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KNIGHTS' WIDOWS. 729 BiDDUU'H, Hon. Lady. Mary Frede- ricka,F..-!., el. da. of Frederick Charles William Seymour, Esq. ; is Hon. Bedchamber-woman in ordinary to H.M. : m. 1857, Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Biddulph, K.C.B., who d. 1878, Joint Keeper of Privy Purse and Receiver- Gen, of Duchy of Cornwall. VindsorCastlc. BIRCH, Lady. May, da. of Capt. George P. Burden : in. 1868, as his 2nd wife, Lieut. - Gen. Sir Richard James Holwel Birch, who d. 1875, a Sec. to Govt. of India. BITTLESTON, Lady. Rebecca Ann, da. of Mr. George Hastings Heppel : m. 1844, Sir Adam Bittleston, a Judge ot the Madras Court 1858-70, who d. 1892. Hcathlanis, H'cybridgc. BOAG, Lady. Violet, da. of John Stevens, Esq., a member of Merchants' House, Glasgow : , in. 1834, Sir Robert Boag, J.P., Mayor of Belfast 1876, who d. 1877. The Crescent, Belfast; I'iolet Lodge, Groomsport, co. Down. BODKIN, Lady. Sarah Constance, da. of the late J. J. Miles, Esq., J.P., of Highgate ; i, ist, 1865, as his 2nd wife, SirWilliam Henry Bodkin, who d. 1874, Assistant-Judge of Middle- sex Sessions ; 2ndly, 1875, S. William Silver, Esq. 3, York Gate, Regent's Park, N. W. ; Letcombe Manor, U'antage. BOLTON, Lady. Julia, 2nd da. of the late R. Mathews, Esq., of Oatlands Park, Surrey : in. ist, 1866, Col. Sir Francis John Bolton, who d. 1887 > 2r >d, 1890, William Augustus Rixon, Esq. Mortons House, Corfe Castle, Dorset. BONNYCASTLE, Lady. Frances, da. of the late Capt. William Johnstone, 7Oth Foot : tn. 1814, Lieut. -Col. Sir Richard Henry Bonny- castle, who d. 1847. BOUCH, Lady. Margaret Ada, da. of the late Thomas Nelson, Esq. : in. 1853, SirThomas Bouch, C.E., who d. 1880. 24, Norfolk Street, Park Lane, W. BoviLL, Lady. Maria, da. of J. H. Bolton, Esq., of Lee Park, Blackheath : m. 1844, the Rt. Hon. Sir William Bovill, D.C.L., Ch. Justice of the Common Pleas, who d. 1873. 65, Onslow Gardens, S. V. BOWRING, Lady. Deborah, da. of Thomas Castle, Esq., of Clifton : ;. 1860, as his 2nd wife, Sir John Bowring, M.P., LL.D., F.R.S., who d. 1872, M.P. for Kilmarnock and Bolton, and subsequently Min. Plen. and Envoy Extraor. to Siam and China, and Gov. of Hong Kong. 7, Baring Crescent, Exeter. BRADY, Lady. Maria, el. da. of the late George Kilner, Esq., of Ipswich : m. 1837, Sir Antonio Brady, who d. 1881, first Sup. of Purchase and Contract Depart. Admiralty. The College, Ely. BRAND, Lady. Catherina Dorothea, da. of Robert Aling, Esq. : in. 1869, as his 2nd wife, Sir Christoffil Joseph Brand, who d. 1875, Speaker of House of Assembly, Cape Colony. Cape Town, South Africa. BRAND, Lady. Relict of Sir John Henry Brand, who d. 1888, Pres. of Orange Free State. Orange Free State, Africa. BREWSTER, Lady. Jane Kirke, da. of the late Thomas Purnell, Esq., of Scarborough : in. 1837, as his 2nd wife, Sir David Brewster, K.H., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D., who d. 1868, a dis- ' tinguished discoverer in Optical Science. Allerly, Melrose, N.B. BRIGHT, Lady. Hannah Barrick, da. of John Taylor, Esq., of Kingston-upon-Hull : ;//. 1853, Sir Charles TUston Bright, an eminent elec- trician, who d. 1888. 