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774 COMPANION AGE. served in Afghan War 1878-80 (mentioned in despatches), and during Burmah Campaign 1886-7 (mentioned in pespatches, medal) ; some- time Intpector-Gen. of Civil Hospitals, Punjab, and an Hon. Surgeon to Viceroy of India (Mar- quess of Lansdowne) : in. 18 ; cr. C.B. 1886. j East India United Service Club. FARKEN, Gen. Richard Thomas, C.B. ; b. 1817 ; entered Army 1834, became Capt. 1845, Major, 1850, Lieut. -Col. 1854, Col. 1857, Maj. -Gen. 1868, Lieut. -Gen. 1877, and Gen. 1880 ; retired 1883 ; was Col. ist Bain. Roy. Sussex Regt. 1879-85, since when he has been Col. ist Batn. ; Loyal N. Lancashire Regt.; served with 47th Regt. in Crimea 1854-6 (mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps, Legion of Honour, 4th j class Medjidie, and Sardinian and Turkish medals) ; commanded E. Dist. 1869-70, and troops in V. Indies 1875-8 : in. 1885, Agnes ' Florence, da. of the Rev. William Edward Downes, R. of Baylham, Suffolk ; cr. C.B. j 1855. Beatings House, Great Beatings, Wood- j bridge ; United Service Club. FARRINGTON, Col. Malcolm Charles, | C.B. ; b. 1835 ; entered sist Regt. 1853, became Capt. 1858, Major 1871, Lieut.-Col. 1877, and : Col. 1881 ; retired 1890; was A.A.G. at Bengal i 1878-83, and A.-G. Madras 1887-90; cr. C.B. 1887. FAUNCE. Col. Edmund, C.B., son of the late Maj. -Gen. R. N. Faunce ; b. 1838; en- tered Army 1854, transferred to M.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1861, became Capt. 1866, Major 1874, i Lieut.-Col. 1880, and Col. 1884; served during Indian Mutiny 1857-9 (medal), in Upper Bur- mah 1888-9, ' n command of 2nd Brig, and of' Chin Field Force (mentioned in despatches, i medal, C.B.) ; was D.A.A.G. Madras 1872-7, J A.A.G. Madras 1880-82, D.A.G. Madras 1882-6, and Q.M.G. Madras 1886-8 ; is in command of 2nd class Dist., Madras, with local rank of Brig. -Gen. ; cr. C.B. 1889. Cairnsfoot, Coor- noor, Madras. FEILDEN,' Lieut. -Gen. Randle Joseph,, C.M.G., M.P., son of the late Joseph Feilden, '< Esq., M.P., of Wittcn Park, Blackburn ; b. 1824 ; entered Army 1843, became Capt. 1853, j Major 1860, Lieut.-Col. 1864, Col. 1869, Maj.- ] Gen. 1879, and Hon. Lieut. -Gen. (retired) ! 1883 ; commanded ist Batn. 6oth Rifles in Red River Expedition 1870, and Brigade Depot at Winchester 1875-8; is a J.P. for Lancashire; sat as M.P. for Lancashire N. (C) 1880-5, since ; when he has sat for Chorley Div. of Lancashire N. : m. 1861, Jane Campbell, da. of James Hozier, Esq., of Maudslie Castle, Lanarkshire ; i cr. C.M.G. 1870. Witton Park, Blackburn ; 32, Grosvenor Gardens, S. W. ; United Service, Wellington, and Carlton Clubs. FEILDING, Gen. the Hon. Percy Robert Basil, C.B. [see E. Denbigh]. FELLOWES, Capt. John, C.B. ; b. 1843 ; entered R.N. 1856, became Lieut. 1863, Com. 1873, and Capt. 1880; served on E. Coast of Africa in suppressing Slave Trade 1 860-8 (twice wounded), and was present at attack on Katit Forts, Feb. 1866 (wounded), in Egyptian War 1882 in command of " Minotaur " (medal, bronze star, 3rd class Medjidie), and as principal Transport Officer in Soudan Expedition 1885 : (C.B.) ; awarded Humane So.'s medal 1883 ; received 2nd class Medjidie 1889; appointed A.D.C. to H.M. 1892: m. 1883, Jeannie, da. of W. Feetham Miller, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1885. * Naval and Military and Marlborougli Clubs. FELLOWES, Rear-Adm. Thomas Hounsom Butler, C.B., son of the late Sir James Fellowes, M.D., of Adbury House, Hants ; b. 1827 ; en- tered R.N. 1845, became Com. 1862, Capt. 1868 (retired 1873), and Rear-Adm. 