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8io COMPANION AGE. Inspector of Explosives under Home Office: >n. 1863, Adelaide Frances, who d. 1868, da. of the Rev. H. Grylls ; cr. C.B. 1880. Spring- field, Old Charlton; Athena-urn and United Service Clubs. MALCOLM, Col. Edward Donald, C.B., son of John Malcolm, Esq., of Poltalloch, Argyleshire; b. 1837; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich; entered R.E. 1854, became Capt. 1861, Major 1868, Lieut. -Col. 1879, an d C'ol. 1883 ; served throughout Indian Mutiny 1857-8 (mentioned in despatches and medal with two clasps) ; in 1860 sent on special service from China to Japan ; was Inspector of Sub-Marine Defences 1882-4; is a J. P. for Argyllshire, a Boundary Commr. under Scotch Local Govt. Bill, and Engineer to Scotch Office for Piers and Harbours under the W. Highlands and Islands Act 1891 ; commanded R.E., N. British Dist. 1885-90 : m. 1867, Isabel Wyld, da. of the late J. Brown, Esq., of 78, Lancaster Gate, W. ; cr. C.B. 1881. i3, Queens Gate Place, S.W.; United Service and Junior Carlton Clubs MALCOLM, John Wingfield, C.B., el. son of John Malcolm, Esq., of Poltalloch, Argyllshne ; b. 1833 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch. , Oxford ; is Lieut. -Col., Comdt. and Hon. Col. (Vol. Officers' Decoration) 5th Vol. Batn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), a J.P. and D.L. for co. Argyll, and a J.P. for Kent ; sat as M .P: for Boston (C) 1860-74, when he was defeated ; re-seated upon a scrutiny, June, 1874, and resigned 1878 ; sat for Argyllshire 1886-92, when he was defeated: in. 1861, the Hon. Alice Frederica Irby, da. of 4th Baron Boston ; cr. C.B., 1892. Achna.rn.ara, Lochs;ilpktad, Argyllshire; 7, Great Stanltope Street, W. MALCOLMSON, Maj.-Gen. John Henry Porter, C~5.,son of the late John Porter Vals- court Beresford Malcolmson, of the Bom. Med. Ser. ; b. 1832 ; ed. at Addiscombe ; entered Bombay Artillery 1849, became Capt. 1858, Major 1869, Lieut.-Col. 1875, Col. 1880, and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1882; served with Rajpootana Field Force, 1857 (mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp), and commanded 3rd Sind Horsein AfghanCampaign i878-8o(medal, twice wounded and mentioned in despatches): m. 1860 Ada Jessie, da. of E. B. Meyer, Esq., of The Firs, East Sheen, Surrey ; cr. C.B. 1879. St. Al- bans, Ryde, Isle of Wight ; Junior United Service Club. b. 1825; ed., at Winchester; entered Bengal Infantry 1842, became Capt. 1857, Major 1862, Lieut.-Col. 1868, and Col. 1868 ; retired 1877 ; was in Indian Military Finance Depart. 1856-63, Sanitary Commr. to Govt. of India 1865-9, Con- troller-Gen, of Indian Military Finances during 1868, and Guardian to H.M. the Maharaja ot Mysore 1869-76; author of "History of the French in India," " Historical Sketch of the Native States of India," " History of the Indian Mutiny," " History of Afghanistan," "Herat," " Life of Lord Clive," &c. : in. 1856, Marian, da. of G.W. Battye, Esq. ; cr. C.S.I. 1872. 27,, West Cromwell Road, S. IV. ; Junior Carlton Club. MALTHUS, Col. Sydenham, C.B., el. son of Sydenham Malthus, Esq., of Albury, Surrey ; b. 1831 ; entered Army 1852, became Capt. 1863, -M a J r I ^7o, Lieut.-Col. 1877, and Col. (retired) 1880; commanded 94th Regt. in Zulu War 1879, present at Ulundi (medal) : m. 1867, Henrietta, el. da. of the late Rev. T. A. Maberly, V. of Cuckfield ; cr. C.B. 1879. Dalton Hill, Albury, Guildford; United Service and Constitutional Clubs. MANDERSON, Maj.