53, West Cromwell Road, S. W. BRIND, Lady. Eleanor Elizabeth Lum- ley, da. of the late Rev. Henry Thomas Burne, M.A., of Grittleton, Wilts : in. 1873, as his 5th wife, Gen. Sir James Brind, G.C.B., who d. 1888. BROOKE, Lady. Julia Greenly, da. of the late Capt. John Sabine, 2^rd Roy. Welsh Fusiliers : in. 18 , as his second wife, Sir William O'Shaughnessy Brooke.F.R.S., Direc- tor-Gen, of Telegraphs in India 1853-62, who d. 1889. BROTHERTON, Lady. Thomasina, da. of the late Rev. Walter Hore : ;. 1865, as his 2nd wife. Gen. Sir Thomas William Brotherton, G^C.B., who d. 1868. 92, Edith Road, West Kensington, IV. BROWN, Lady Anne, da of the late Thomas Nelson, Esq., of Abden House, Edin- burgh : HI. 1862, Hon. Sir George Brown, K.C.M.G., founder of The Toronto Daily Globe and The Canada Fanner, who d. 18 . Bow Park, near Brantford, Ontario. BROWN, Lady. Cornelia Jane, da. of the late Thomas Tindal, Esq., of Aylesbury : in. 1851, Sir William Brown, C.B., Accountant Gen. of the Navy, who d. 1884. Richmond Lodge, Bournemouth. BROWN, Lady. Frances Caroline, da. of Charles Baker, Esq., of Adelaide, S. Australia : m. ist, 18 , Russell Jeffray, Esq.. who d. 18 ; 2nd, 1883, as his second wife, Surg. -Gen. Sir John Campbell Brown, K.C B., who d. 1890. 16, Carlton Street, Edinburgh. BROWNE, Lady Gore-. Harriete, da. of James Campbell, Esq., of Craigie House. Ayr- shire : in. 1851. Col. Sir Thomas Gore-Browne, K.C.M.G., C.B., whorf. 1887. 7, Kensington Square, W. BULLER, Lady. Maria, da. of Francis Temple, Esq., Treasurer of Ceylon : m. 1842, Sir Arthur William Buller, who d. 1869, a Judge of Supreme Court of Calcutta. BURTON, Lady. Maria Alphonsine, da. of the late John Beatty West, Esq., M.P. for Dublin : m. 1849, as his 2nd wife, Sir William Westbrooke Burton, who d. 1888. Ketton, Stamford, Rutland, BURTON, Laay. [See B. Arundell of Wardour, colls.] BUTT, Lady. Anna Georgina, da. of C. Ferdinand Rodewald, Esq., of 34, Prince's Gate, S.W. : in. 1878, the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Parker Butt, P.C., who d. 1892, Pres. of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Div. of the High Court of Judicature. Oaklands, Oxshott, Surrey. CAIRO, Lady. Elizabeth Jane, da. of the l#te Robert Dudgeon, Esq. : m. 1865, as his second wife, the Rt. Hon. Sir James Caird, P.C., K.C.B, LL.D., F.R.S., Member of Board of Agriculture, who d. 1892. 8, Queens Gate Gardens, S. H 7 . CAMPBELL, Lady. Eliza, da. of William Harrington, Esq., M.C.S. : m. 18 , as his 2nd wife, Gen. Sir John Francis Campbell, C.B., K.C.S.I., who d. 1878. CAMi'iiELL, Lady. Georgina Frederica Locke, da. of Thomas Sand with, Esq., of Beverle}', Yorks : in. 1855, Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G., who d. 1892, Lieut.-Gov. of Ontario. Toronto, Ontario. CAMPBELL, Lady. Letitia, da. of the late Thomas Gowan Vibart, Esq., B.C.S. : in. 1853, Sir George Campbell, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., who d. 1892, M.P. for Kirkcaldy Dist. South- well House, Southwell Gardens, S.ll~. CARRINGTON, Lady. Mary Anne, da. of the late John Capel, Esq., M.P. for Queen- borough: ///. 1830, as his 2nd wife, SirCodrington