1886 ; served during Russian War 1854-6 (Baltic, Turkish, and Crimean medals, Sevastopol clasp), and during Abyssinian War 1868 in command of Naval Brig, (mentioned in despatches, medal) ; is a J.P. and a County Alderman for Herts ; has silver medal of National Life Boat Institution : in. ist, 1857, Constance Fanny, who d. 1888, da. of Charles S. Hanson, Esq., of Constanti- nople ; 2nd, 1890, Margaret, da. of the Rev. William Jowitt, R. of Stevenage, Herts ; a: C.B. 1868. Woodfield, Stevenage, Herts; Naval and Military Club. FENDALL, Capt. Charles Pears, D.S.O., el. son of the Rev. Charles Bathurst Fendall, ot Woodcote House, Windlesham, Surrey ; b. 1860 ; ed. at Sherborne Sch. ; entered 'R.A. 1879, and became Capt. 1887 ; served with Bur- mah Expedition 1885-6 (thrice mentioned in despatches) : m. 1888, Rose Emily, da. of the late Capt. Lane Ryan ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. FERGUSON, Alastair Mackenzie, C.M.G. , son of the late Mr. John Ferguson, of Conan- bridge, Ross, N.B. ; b. 1816 ; was one of the pioneers of the Ceylon Planting Enterprise, and is interested in the culture of coffee, tea, cin- chona, &c. ; served in Ceylon C.S. 1841-6 as sub-collector of Customs at Point Pedro, and Acting Commr. of Requests, Police Magistrate, and J.P. at Jaffna ; since 1846 has been con- nected with the Ceylon Observer; is publisher of the "Ceylon Handbook and Directory." and of the " Tropical Agriculturist, "a monthly which is regarded as the best work referring to tropical agriculture : was unanimously chosen Dy the Chamber of Commerce and the Planters'Associa- tion of Ceylon to be Commr. for the Colony at the Melbourne Exhibition 1880-1, and upon his return was presented with a cheque for 10,000 rupees, a service of plate and a gold watch, and a petition to the Sec. of State was signed by a large number of residents in and natives of Ceylon, praying H.M. to bestow upon him some signal mark of favour : in. 1844, Annie, who d. 1890, da. of Mr. James Mackerras, of Glasgow ; cr. C.M.G. 1882. Colombo, Ceylon. FERGUSSON, James, C.I.E. [see Fergus- son, Bart., cr. 1703]. FERREIRA, P. J., C.M.G. ; b. 18 ; was Comdt. of Local Cav. in the Transvaal against Sikukuni 1879 ; cr - C.M.G. 1880. FERRIER,^//'O;- James Archibald,/)..?. 0.; b. 1854; ed. at Roy.Mil.Acad., Woolwich; entered R.E. 1873, became Capt. 1885, and Major 1892 ; served in Afghan War 1878-80 (medal), and in Nile Expedition 1884 -6 (medal, bronze star) : in. 1887, Louisa Emily, da. of Josceline Frederic Watkins, Esq. ; cr. D.S.O. 1886. FERRYMAN, Gen. Augustus Halifax, C.B., son of J. B. G. Ferryman, Esq., of Chelten- ham ; b. 1816 ; entered Army 1834, became Capt. 1841, Major 1843. Lieut.-Col. 1848, Col. 1854, Maj. -Gen. 1863, Lieut. -Gen. 1871, and Gen. (retired) iSSi ; was Col. ist Batn. Prince of Wales's Vol. (S. Lancashire Regt.) 1872-87, since when he has been Col. Princess Victoria's Roy. Irish Fusiliers ; commanded 39th Regt. in Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (medal with clasp. Legion of Honour, 4th class Medjidie and Turkish medal) : m. ist, 1849, Jane, who d. 1851, da. of the late William Sinclair, Esq., of Freswick, Caithness, N.B. ; 2nd, 1864, Caroline, da. of the late Jonathan Worthington, Esq., of Moor Hill, Worcestershire; cr. C.B. 1857. }l~interbounie,Leckha>npton, Cheltenham. FlNDLAY, Surg.- Major John, C.I.E. ; l>. 1851 ; entered Army Med. Depart. 1875, and became Surg.-Major 1887 ; retired 1890 ; served during Afghan War 1879-80 (medal with clasp), and in Burmah Campaign 1886 (medal) ; wa- Surgeon to Gov. of Bombay 1881-4, and to