Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/887

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COMPANIONAGE. SOQ (thanks of Gov.-Gen. of India for mil. works 1860, and of Netherlands-India Govt. for prisons 1860); employed (while on Ieave)i866 under Sur- veyor-Gen, of Prisons (London) in erection of Woking Female prison ; appointed Ch. Engineer, I .Straits Settlements on its transfer from India j 1867, Comptroller of Indian Convicts on behalf j of India 1868, and for settlement of lands, New j Territory, Province Wellesley 1871 ; officiated as Colonial Sec. 1868 ; appointed Surveyor- i Gen. to the Colony 1872 ; was Special I Commr. to Salangore and to Pangkor with Sir Andrew Clarke in settlement of affairs in Native i States 1874-5 ; went on Special Missions to Siam I !875_ (permitted by H.M. to accept Order of White Elephant) ; appointed first Ch. Commr. to j Perak 1875, present throughout the disturbances j i875-6,and engaged in the affair at Kotah Lamah j (medal with clasp) ; went on a Special Mission '< to Sungie Ujong 1878 ; was Sec. (fourth Official visit) to Sir W. Robinson's Mission to Siami878, and was Director of all public works in theColony 1857-80 ; erected Govt. House and Public offices by Convict Labour ; completed new Jails, Hos- pitals, and Water Works, Singapore, and de- signed and commenced Reclamation Scheme, j Singapore, 1879; was officiating L'eut.-Gov. Penang 1880-4, and sometime a M.E.C. and i M.L.C. of the Colony (thanked by Govt. on several occasions); author of "Perak and the j Malays " : in. 1849, Lillie Des Granges, da. of I the Rev.Benmngton H. Paine ; cr.C.M.G. 1879. i Scotia, Preston Park, Brighton; Athetueuiu Club. MACNEILI., Col. James Graham Robert Douglas, C.B. ; b. 1842 ; entered Madras Army 1859, became Capt. 1871, Major 1879, Lieut. -Col. 1885, and Col. 1890 ; served in third Burmese War 1885-6 as D.A.A. and Q.M.G. for Intelligence Depart, and acted guide to Column at attack on Minhla redoubt (severely wounded, men- tioned in despatches, medal with clasp); ;. 92, Rose Elizabeth, da. of the late Thomas Somers, Esq., of Mendip Lodge, Somerset, and widow of the Rev. W. A. Stewart ; cr. C.B. 1886. United Service and Junior United Service Clubs. IVlACONCHY, Ernest William Stuart King, D.S.O., son of the late George Maconchy, Esq., of Rathmore, co. Longford ; b. 1860 ; entered E. Yorkshire Regt. 1882, and became Lieut. I.S.C. 1883 ; served with Hazara Ex- peditions 1888 (medal with clasp) and 1891 (mentioned in despatches, clasp, D. S.O.); cr. D.S.0. 1891. MACPHERSON, Charles Gordon Welland, C.I.E., son of the late George Gordon Macpher- son, Esq. ; b. 1846 ; entered Bom. C.S.i86g ; is District and Sessions Judge at Kanara : in. 1873, a da. of the late Lieut. W. Chapman, R.E. ; cr. C.I.E. 1880. Kanara, Bombay. McSwiNEY, Capt. Edward Frederick Henry, D.S.O., son of the Rev. John Henry Herbert McSwiney, R. of Barnoldby-le-Beck, Lincolnshire ; b. 1858 ; entered 4oth Regt. 1879, and B.S.C. 1882 (appointed to Hyderabad Con- tingent), and became Capt. 1890 ; served during Afghan War 1880 (medal), and with Burmah Expedition 1886-8 (medal) : in. 1885, Ida Flo- rence, da. of Brig. -Surg. H. Knaggs ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. MADDEN, Major, George Colquhoun, D.S.O. ; b. 1856; entered ist W. India Regt. 1875, became Capt. 1881, and Major 1888 ; served in operations against Jebus 1892(0. S.O.); cr. D.S.O. 1892. MAHON, FUet-Surg. Edward Elphin- stone, C.B., son of the Rev. George William