Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/925

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COMPANIONAGE. 847 C.I.E., son of Trimbak Ramchandra Telang, Esq., head book-keeper to Messrs. Forbes and Co., of Bombay; b. 1850; ed. at Elphinstone Coll. and at Govt. Law School, Bombay (B. A. Bombay Univ. 1868, M.A. in English and Sanskrit Languages 1870, LL. B. 1870, &c.) ; Advocate of High Court of Bombay 1872 : appointed Govt. Professor of Law in Govt. Law Sch. in 1881, and a member of Indian Education Commn. 1882 ; elected a member of Sydicate of Bombay Univ. 1882, of Municipal Corporation of Bombay 1883, Chm, of Managing Committee of Charitable Institutions of the late Gokuldas Tejpal 1884, and a M.L.C. of Govt. of Bombay 1884 ; has been a Puisne Judge of High Court of Judicature, Bombay, since 1889: in. 1862, Putalbai, otherwise Anpurnabai, da. of the late Anandray Bhavanshankar, Esq. ; cr. C.I.E. 1884. Bombay. TEMPLE, Col. Charles Pilcher, D.S.O., son of the late James Temple, Esq., of St. Mar- garets, near Dover ; b. 1843 ; entered 4gth Regt. 1862, became Capt. 1874, Major 1881, Lieut.- Col. 1886, and Col. 1890 (h.p. 1891) ; com- manded ist Batn. Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Roy. Berkshire Regt.) 1887-91, and also (when Major) in Nile Expedition 1885-6, including battle of Ginnes (mentioned in despatches, medal, bronze star); has commanded Regt. Dist. No. 29 since 1892 : nt. 1875, Rosabelle Charlotte Campbell, only da. of Vice-Adm. Charles Wright Bonham ; cr. D.S.O. 1886. Worcester; The Cedars, Reading. TENNANT, Lieut.-Gen. James Francis, C.I.E. ; b. 1829; entered Bengal Engineers 1847, became Capt. and Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1869, Col. 1870, Maj.-Gen. 1883, and Lieut.-Gen. (retired) 1884 ; served in Indian Mutiny Cam- paign 1858 (medal with clasp) ; cr. C.I.E. 1879. n, Clifton Gardens, Mazda Hill, W. TERXAN, Capt. Trevor Patrick Breffney, D.S.O., son of Lieut.-Gen. A. H. Ternan, B. S.C. ; b. 1860 ; entered Army 1879, and be- came Capt. 1868 ; served during Afghan War 1880-81 (medal), in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal, bronze star), with Nile Expedition 1884-5, present at action of Ginnis (clasp), as D.A.A.G. on Nile Frontier 1887-8 (4th class Osmanieh), and as D.A.A.G. during operations on Nile.and as Brig.-Maj. of Inf. at battle of Toski 1889 (horse shot, mentioned in despatches, D.S.O.); has been attached to Egyptian Army since 1884 ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. TEVERSHAM, Capt. Richard Kinlock, D.S.O., son of the late Major Mark Teversham ; b. 1856 ; entered Army 1875, and became Capt. M.S.C. (now I. S.C.) 1886 ; served with Burmah Expedition 1886-7 (medal) : m. 1888, Ethel Mary, el. da. of W. A. Symonds, Esq., Sup. of Central Jail, Coimbatore ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. THACKERAY, Col. Edward Talbot, C.B., V.C.; b. 1836 ; entered Bengal Engineers 1854, became Capt. R.E. 1865, Major 1872, Lieut.- Col. 1880, and Col. 1884 ; retired 1888 ; placed on Supernumerary List 1886 ; served through- out Indian Mutiny 1857-9 (mentioned in de- spatches, medal with two clasps, and V.C.); and in Afghan War 1879-80 (severely wounded, mentioned in despatches, and medal); cr. C.B. 1886. THACKWELL, Gen. Joseph Edwin, C.B., 4th son of the late John Thackwell, Esq., of Wilton Place, Dymock ; b. 1813 ; entered Army 1834, became Capt. 1848, Major 1854, Lieut.-Col. 1855, Col. 1861, Maj.