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798 COMl'AXIONAGE. despatches, medal), and in Burmese Expedi- tion 1885-7 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp); cr. D.S.O. 1887. Junior Army and Navy Clul>. KEENE, Henry George, C. I. E. , son of the late Rev. Professor H. G. Keene.M.A., of Hai- leybury, Herts ; />. 1825 : ed. at Rugby, at Wadham Coll., Oxford (Hon. M.A. 18 ), and at East India Coll., Haileybury ; was in B.C.S. 1847-82; is a Fellow of Calcutta Univ. : in. ist, Fanny, who d. 1862, da. of Brig.-Gen. George Moore ; 2nd, Emilie, da. of Gen. H. E. S. Abbott ; cr. C.l.E. 1882. At/iena>um Club. KEIGHLEY, Major Charles Marsh, D.S. 0.; 6. 1847 ; entered Army 1867, became Capt. B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1879, and Major 1387; served during Afghan War 1878-9 (mentioned in despatches, medal), with Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition 1881 (mentioned in despatches), and with Hazara Field Force 1888 ; is an Assist.- Comy.-Gen., Bengal ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. reshaumr, Bengal. KEITH, Lieut. -Col. James, D.S.O., son of William Keith, Esq., M.D. ; b. 1842 ; entered R.A. iSoi, became Capt. 1875, Major 1881, and Lieut. -Col. 1890; served during Afghan War 1878-9 (medal), with Sikkim Ex- pedition 1888 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), and with Hazara Expedition 1891 (clasp) ; was D.A.A.G., R.A. Bengal 1882-7 : cr. D.S.O. 1891. KEKEWICH, George William, C.B., son of the late S. T. Kekewich, Esq. (M.P. for S. Devon), of Peamore, Devon ; b. 1841; ed. at Eton, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford; entered Education Depart, as Examiner 1867, became Senior Examiner 1871, and Sec. to the Com- mittee of Council on Education 1890; is Lord of the Manor of Newton St. Petroc ; cr. C.B. 1892. Afeadhitrst, Stinbury Common ; Junior Carlton Club. KEMPSTER, Lieut. -Col. Francis James, D.S.O. ; f>. 1855 ; entered looth Regt. 1875, be- came Capt. Prince of Wales's Leinster Regt. (Roy. Canadians) 1882, Major Roy. Minister Fusiliers 1889, and Brevet Lieut. -Col. 1889 ; served during Afghan War 1880 (medal), in Bechuanaland Expedition 1884-5 > n command of Corps of Guides (mentioned in despatches), and at action of Toski 1889 ; was attached to Egyptian Army 1886-92 ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. KKNNAWAY, Walter, C.M.G., son of William Kennaway, Esq. ; b. 1835 ; was Sec. of Public Works-, Canterbury Province, New Zealand 1870-74, since when he has been Sec. at New Zealand Govt. Offices in London ; acted as Agent-Gen. 1891: in. 1864; cr. C.M.G. 1891. Malda, Thicket Road, Ancrley, S.E. KENNEDY, Charles Malcolm, C.B., son of the late J. Kennedy, Esq., M.P. ; h. 1831 ; ed. atCaiasCoIL, Camb. (6.A. in honours 1854) ; en- tered Foreign Office 1852; appointed ist Assist, in Commercial Depart. 1869 ; engaged on special Ser. in the Levant 1870-1 ; promoted to be a Senior Clerk 1872 ; was a British Delegate in 1872 to Conferences in London respecting Sugar Convention with Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, British Commr. in Paris under Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with France of 1872, in 1873 British Commr. in Paris under Treaty of 1873, in 1875 an English repre- sentative on Joint Channel Tunnel Commn., in 1877 a Commr. to negotiate a new Treaty of Commerce with France, in 1880 Delegate at Congress of Commerce and Industry at Kru-.--els. a member of Roy. Commn. 