Mahon, M.A., H.E.I.C.S., formerly Garrison Chaplain at Fort St. George, Madras ; b. 1851 ; entered R.N. 1878, became Staff- Surg. 1 88 1, and Fleet Surg. 1890 ; served during Zulu War 1874 (medal), during Boer War 1881, present at actions of Laing's Nek and- Majuba Hill (mentioned in despatches, promoted), in Egyptian War, 1882, present at Kassassin and Tel-el-Kebir (medal with clasp, bronze star, 4th class Osmanieh), and in Bur- mah Campaign 1885-7 (medal with clasp); cr. C.B. 1892. MAHON Y, Lieut. -Col. John, C.M. (7., son of J. Mahony, Esq. ; b. 1824 ; entered 66th Regt. 1857, and became Capt. 1866 ; appointed Pay- master of 32nd Regt. 1867, became Hon. Major 1877, Staff Paymaster to R.A. 1880, and retired as Hon. Lieut. -Col. 1884 ; served in Kaffir War 1878 against the Gaikas ; appointed Ch. Pay- master to Forces in S. Africa 1879 at commence- ment of Campaign in Zululand, and assisted throughout the whole period until termination (medal with clasp, and special promotion to Staff Paymaster): in. 18 ; cr. C.M.G. 1879. A uckland House, Si. Andrew's Road, Southsea. MAINPRISE, Capt. William Thomas, C.B., son of W. R. Mainprise, Esq.,. 1817; entered R.N. 1830, became Master 1841, Com. 1860, Staff Capt. 1867, and retired Capt. 1869 ; en- gaged sounding before batteries of St. Jean d'Acre prior to bombardment 1840 (medal), and on similar service off Sebastopol previous to attack on Oct. i7th, 1854 (medal with clasp, Legion of Honour, sth class Medjidie, and Turkish medal) : m. 1846, Susannah Ursula, da. of William Bund, Esq., of Worcester ; cr. C.B. 1867. Wilton Lodge, Osborn Road. Farchain. MAINWARING, Lieut. -Gen. William George, C.I.E., and son of the late Rev. K. Mainwaring ; b. 1823 ; ed. at Shrewsbury ; entered Bombay Army 1843, became Capt. 1858, Major 1863, Lieut.-Col. 1869, Col. 1874, Maj.-Gen. 1885, and Lieut. -Gen. 1889; served in Punjab Campaign 1848-9 (medal with clasp), with Persian Expeditionary Force 1857 (medal with clasp), in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (medal), and in Affghan War 1879-80 (medal) ; formerly Comdt. 3oth Bombay N.I. : in. 1863, Ellen Saulez, da. of Capt. Haines, of the Indian Navy ; cr. C.I.E. 1878. 35, Cromwell Road, W. Brighton ; East India United Service Club. MAITLAND, Col. Eardley, C.B.; b. 1833 '> entered R.A. 1851, became Capt. 1859, Major 1872, Lieut.-Col. 1877, and Col. 1881 ; retired 1889 ; served throughout Indian Mutiny 1857-8, present at relief, defence, siege, and capture of Lucknow (mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps, and a year's service), and during Russo-Turkish War 1877, as Mil. Attache at Constantinople ; was Assist. -Sup. Roy. Gun Factory 1872-7, member of Ordnance Committee 1879-80, Sup. Roy. Gun Factory 1880-7, an d Director- Gen, of Ordnance Factories, with temporary rank of Major-Gen. 1887-9 : "* Ist > *&55< w ife d. 1877 ! 2n <i. '883 ; cr. C.B. 1887. MAITLAND, Col. James Makgill HERIOT-, C.B. [see E. Lauderdale, colls.]. MAITLAND, William James, C.I.E. [see Ramsay-Gibson-Maitland, Bart., colls.]. MAJENDIE, Col. Vivian Bering, C.B., son of Major John R. Majendie, of Pipe Grange, near Lichfield : b, 1836 ; entered R.A. 1854, became Capt. 1861,' Major 1872, Lieut.- Col. and Col. (retired) 1881 ; served in Crimean Campaign 1855 (medal with clasp and Turkish medal), and in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1858 (medal with clasp) ; was some- time Capt. Instructor in Roy. Laboratory, Woolwich, and Assist. Sup. of same Depart. 1861-71, since when he has been H.M.'s Ch.