Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/924

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846 COMPANIONAGE. loughby; b. 1837; formerly Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. ; was Registrar of Calcutta Univ. 1877-82513 Principal of Preidency Coll., Bengal : tn. 1867, Constance Catherine, da. of Charles Fox, Esq., M.D. ; cr. C.I.E. iSSS. residency j r ... College, Calcutta; Bengal (Calcutta) Club. 1843; entered 2 4 th Regt. 1863, became Capt. TAYLOR, Edward Barnett Anderson, Commr. in Central, E. and S. Divs. of Upper Burmah 1889-90, since when he has been Ch. Sec. to Ch. Commr. of Burmah ; cr. C.I.E. 1886. Rangoon; East India United Service Club. SYMONS, Col. William Penn, C.B. ; l>. 1878, Major 1881, Brevet Lieut. -Col. 1886, and Brevet Col. 1887 ; served in S. African War J 877-9 (medal with clasp), in Burmah War 1885-8, as D.A.A. and Q.M.G. (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, Brevets Lt.-Col. and Col.), and with Chin-Lushai Expedition 1890 ; was A.A.G., Madras, 1882-5 and 1886-7 I cr. C.B. 1890. SYMONDS, Edward Stace, C.M.G., son of the late Samuel Symonds, Surgeon R.N. ; b. 1816 ; entered service of Govt. of Victoria 1852, and became Assist. Commr. of Crown Lands same year, Senior Assist. Commr. in charge of financial operations at Gold Fields 1853, Gold Receiver, Melbourne, 1857, and Under- Treasurer for Colony 1857-87, when he retired on a pension : in. ist, 1838, Emily, da. of the late John Mudie Wilson, Esq., of Sydney, N.S.W. ; 2ndly, 1879, Annie Augusta, da. of the late Manvell Allez, Esq. , of Guernsey ; ?rdly, 1882, Edith, da.of the late John Rickards, Esq., of Sydney, N.S.W.; cr. C.M.G. 1886. Melbourne, Victoria. TALBOT, Major Adalbert Cecil, C.I.E. [see E. Shrewsbury, colls.]. TALBOT, George, C.B., son of the late Capt. James Talbot, Grenadier Guards ; b. 1823; C.M.G., son of the late Robert Taylor, Esq.; b. 1827 ; ed. at S. Univ. of Pennsylvania, an I at King's Coll., Bahamas ; entered Civil Ser. 1847 ; Bar. of Bahamas 1848 ; was Private Sec. and A.D.C. to four successive Governors of Bahamas ; appointed Capt.-Comdt. of New Providence Vol. Rifle Corps 1853 ; was Police Magistrate 1862, Acting Receiver-Gen, and Treasurer 1862-3, Acting Colonial Sec. 1867, Acting Assist. Justice 1869, Acting Ch. Justice 1869-70 and 1873-4, and Colonial Sec. and Auditor 1874-90 ; held a Commn. as Adminis- trator of Govt. during absence of the Gov. ; administered the Govt. 1879, 8> '81, '8-2, '83, '84, '86, '87, '88, '89 and '90; is a J.P. for the Bahamas ; sometime member for City of Nassau in House of Assembly (16 years leader of the Govt.) ; was Pres. of Central Committee for securing a representation of products, &c., of the Colony of Bahamas at International Fisheries and at Colonial and Indian Exhibi- tions, London ; retired 1890 (title of Hon. allowed to be retained in Colony) : ;//. ist, 1852, Harriet Walker, who d. 1857, da. of the late Henry Adderley, Esq. ; 2nd, 1861, Elizabeth Anne, da. of Robert Levis, Esq., of Ireland ; cr. C.M.G. 1884. Nassau, Netv Pro-sidcnce, Bahamas. entered i3th Foot 1842, and retired 1852 ; served j TAYLOR, Col. John Lowther DlJ PLAT-, in Afghan War 1842 (two medals) ; was Resident Magistrate in Ireland 1851-71, Assist. Commr. Dublin Metropolitan Police 1871-7, and Ch. Commr. 1877-82 ; is a J.P. for co. Wexford : /;;. 