1881-2 for negotia- ting a new Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with France, British Delegate to International Conferences at the Hague on N. Sea Fisheries ami Vice-Pres. of the Conference. 1882-7. a Delegate to International Conferences at Paris for protecting Submarine Telegraphs, Member of Committee and Juror for International Health Exhibition 1884, a Member of Advice Committee and Juror International Inventions Exhibition 1885, Chm. of British Jurors Antwerp Exhibition 1885, Vice-Pres. of Liverpool Exhibition 1885-6, and of Manchester Exhibition 1886-7, Delegate to International Conference (London) relative to Sugar Bounties 1887-9, and Member of Council of Edinburgh Exhibition and of Trades and Treaties Committee cf Board of Trade 1890, of Jamaica Exhibition 1891. and of Roy. Commn. for Chicago Exhibition 1893 : in. 1858, Mary, da. of the late James Tanner, Esq., of Kmgsnympton Park, Devon : cr. C.B. 1881. 27, Kensington Gate, II'.; National Club. KENNEDY, Frederick Charles, C.l.E., son of Peter Cuming Kennedy, Esq., merchant, of Edinburgh; b. 1849; Manager of the Irra- waddy Flotilla Co., Limited (Rangoon), and as such directed the Flotilla during Burmah Expedition 1886 : ///. 1881. Mary, da. of John Cuddie, Esq., of Falkirk ; cr. C.l.E. 1886. KENNEDY, Robert John, C.M.G. , son of Robert Stewart Kennedy, Esq., D.L., of Cultia, co. Down [see V. Bangor, colls.] ; b. 1851 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. honours 1874, M.A. 1883) : entered Diplo.. Serv. 1874 ; was attache at Madrid 1875-7, 3 r d Sec. at Constantinople 1877-9, 2r| d Sec. St. . Petersburg 1879-81, and at Constantinople, 1881-8, since when he has been Sec. of Legation at Teheran : acted as Agent and Consul-Gen, at Sophia 1882 and 1884, and as Charged' Affaires at Bucharest, April to Aug. 1886, and May to Oct. 1888, and in Persia April to Nov. 1889, and Nov. 1890 to Nov. 1891; is a J.P. for co. Down : in. 1883, Hon. Bertha Jane Ward, da. of 5th Viscount Bangor; cr. C.lVf.G. 1887. British Legation, Teheran ; Citltra, Holy'MOod, co. Down ; 4, Onslow Crescent, S. II '. : St. James's, Travellers' , Ulster, and Royal Ulster Yacht Clubs. KENNEDY, Lieut. -Gen. Thomas Gilbert, C.B. : b. 18 ; ed. at Cheltenham Coll. ; entered Bengal Army 1849, became Capt. 1861. Major 1864, Lieut. -Col. 1870, Col. 1875, Maj.-Gen. 1886, and Lieut.-Gen. 1800 ; served in Afghan Campaign 1878-9 (medal) ; formerly Comdt. 2nd Punjab Cav. and comdg. Punjab Frontier Force; cr. C.B. 1880. KERR, Maj.-Gen. Lord Ralph, C.B. [see M. Lothian]. KERR, Thomas, C.M.G., son of the late David Kerr, Esq. ; b. 1818 ; was Police Magistrate, Barbados 1860-9, Judge of Petty Debt Court 1860-74, and Judge of Assist. Court of Appeal 1874-80 ; represented St. Joseph in House of Assembly 1862-6 ; appointed Major Comdg. nth Regt. of Barbados Militia 1858, and M.L.C. 1876 ; administered Govt. of Grenada 1878-9 ; was Gov. and Ch. Justice of Falkland Islands 1880-91 ; author of " Kerr on the Cultivation of the Sugar-cane and the Manufacture of Sugar": in. 18 ; cr. C.M.G. 1887. KEYSER, Col. Frederick Charles, C.B., eldest son of the late Alfred Keyser. Esq., Cross Oak, Great Berkhampstead ; b. 1841 ; en- tered Army 1858, became Capt. 1868, Major 1880, Lieut. -Col. 2nd Batn. Roy. Fusiliers {City of London Regt.) 1881, Col. 1885, and Lieut.- Col. Comdg. 1886 (h.p. 1888) ; served in Afghan Campaign 1880-1 (three times mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp), Egyptian Campaign 1882 (severely wounded, medal with clasp, mentioned in despatches, C. B., 3rd class Medjidie) ; is Inspector of Army Signalling : in. 1872 ; cr. C.B. i332. 6, Roland Mansions,