Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/845

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COMPANIOXAGE. in Canada for to years ; employed on particular service during Rebellion in Canada 1837, and commanded the Militia and Volunteers in three districts in Upper Canada, and the Magistrates and Officers of Militia of those districts peti- tioned the Crown to bestow upon him some mark of distinction (brevet Major) ; twice appointed a Commr. on Defence of the Province, and assisted to draw up a Militia Bill for those purposes ; was A.G. of Militia in Canada 1855-8, when on the foundation of the looth Regt. he was appointed to its command ; is a Mil. Knight of Windsor on Roy. Foundation, and a F.R.A.S. : m. ist, 1839, Louisa Mary, who </. 1891, da. of the late George Nevile Ridley, Esq., of Kimbolton, Hunts, and of Belleville, Upper Canada ; 2nd, 1892, Edith Annie, da. of J. Allen, Esq., ot Cheshuot House, Thornton Heath ; cr. C.B. 1857. 8, Loiuer Ward, Windsor Castle. DERRIMAN, Vice-Adm. Samuel Hoskins, C.B. ; b. 1815 ; entered R N. 1829, became Com. 1854, Capt. 1858, Retired Rear-Adm. 1876, and Vice-Adm. 1881 ; served in Survey of the Dardanelles and Varna with Sir John Bur- goyne ; was attached to Lord Stratford's Em- bassy at Constantinople in command of " Caradoc," 1853-4; served on Lord Raglan's staff during Crimean War, and brought his lordship's remains to England ; has Turkish and Sardinian medals, Legion of Honour, and 5th class Medjidie : in. 18 ; cr. C.B. 1875. 52, Queen's Gate, S.W.; United Service Club. DESBOROUGH, Maj.-Gen. John, C.B. : b. 1824 ; entered R.A. 1842, became Capt. 1849, Major 1860, Lieut. -Col. 1861, Col. 1867, and Hon. Maj.-Gen. 1877 ; served in China Expedition 1860-1 in command of R.A. attached to ist Div. of Expeditionary Force (medal with two clasps) ; was Gov. of Oxford Mil. Coll. 1876-83 : m. 1857, Eliza Mary, who d. 1891, da. of the late Gen. Sir Peregrine Maitland, G.C.B. ; cr. C.B. 1873. Norf ham, Bideford ; National Club. DESHON, Col. Charles John, D.S.O., son of the late Lieut. -Col. Charles John Deshon, 1 7th Regt. ; b. 1840; ed. at King's Sch., Can- terbury; entered R.A. 1859, became Capt. 1872, Major 1880, Lieut.-Ccl. 1886, and Col. 1891 ; retired 1892 : served with Burmah Expedition 1886-7 (mentioned in despatches), and with Hazara Expedition 1888 (mentioned in des- patches, D.S.O.): in. 1864, the el. da. of the late Major Loftus Cassidy ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. DE VERTEUIL, Louis Antoine Aime, C.M.G., son of a Vendeen Emigre; b. 1807; M.D. Paris 1836 ; appointed M.L.C. of Trini- dad 1863 ; created a Count of the Holy Roman Empire, 1891 ; is Pres. of Trinidad Med. Board, and a Member of College Council and Board of Education ; author of "Trinidad; its Geo- graphy, Resources, and Prospects"; cr. C.M.G. 1889. Port of Spain, Trinidad. D'EYNCOURT, Adm. Edwin Clayton TEN- NYSON-, C.B., son of the late Rt. Hon. Charles Tennyson-D'Eyncourt ; b. 1813 ; ed. at West- minster and at Roy. Naval Coll. ; entered R.N. 1826, became Com. 1841, Capt. 1849, Rear-Adm. > 1866, Vice-Adm. 1873, and Adm. 1878, retired 1880 ; served in China War 1841) medal, and wounded) ; was successively Capt. of H.M.S. " Desperate " and Pylades" in Baltic during Russian War 1854 and 1855-6, and in 1855 com- manded a division of ships at entrance to Gulf of Finland (medal) : m. 1859 Lady Henrietta Pelham-Clinton, who d. 1890, da. of 4th Duke of Newcastle; cr. C.B. 1873. 