Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/875

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COMPANIONAGE. 797 cr. C.B. 1875. Cppercross, Whitby, Reading; A rut )' and -Yar p _}' Club. JOURDAIX, Henry John, C.J1/.G., son of I the late Frederick John Jourdain [of Huguenot i descent], merchant of London ; b. 1835 ; ed. at Blackheath, and at Coll. Henri IV. in Paris ; went to Mauritius 1858 ; was Govt. Member of Gen. Board of Health 1867-74 and Member of Council of Govt. 1868-74, when he returned to England ; is Chevalier of Order of Leopold of Belgium ; was Hon. Commr. for Mauritius at Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886 ; isa Lieut, for City of London : tit. ist, 1860, Rosina Au- gusta, who d. 1880, da. of the late Mons. George C. Bourguignon, of Neuveville, Switzerland, and Mauritius ; 2nd, 1884, Ada Mary, da. of James Pattison Currie, Esq., of Esher ; cr. C.M.G. 1886. 2, Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. ; Conservative and Oriental Clubs. JOYCE, Herbert, C.B., son of the late Sec. 1880, and 3rd Sec. 1889; was a Member of Civil Ser. Inquiry Commn. 1874-5 : m. 1858, Emily Ann, da. of James Edward Shearman, Esq. ; cr C.B. 1890. JUDGE, Capt. Spencer Francis, D.S.O. ;/>. 1861 ; entered Shropshire L.I. 1883, and became Capt. 1891 ; served at actions of Gemaizah 1888 (4th class Osmanieh), and of Toski 1889 ; has been attached to Egyptian Army since 1886 ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. JUSTICE, Maj.-Gen. William Clive, C.M.G. , son of Gen. W. Justice ; b. 1835 ; entered 75th Regt. 1852, became Capt. 1859, Major 1869, Lieut.-Col. 1877, Col. 1881, and Maj.-Gen. 1890 ; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (medal with clasp) ; was Town Major, Devonport, 1869-74, Mil. Sec. to Com.- in-Ch. Bombay J874-9, officiating A.A.G. Bom- bay 1879-80, A.A. and Q.M.G. W. Indies 1880-5, except for five months in 1881, when he was Col. on Staff W. Coast of Africa ; com- manded troops in Jamaica 1886-91; administered Govt. of Jamaica Feb. to March 1887, May to Aug. 1888, and Jan. to March 1889 : /. 1858, Leila, da. of the Rev. V. J. Parker ; cr. C.M.G. 1881. Htnstock, Farnborough, Hants; United Service Club. KANE, Capt. Henry Coey, C.B. ; b. 1843 ; entered R.N. 1858, became Lieut. 1864, Com. 1877, and Capt. 1882 ; served during Egyptian Campaign 1882, present with Naval Brig, at battle of Tel-el-Kebir (men- tioned in despatches, medal, bronze star, pro- moted Capt.); commanded " Calliope " at Samoa 1889, and safely navigated the vessel out of the harbour during a terrific hurricane, in which four foreign mea-of-war were lost and two stranded with the loss of 130 lives (thanked by Lords of the Admiralty) ; cr. C.B. 1891. KARIM, Khan Bahadur Sheikh Hafiz Hajee Abdul, C I.E. ; b. 1833 ; is a large landed proprietor in Meerut and the adjoining districts: ///. 1854; cr. C.I.E. 1890. Meerut, India. KEANE, Henry Joseph, C.M.G.; <>. 18 ; entered R.N. 1868, became Lieut. 1879, and Com. 1892 ; cr. C.M.G. 1892. KEANE, Lieut. -Gen. the Hon. Hussey Fane, C.B. [see B. Keane]. KEANE, Col. Leopold George Frederick, C.B. [see Keane, Bart.]. KEARY, Capt. Hemy D'Urban, D.S.O., son of the late Hall William Keary, Esq. ; b. 1857; entered Army 1875, M.S.C. 1877, ar >d became Capt. 1888 ; served during Afghan War 1880, with Burmah Expedition 1886-7 (men- tioned in despatches), and in Wuntho opera- tions 1892 (D.S.O.); was Cornell, of a Mil. Police Batn., Burmah 1887-92; is Comdt. 