-Gen. 1874, Lieut. -Gen. 1878, and Gen. (retired) i$8i ; served with 22nd Regt. in Sind (medal), in campaign in S. Mahratta country 1844-5, and in Crimean- Campaign T 854-5 (medal with three clasps, Legion of Honour, jth class Medjidie and Sardinian and Turkish medals); wasD.A.G. in Canada 1865-70; appointed Col. Connaught Rangers 1890 : m. ist, Maria, da. of the late Col. Henry Burnside, 6ist Foot ; 2nd, 1878, Lucy Helen, widow of the Rev. Canon Newlove, of St. Leonard's, Prestbury ; cr. C.B. 1869. St. Leonard's, Eresham Road, Cheltenliain ; United Service and Clicltcnham A'ew Clubs. THACKWELL, Maj.- Gen. WilliarndeWilton Roche, C.B., son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir Joseph Thackwell, G.C.B., K.H. ; b. 1834 ; entered Army 1853, became Capt. 1858, Mnjor 1873, Lieut.-Col. 1878, Col. 1882, and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1887; served in Crimean Campaign 1 854- 5, including siege and fall of Sebastopol, attacks on the Redan June 18 and September 8th (men- tioned in despatches, medal with clasp, 5th Class Medjidie and Turkish medal), and in Egyptian Campaign 1882 whilst commanding 38th Regt., and subsequently acted as Brig. -Gen. in com- mand of Ramleh Field Force, and commanded left column at reconnaissance in force of August 5 (mentioned in despatches, medal, bronze star, and 3rd Class Medjidie) ; com. 8th and 4oth Regt. Dists. 1884-7 : '" l86 4 Charlotte, da. of the Rev. H. Tomkinson, of Reaseheath Hall, Ches- hire ; cr. C.B. 1886. Aghada Hall, co. Cork; United Service and Junior Carlton Clubs. THELWALL, Maj.-Gen. John Bulkeley, C.B., son of the late Rev. E. Thelwall, of Llanhedr ; b. 18 ; entered Army 1843, became Capt. 1849, Major 1859, Lieut.-Col. 1868, Col. 1873, an d Maj.-Gen. 1880; served with 24th Regt. in Punjab Campaign 1848-9 (medal with two clasps), with Expeditionary Force on Euzof- zaie border 1858 (medal with clasp), in Oude Campaign 1858-9 (mentioned in despatches, thanked by Gov.-Gen., medal), in Joynteah Hills during Rebellion 1862-3, and in command of 2ist Bengal N.I. during Abyssinian Cam- paign 1867 (mentioned in despatches, medal); ;//. 18 , Gertrude, da. of W. L. Wilson, Esq. : cr. C.B. 1859. THESIGER, Hon. Edward Pierson, C.B. [see B. Chelmsford]. THOMAS, Capt. Alan Brodrick, C.B., son of the late Freeman Thomas, Esq., of Ration, Sussex; b. 1844; entered R.N. 1856, became Lieut. 1865, Com. 1878, and Capt. 1882 ; served at Bombardment of Alexandria as Com. of Flag Ship "Alexandra" (mentioned in despatches), and with Naval Brig, in Egypt 1882 (medal with clasp, bronze star, promoted) ; was Comdt. of Victorian Naval Forces 1883-9 is Capt. of H.M.S. "Trafalgar": m. 1885, Mary Elizabeth, da. of Robert Power, Esq., of Melbourne, Victoria; cr. C.B. 1891. Naval and Military and United Service Clubs. THOMAS, Lieut.-Gen. John Wellesley, C.B. [see Thomas, Bart., cr. 1694]. THOMPSON, Daniel Robert, M.D., C.I.E. ; b. 18 ; M.D. St. Andrew's 1860, M.R.C.S. Eng. 1861 ; entered Indian Med. Depart. 1867, and became Surg.-Maj. 1879 ; retired 1888 ; formerly Med. Inspector of Emigrants, Madras ; cr. C.I.E. 1879. THOMSON, Col. Robert Thomas WHITE-, C.B., el. son of the late Robert Thomson, Esq., of Camphill, Renfrewshire ; b. 1831 ; formerly Major ist Dragoon Guards ; has been Lieut. - Col. Comdt. 4th Batn. Devonshire Regt. since 1867 (Hon. Col. 1882) ; is a J.P. for Kent and Devon, and patron of Jacobstowe R., Devon ; assumed by royal licence 1875 the additional surname of White ; unsuccessfully contested Devonshire, W., or Tavistock, Di . (L U) 1892 : vi. 1857, Fanny Julia, da. of Gen. Sir Henry Robert Ferguson-Davie, ist Bart. : cr.C.B. 1892. Broomford, Exbonrne, Dc-'on; A rmy and Navy Club.