 ; formerly a Page of Honor to Queen Adelaide, and Lieut. Scots Fusilier Guards ; is Vice-Lieut, and a D.L. for Caithness-shire; sat as M.P. for that co. (Z,) 1869-85: m. 1853, Emma Isabella Harriet (whom he divorced 1878) she d. 1889 da. of the late William Standish Standish, Esq., of Duxbury Park, Lancashire, and Cocken Hall, Durham, and has issue. Xrnw Quarterly, ist, azure, a ship at anchor, her oars erected in saltire, within the royal tressure or ; 2nd and 3rd or, a lion rampant gules ; 4th, azure, a ship under sail or ; over all dividing the quarters, a cross engrailed quarterly argent and sable, all within a bordure quartered or and gules, the last charged with three stars of the first. Crtst A star of six points waved argent, rising from a cloud proper, supporters, Two red deer proper. Seat Thurso Castle, Caithness-shire, N.B. Town Residence 14, King Street, St. James's, S.W. Cheb Travellers'. Sons living CLARENCE GRANVILLE, b. April srd, 1858 ; formerly Lieut, ist Batn. Scots Guards ; served during Souakin campaign 1885 (medal with two clasps, bronze star) ; is Capt. in Reserve of Officers, Lieut. -Col. Cotndg. ist Sutherland Highland Rifle Vol., and a J.P. and.D. L. for Caithness-shire ; unsuccessfully contested Caithness-shire (L) i8_8s : m. 1889, Mabel, who d. 1890, da. of the late Mr. Mahlon Sands, of New York, and has issue living, Archibald Henry Macdonald, b. 1890. Residence, 7, Seville Street, Lowndes Square, S.W. Clubs, Guards', Turf, Bachelors'. George Felix Standish, b. 1861 ; formerly Lieut. 3rd Batn. Black Watch (Roy. Highlanders) ; formerly Capt. 2nd Vol. Batn. Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) : m. 1884, Margaret, sister of Sir John Rose George Sinclair, yth Baronetj of Dunbeath, and has issue living, Algernon Ronald Tollemache, b. 1886, Dorothy Emma Olivia, b. 1885, Olive Margaret Camilla, b. 1892. Residence, Woodfield, Inverness. Club, Bachelors'. Daughters living Amy Camilla : in. 1874, John Henry Fullarton-Udny, Esq. Residence, Udny Castle, Aberdeen. Nina Mary Adelaide : in. 1882, Lieut.-Gen. Owen Lewis Cope Williams. Residences, Temple House, Great Marlow ; Marie, Carnarvonshire ; 24, Hill Street, W. Sister living Olivia Sophia. Residence, Thurso Castle, Thurso, N.B. Collateral Branches living. Issue of the late Rev. William Sinclair, 5th son of ist baronet, b. 1804, d* 1878 : m. ist, 1837, Helen, who d. 1842, da. of William Ellice, Esq. ; 2ndly, 1846, Sophia, da. of the Rev. James Tripp, R. of Spofforth : Ven. William Macdonald, D.D., b. 1850; ed. at Balliol Coll., Oxford (M.A. 1874, B.D. 1888, D.D. 1892); is Archdeacon of London, Canon of St. Paul's, Hon. Chaplain to H.M., and Examining Chap, to Bishop of London. Residence, Chapter House, St. Paul's Cathedral, E.G. Club, Athenaeum. Rev. John Stewart, b. 1853; ed. at Oriel Coll., Oxford (M.A. 1878); is V. of St. Dionis', Fulham. Residence, Arundel House, Fulham, S.W. Club, Oxford and Cambridge. Hugh Montgomerie, b. 1855; is Capt. R.E., and D.A.A.G., N.E. Dist. Club, Junior United Service. Helen : >. 1880, the Rev. George Edmund Hasell, R. of Aikton, and has issue living, Edward William, b. 1888, Godfrey Sinclair, b. 1889. Residence, Aikton Hall, Wigton, Cumber- land. Janet Mary. Grandchild of the late Rev. William Sinclair (ante) : Issue ol the late Lieut. -Col. Walter Sinclair, b. 1841, d. 1887 : in. 1874, Kathleen, da. of Henry B. F. Dickinson, Esq., of Ashton Keynes, Wilts; Gladys Muriel. The ist baronet, the Rt. Hon. Sir John Sinclair, P.C., D.C.L., F.R.S., M.P., a distinguished scientific agriculturist and statistician, was offered and refused a peerage. His daughter Catherine, who died 1864, was a distinguished authoress. The 2nd baronet, Sir George, was styled by Byron " the prodigy of our school days." Five generations of this family have represented Caithness-shire in Parliament. The 2nd baronet was M.P. for Caithness-shire (L) 1811-18 and 1831-41. SITWELL, Creation 1808, of Renishaw, Derbyshire. Sir GEORGE RERESBY SITWELL, M.P., 4th Baronet ; b. Jan. 27th, 1860 ; s. his father, Sir SITWELL RERESBY, 1862 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; is Capt. Yorkshire Dragoons Yeo. Cav., and a J.P. for Scarborough and Derby- shire ; sat for Scarborough (C) 1885-6, and was thrice defeated there, in Oct. and Nov. 1884 and in July 1886; re-elected July 1892 : m. 1886, Lady Ida Emily Augusta Denison, da. of ist Earl Londesborough, and has issue. 3Mms Barry of eight or and vert, three lions rampant sable. Crest A demi-lion rampant, erased sable, holding between the paws an escutcheon per pale or and vert. Seat Renishaw Hall, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Club Carlton. Ne cede malis. Daughter living Edith Louisa, b. 1887. Yield not to misfortune. Sister living Florence Alice.