56, Warwick Square, S. W. ; Bayons Manor, Market Rasen ; Travellers' and United Service Clubs. DICEY, Edward (James Stephen). C.B., son of the late Thomas Edward Dicey, Esq., of Claybrook Hall, Leicestershire ; b. 1833; ed. at King's Coll., London, and at Trin. Coll. Camb. (B.A. 1854) ; Bar. Gray's Inn, 1865 ; was for several years a Leader-writer and Special Cor- respondent for the " Daily Telegraph," Editor of the "Daily News" for a few months in 1869, and Editor of the "Observer" 1870-89; of late years has taken an active part in Egyptian affairs, been a constant visitor to Egypt, and written much on the political aspect of the Egyptian Question ; has Order of the Osmanieh 4th Class ; author of " Rome in 1860," " Cavour, a Memoir," "The Federal States in 1862, "The Schleswig-Holstein War." "The Battle Fields of 1866, " A Month in Russia in 1866," " Life of Victor Emmanuel," " England and Egypt," and of numerous contributions to periodical literature: m. 1867. Anne Greene Chapman, who d. 1879, f Boston, U.S.A. ; cr. C.B. 1886. 39, Albemarle Street, W. ; Athe- neeum, Oxford and Cambridge, and Garrick Clubs. DICK, Inspector- Gen. James Nicholas, C.B., son of George Dick, Esq.. formerly of 75th Regt. ; b. 1831 ; L.K.Q.C.P., M.K.Q.C.P. and L.M. Ireland 1878, L.R.C.S. Edin. 1853; en- tered Naval Med. Ser. 1853, became Staff-Surg. 1861, Fleet-Surg. 1868, Dep. Inspector-Gen. 1880, and Inspector-Gen. 1884 ; retired 1891 ; served during Crimean War 1854-5, present at both attacks on Petropaulovski (thanked), and during Abyssinian War 1867-8, as Senior Naval Med. Officer (medal) ; was Principal Med. Officer at Royal Naval Hospital, Malta, during Egyptian Campaign 1882, and Inspector-Gen. Roy. Naval Hospital, Haslar, 1884-7 ; appointed Director-Gen, of Naval Med. Depart. 1888 ; cr. C.B. 1887. A^'enue House, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.; United Service Club. DICKF.N, Charles Shortt, C.M.G., 2nd surviving son of the late William Stephens Dicken, Esq., M.D., Dep. Inspector-Gen, of Hospitals, Bengal; b. 1841; Charterhouse; Bar. Middle Temple 1883 ; Ensign 87th Roy Irish Fusiliers 1859, ar /d retired as Lieut. 1864 ; entered Queensland Civil Ser. 1866, as Acting Sub-Inspector of Police ; was Petty Sessions Clerk, Springsure 1867-72, Police Magistrate, Springsure 1872-4, Gold Commr. and Police Magistrate, Ravenswood 1874-5, Police Magis- trate and Gold Fields' Warden, Charters Towers 1875-8, Police Magistrate, Townsville 1878-80, and Hon. Sec. to Queensland Commn. at Colonial and Indian Exhibition in London, 1886 ; is a J.P. for Queensland, and Capt. (unattached) in Defence Force ; has been Sec. in Office of Agent-Gen, for Queensland in London since 1880 : m. 1875, Emily Augusta, el. da. of the late Charles William Sheridan, Esq., J.P., of Beanba, N. S. Wales ; cr. C. M.G. 1891. Harrington Mansions, 33, Harrington Road, S.W. i, Victoria Street, S.W.; St. Stephens Club. DICKEN, Col. William Popham. C.B., D.S.O. , el. son of the late William Stephens Dicken, Esq., M.D., Dep. Inspector-Gen, of Hospitals, Bengal ; b. 1834 ; ed. at Charter- house, and at Addiscombe ; entered Madras Army 1853, became Capt. 1865, Major M.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1873, Lieut.-Col. 1879, Brevet-Col. 1883, and Col. Comdt. 3rd Madras L.I. 1884 ; served with Burmese Expedition, in command of Toungoo and Ningyan (Pyinmana) Column. 1885-7 (twice mentioned in despatches, medal) ; cr. D.S.O. 1887, C.B. 1891. East India United Service Clnb. DICKENS, Lieitt.-Gen. Craven Hildesley, C.S.I., son of the late Capt. S. T. Dickens, R.N. ; b. 1822 ; entered Bengal Artillery 1838, became Capt. 1853, Lieut.-Col. 1861, Col. 1866, Maj.-Gen. 1877, and Lieut. -Gen. 1878 ; wa.s