6th Burmah Regt. (formerly 3ist Madras L.I.); cr. D.S.O. 1892. Skiaebo, Huimali. KEATINOE, Lieut. -Gen. Richard Harte, C.S.L, V.C., son of the late Right Hon. Richard Keatinge ; b. 1825 ; entered Bombay Artillery 1842, became Capt. 1857, Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1867, Col. 1873, Maj.-Gen. 1884, and Lieut.-Gen. 1887 ; served as Political Officer with Mhow Field, and ist Brig. Central Field Forces 1857-8 (dangerously wounded, medal, and V.C.), and commanded Irregular Troops in Sathpoora Hills 1858-9, and Field detachments against Wagheers 1865; was Gov. -Gen. 's Agent in Rajpootana States 1867-70, Ch. Commr. of Central Provinces 1870-2, and Ch. Commr. Assam 1873-80 : m. ist, 1846, Harriet, who d. 1874, da. of the late Thomas Pottinger, Esq., ot Mount Pottinger, co. Down ; 2nd, 1882, Julia Anna, widow of E. C. Fox, Esq., and da. of the late J. Alder- son, Esq. (43rd L.I.), ofGannow Hill, Derby. ; cr. C.S.I. 1866. 12, Onslow Square, S.IV.; United Service Clnl<. KEEPER, Thomas Coltrin, C. M. G. , son of the late George Keefer, Esq., of Canada ; b. 1821 ; ed. at Upper Canada Coll., Toronto ; is an eminent canal and railway engineer ; was employed on the Erie and Welland canals 1838-45, and as Ch. Engineer of Ottawa River Works 1845-8 ; in 1849 gained Lord Elgin's prize for best essay on " The Influence of the Canals of Canada on her Agriculture," and published " Philosophy of Railways ;" in 1850 was employed with the surveys for the naviga- tion of the rapids of the St. Laurence, &c., and was sent by Canadian Govt. to assist. U.S. Consul to report on Canadian Trade with U.S. ; in 1852 went to New York to assist in a second report on same subject, these reports led to the Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 ; in 1851 made preliminary surveys for the Grand Trunk Rail- way, and for the Railway Bridge over the St. Lawrence at Montreal, and was appointed Canadian Commr. for International Exhibition at London ; was nominated Engineer to Mon- treal Harbour Commrs. 1853 ; has constructed waterworks for cities of Montreal, Hamilton, and Ottawa, and been largely engaged in harbour and bridge engineering ; was sometime Ch. Engineer to Railways in Upper and Lower Canada, Commr. to International Exhibition, London, 1862, and Executive Commr. for Paris Exhibition 1878, and a member of International Jury for Architecture and Engineering (Officier of Legion of Honour); in 1869-70 published a series of letters advocating the Canadian Pacific Railway ; in 1886 was Vice-Pres. of American So. of Civil Engineers of New York, and Chm. of Roy. Commn. at Montreal on Ice Floods ; in 1887 was Pres. of Canadian So. of Civil En- gineers, and in 1888 Pres. of American So. of Civil Engineers ; elected a Member of Royal So. of Canada 1891 ; is a M.I.C.E. London ; cr. C.M.G. 1878. Ottawa, Canada. KEEN, Col. Frederick John, C.B. ; b. 1834 ; entered Bengal Army 1854, became Capt. 1866, Major 1874 Lieut.-Col. 1879, a "d Col 1883 ; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (medal with three clasps), in N.W. Frontier of India Campaign 1860 (medal with clasp), and in Afghan Campaign 1879-80 (medal); com- manded a 2nd class Dist., Bengal 1887-92, with rank of Brig.-Gen. ; cr. C.B. 1879. East India I 'nited Semice Cl-nb. KEEXK, Major Alfred, D.S.O., son of Henry George Keene, Esq., C.I.E. ; b. 1855 ; ed. at Elizabeth Coll., Guernsey ; entered R.A. 1874, became Capt. 1883, and Major 1891 ; served in Afghan War 1878-81 (mentioned in