Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/844

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766 COMPANION AGE. cr. D.S.O. 188". Hoath, Canterbury; Army ami Nai'y Club. DEGACHER, Maj. -Gen. Henry James. C.B., son of the late Walter Henry Degacher. Esq., of St. Omer, France; 6. 1835; entered Army 1855, became Capt. 1859. Major 1868, Lieut. -Col. 1877, Col. 1881 (h.p. 1887). and Maj.- | Gen. 1891 ; commanded 2nd Batn. 24th Regt. through Kaffir War of 1878, and Zulu War of 1879, during which period he was entrusted with ' other commands in the field, and 3rd Regt. Dist. 1882-7 : ni. 1880, Eleanor Maud, da. of the late Rev. George Gardner Harter, of Cran- field Court, Beds ; cr. C.B. 1878. United Service and Junior United Service Clubs. DE LA BERE, Henry Thomas, C.B., son of the late Capt. T. De la Bere, R.N., of Kinnersley, Herefordshire; t. 1833; entered War Office 1853, promoted to 2nd class 1864, became an Assist. Principal Clerk 1871, Assist. Accountant-Gen. 1878, and Dep. Accountant- Gen. 1882 ; was an Assessor of Income Duty for Army Ser. 1 860-6 appointed ; a Gov. of Dul- wich Coll. 1882, and of Dulwich Coll. Estates 1883, and a Commr. of Income Duty for Army Ser. 1891 ; cr, C.B. 1889. i, Allison Gardens, Dnhvich Common, S.E. DE LA FOSSE, Maj. -Gen. Henry George, C.B.. son of the late Major De la Fosse, of the ; Bengal Artillery ; b. 1835 ; ed. at Mil. Coll., Addiscombe ; entered Army 1854, became Capt. and Major 1861. Lieut. -Col. 1872, Col. [ 1877, and Maj. -Gen. (retired) 1887; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (twice men- tioned in despatches, thanked by Gov. -Gen. in Council, and medal with two clasps), with Sekhim Field Force 1861 (mentioned in de- spatches, services approved by Gov.-Gen. in Council), and in operations on N.W. Frontier 1863 (mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp): in. 1863, Helen Scott, who d. 1877, da. of the late Lieut. -Col. Fraser, of the Bombay Army ; cr. C.B. 1877. Oaklands, Godstone, Surrey ; Junior United Service Chtb. DE LAESSOE, Capt. Albert Frederic, C.M.G., C.f.E. ; b. 1848 ; served in Danish Army 1866-80 ; was on special duty with French Army during Franco-German War 1870-1 (Legion of Honour), on special duty in Persia 1874-80, and a member of Afghan Boundary Commn. 1884-7 ; is Assist. Commr., Ajmere: m. 1873, Agnete Elisabeth, da. of Professor J. A. Jerichan;c7.C.I.E. and C.M.G. 1887. Ajmere, India. DE LISLE, Capt. Henry de Beauvoir, D.S.O. , son of Surg.-Maj. Richard F. V. De Lisle, of Guernsey ; b. 1864 ; entered Army 1883, and became Capt. Durham L.I. (is Adj. 2 no Bitn.' i8pi ; served with Mounted Infantry in Nile Expedition 1885-6 (mentioned in des- patches); cr. D.S.O. 1886. DELLA -CATENA, Count, C.M.G. fste ; " Maltese Nobility "]. DENING, Major Lewis, D.S.O., son of the late John Dening, Esq., of Pitt House, Ottery St. Mary, Devon ; b. 1848 ; entered 75th Regt. 1867, transferred to 3gth Regt. 1868, and to B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1871, became Capt. 1879, i and Major 1887 ; served in Afghan War 1878-9 (medal), and with Burmah Field Force 1886-7 > (medal with clasp, personally thanked by Com.- in-Ch.) ; was Brig. -Maj. Bengal 1880-1, and ! D.A.A.G. Bengal 1885 : in. ist, 1872, Eliza Janet, who d. 1876, da. of the late W. Eales, ! Esq., of Plymouth ; 2nd, 1877, Beatrice Catherine, da. of the late E. J. Scott, Esq., of Portland Lodge, Southsea ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. DENISON, Lieut. -Col. Frederick Charles, C.M.G., and son of the late Col. George T. Denison, of Rusholme, Toronto, and great- grandson of Capt. John Denison, of Yorkshire ; b. 1846; ed. at Upper Canada Coll., Toronto; entered Canadian Militia 1865 as Cornet in Body Guard of Gov.