1852, Mary, el. da.of Francis O'Beirne, Esq., D.L. andJ.P.,of Garnestown House, co.Leitrim; cr. C.B. 1883. St. George s Yacht Club. TALROT, Col. the Hon. Reginald Arthur James, C.B. [see E. Shrewsbury]. C^.B., son of Capt. Taylor, Paymaster of Pen- sioners of King's German Legion ; i>. 1829 ; ed. at Sandhurst ; entered Consular Ser. in China 1844, but retired (invalided) 1846; in Sec.'s Office, G.P.O., 1852-1870; formerly Capt. and Major Civil Ser. Vols. ; is Director of East and West India Dock Co., and Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col. 24th Middlesex (Post Office) Vols., which Regt. he raised in 1868; cr. C.B. 1887. 36, Victoria Street, S.W. ; Athencfiim Club. spatches, and medal with clasp); formerly Lieut. - Col. comdt. ist. Batn. the King's (Liverpool) Regt. : in. 1867, Georgina Wyndham, da. of Lieut.-Gen. George William Powlett Bingham, C.B., of the Vines, Rochester ; cr. C.B. 1881. Woodside, Old Shirley, Southampton. lion 1838-9 (it) as Sure, zgth Regt. Campaign, (medal with clasp), (Hi) as Surg. 8oth Regt. in Burmah War 1852-3, (medal with clasp) , and (zV) in medical charge of 3rd Div, before Sebastopol from March 1855 to end of war (medal with clasp, C.B., and Turkish medal) : in. 1842, Frances, da. of the late S. Jarvis, Esq., judge of County Stormont, Canada ; cr. C.B. 1855. Elton Villa, Cheltenham; United Service and Cheltenham New Clubs. TANNER, Capt. John Arthur, D.S.O., son of J. Tanner, Esq., of Poulton, Marl- borough ; b. 1858 ; ed. at Cheltenham Coll., and TAYLOR, Col. Robert Lewis, C.B.. 3rd at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich ; became Lieut, j son of James Taylor, Esq., Bom. C. S. ; b. 1822 R.E. i877,and Capt. 1888; served with Mahsud e d. at Addiscombe ; entered Bombay Army Wazin Expedition 1881, with Soudan Expedi- i 1838 and retired as Col. 1865 ; was Interpreter to tion 1885-6 (medal with clasp), and with Burmah i 3 th N.1. 1839, A dj. Left Wing iSth N.I. 1840 Expedition 1885-8 (thrice mentioned in de- Under-Resident at Indore 1840-51, on staff of spatches, medal with clasp) ; cr. D. S.O. i Junior United Service Club. TATUM, Corny. -Gen. Henry, C.B., son of the late Captain William Tatum, Mil. Sec. at Barbados ;. b. 1819 ; ed. at St. Paul's Sch. ; was Ordnance Storekeeper at the Bos- phorus 1855 until close of Russian War, Mil. Storekeeper at Weedon 1857-8, at Malta 1858-61, and at the Tower 1861, Assist. Director of Artil- lery Stores at WarOffice 1871-5, and Comy.-Gen. Portsmouth 1876-9 : m. 1863, Margaret, da. of the late Charleb Price Green, Esq., barrister-at- law ; cr. C.B. 1869. TAWNEY, Charles Henry, C.I.E., son of Maj.-Gen. F. Stalker at capture of Reshire and surrender of Bushire 1856 ; present at battle of Khooshab 1857 : was Mil. Sec. to the Rt. Hon. SirC. A. Murray,K.C.B., Ambassador to Persia 1854-6, Political Sec. to Com.-in-Ch. in Persia (Sir James Outram), and head of Intelligence Dep. and Persian Interpreter 1857 ! present at capture of Mohamra (medal with clasp), and Commr. to Herat 1856-7, and Political Agent at Jeypore 1858-0, and at Meywar 1859-62 : tu. 1862, Emma, sister of Sir William Cunningham Bruce, 9th Bart., and widow of Major Edward Henry Simpson, of the Bom. Cav. ; cr. C.B. 1859. 22, Gay Street, Bath : Bath and County Club. of the Rev. Richard Tawney, R. of Wil- TELANG, Hon. Kashilialtll Trimbak,