-Gen. George Rennie, C.B., son of the late Capt. John Rennie Man- derson, H.E.I.C.S. ; b. 1834; ed. at Addis- combe ; entered Bengal Artillery 1851, became Capt. R.A. 1860, Major 1871, Lt.-Col. 1878, Col. 1882, and Hon. Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1885 ; served (/) in Burmese War 1852-3 (medal with, clasp), (if) in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857 (twice mentioned in despatches, and medal with three clasps), (Hi) in Jowakhi Expedition 1877-8 (mentioned in despatches and clasp on Burmah medal), and (iv) in Afghan Campaign 1878-9, including capture of Ali-Musjid (mentioned in despatches and medal with clasp) : m. ist, 1873, a da., who d. 1875, of the late Sir W. H. Walker ; 2nd, 1880, a da. of C. Herring-Cooper, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1881. Ai'onhurst, Tiddington, near Stratford-on-Avon. MANGLES, Maj.-Gen. Cecil, C.B., son of the late Capt. C. E. Mangles ; b. 1842 ; entered Bengal Cav. 1861, transferred to 2oth Hussars 1862, became Capt. 1873, Major 1879, Lieut.- Col. 1881, and Col. and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1885 ; commanded two squadrons of his Regt. in Suakin Expedition 1855 ; present at action of Hashier and subsequent operations (mentioned in despatches and C.B.) : m. 1891, Frances, da. of the late Daniel Mahony, Esq., of Dunloe Castle, Killarney, and widow of Capt. W. Fagan, i2th Lancers; cr. C.B. 1885. Xaval and Mili- tary Club. MALING, Capt. Irwin Charles, C.M.G., son of the late Robert Saunders Mating, Esq., Com. R.N. (sometime H.M.'s Salt Commr., , n/r f i i /- T/T /-> Bengal), of W. Herrington, co. Durham; b. ' MANN, Maj.-Gen. James Robert, C.M.G., 1841 ; ed. at Wimbledon Sch., and at ! son of Maj.-Gen. Cornelius Mann, R.E. ; b. Roy. Mil. Acad., Neustadt, Austria ; formerly 1823; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., oolwich; en- tered R.E. 1840, and became Hon. Maj.-Gen. 1873: served in Nova Scotia, Canada, Cape of Good Hope. Mauritius, and Jamaica ; was Surveyor - Gen. of Mauritius 1856-61, and Directcr of Roads, Surveyor-Gen., and Sup. of Public Works, Jamaica, 1867-86 : m. 1848, Caroline Boyd, da. of James Geddes, Esq., 8gtb, 35th, and 23rd Regts. ; retired 1879; served during Indian Mutiny 1858-9 (medal) ; was Private Sec. and A.D.C. to Sir A. E. Kennedy, C.B., Gov.-in.-Ch. of W. African Settlements (successfully carried out several special missions to native chiefs) 1868-70, Private Sec. to Marquess of Normanby, G.C.M.G. (successively Gov. of Queensland and New Zealand) 1871-9, and Colonial Sec. and Registrar-Gen., Grenada 1879-89, since when he has been Administrator of St. Vincent ; administered Govt. of Grenada 1880, 1882, 1884, .1885, and 1886-7, and acted as Colonial Sec. of Leeward Islands, and Pres. of Antigua 1888, and as Administrator of Leeward i Islands 1889 : in. i?6S, Emily Ann, only da. of | the Rev. Benjamin Whitelock, M.A., of Groom- , bridge, Kent ; cr. C.M.G. 1892. Government ! House, St. Vincent, H'. Indies; Junior United Service Club. MAILESON, Col. George Bruce, C.S.f. ; M.D. and Staff-Surg. Army Med. Depart. ; cr. C.M.G. 1881. MANSEL, Major Alfred, D.S.O., son of the late Capt. W. H. Hansel, Inniskilliog Dragoons ; b. 1852 ; entered R.A. 1872, became Capt. 1881, and Major 1889 ; served with Naga Hill Expedition 1879-80 in command of R.A., present at storming of Khonoma (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), with Mahsud Wazeeree Expedition 1881 with Jank Column, and with Burmah Expedition 1886-7 in com- mand of R.A., present at advance on Moungwi (mentioned in despatches, 2 clasps) ; cr. D.S.O. i8ci.