-Gen., became Lieut. 1868, Capt. 1872, Major 1876, and Lieut. -Col. 1884 ; served on Niagara Frontier during Fenian raid 1866, in Red River Expedition 1870 as A.D.C. to Col. [now Viscountj Wolseley (despatches), and in command of Canadian Voyageurs on Nile during Soudan Campaign 1884-5 (despatches, medal with two clasps) ; is M. P. for W. Toronto: m. 1874, Julia, da. of Oliver T. Macklem, Esq., of Niagara Falls, Ontario ; cr. C.M.G. 1885. RjtsJiolme, Toronto, Canada. DENNEHY, Maj. -Gen. Thomas, C.I.E.; b. 18 ; entered B.S.C. 18 ; became Lieut. - Col. 1877, Col. (retired) 1885, and Maj. -Gen. 18 ; served in Southai Compaign 1855-6, and during Indian Mutiny 1857-8 ; was Political Agent at Dholepore 1879-85 ; appointed an ex- tra Groom-in-Waiting to H.M. 1888 ; cr. C.I.E. 1887. DENNIS, George, C.M.G., D.C.L., son of John Dennis, Esq., formerly Receiver-Gen, of Excise ; b. 1814 ; ed. at Charterhouse ; D.C.L. Oxford 1885 ; entered Colonial Ser. 1849 ; was Private Sec. to Gov. of British Guiana (Sir H. Barkly) 1849-51, Inspector of Schs. for that Colony 1851-62, Receiver-Gen, and Govt. Sec. for Colony of Berbice 1862-3, H.M.'s Vice-Consul at Bengaziin Tripoli 1863-9, and Consul for Crete 1869-70, for Sicily 1870-79, arid at Smyrna 1879-88 : made archaeological researches for British Museum in Sicily 1856-7, in the Cyrenaica 1865-6, and in Asia Minor 1868-9 : cr - C.M.G. 1888. 21. Queen's Mansions, Victoria Street, S. W. ; Athenceum Club. DENTON, Capt. George Chardin, C.M.G., son of the late Rev. Robert Abercrombie Den- ton, of Stower Provost ; b. 1851; entered 57th Regt. 1869, and became Capt. 1878 ; retired Oct. 1878 ; appointed a Commr. to inquire into Police Force, Barbados 1880, M.E.C., St. Vin- cent 1881, and to represent that colony at Tele- graphic Conference at Barbados 1882 ; admin- istered Govt. of St. Vincent 1885, 1886, 1887, and 1888, and that of Lagos 1889, 1890, and 1891 ; acted as Colonial Sec., St. Vincent 1886-8 ; was Ch. of Police, St. Vincent 1880-88, since when he has been Colonial Sec. of Lagos : in. 18 , Jean Margaret Alan, da. of Alan Stevenson, Esq. ; cr. C.M.G. 1891. Lagos, IV. Africa; Naval and Military Club. DE PIRO, Col. ' the Marquis, C.M.G. [see Maltese Nobility]. DE PIRO, GUISEPPE LORENZO, C.M.G. [see Maltese Nobility]. DE RENZY, Surg.-Gen. Annesley Charles Castriot, C.B., son of the late Thomas De Renzy, Esq., M.D. and J.P. of Cronyhorn, co. Wicklow ; b. 1829 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1850); M.R.C.S. Eng. 1851; entered Bengal Med. Depart. 1851, and retired as Surg.-Gen. 1883 ; served throughout 2nd Burmese War 1852-3 (medal with clasp), in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (medal with clasp), and in Naga Campaign 1879 (medal) ; formerly First Sanitary Commr. Punjab : /. 1856, Mary Jane, da. of the late Rev. John Whitty, of Rathvilly, co. Carlow ; cr. C.B. 1881. 18, Clyde Road, Dublin. DE ROTTENBURG, Col. Baron George Frederick, C.B., son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Baron de Rcttenburg, K.C.H.. who raised and for 15 years commanded the sth Batn. 6oth Regt. ; b. 1807 ; entered 8ist Regt. 1825, became Capt. 1832, Major 1841. Lieut.-Col. 1849, an< ^ Col. 1854 ; retired 1861 ; served also in ooth Rifle? and 46th Regt. ; was A. A. and A.Q.M.G.