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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Residence, The Vicarage, Stratford-on-Avon. Club, United University Si- - Glasgow. Issue of the late Archibald Francis Arbuthnot, Esq., 4th son of ist baronet, b. 1805, d. 1879 : in. 1837, the Hon. Gertrude Sophia, who d. 1882, da. of the ist Viscount Gough : William, C.B., b. 1838; ed. at Eton ; is Maj.-Gen. and A.A.G. at Horse Guards; served in Indian Mutiny campaign 1857-8 (medal with clasp), and in Abyssinian campaign as A.D.C. and Mil. Sec. to Baron Napier of Magdala (medal, and mentioned in despatches) ; commanded i4th Hussars in Boer War 1881, and Cav. of Army of Occupation in Egypt, 1882-3; was D.A. and (J. M.G. in Soudan War 1885 (mentioned in despatch, medal with clasp, bronze star, and C.B.); C.B. in. ist, 1865, the Hon. Alice Pitt, who d. 1865, da. of 4th Baron Rivers; 2ndly, 18' Major Madras Army: in. 1872, Anne Elizabeth, widow of the late Surg.-Maj. Alexander Russell Atkinson, M.D., and da. of W. W. Ball, Esq., of Cape Town, and has issue living, Archibald Hugh, b. 1875, Ernest Kennaway, b. 1876 ; is a Naval Cadet, William Patrick, b. 1878, Edith Gertrude. George Gough, b. 1848: ed. at Eton; is a merchant and banker at Madras: in. 1873, Isabella, da. of the Rev. the Hon. Richard Cavendish Boyle [see E. Cork], and has issue living, Cecil Albinia. Residence, 4, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. Clubs, Junior Carlton, Oriental, Windham. Frances (Lady Kennaway): m. 1866, Sir John Henry Kennaway, M.P., 3rd baronet. Residences, Escot, Ottery St. Mary, Devon ; 14, Hyde Park Square, W. Anne Gertrude Grace. Grandchildren of the late Archibald Francis Arbuthnot, Esq. (ante) : Issue of the late Robert George Arbuthnot, Esq., b. 1843, d. 1890 : in. 1885, Helen Mary, da. of Sir William Muir, K.C.S.I. [see E. Wemyss and March, colls.] : " Robert Wemyss Muir, 6. 1889. J ean Marjorie. Elizabeth Gertrude Gough (twin). Issue of the late William Urquhart Arbuthnot, Esq., 5th son of ist baronet, b. 1807, d. 1874: in. 1834, Eliza Jane, who d. 1892, da. of the late Gen. Sir Henry George Andrew Taylor, G.C.B. : Frederick George, b. 1845. Club, Constitutional. Reginald ijames Hugh, b. 1853. Club, Junior Athenaeum.' has Coll., Oxford. Mary Charlotte: in. 1868, Arthur Brandreth, Esq., formerly Judge of Ch. Court, Punjab. Residence, 81, Onslow Square, S.W. Helen. Issue of the late Hon. James Edward Arbuthnot (of the Mauritius), 6th son of ist baronet, b. 1809, d. 1868 : in. 1837, Harriet Frances, da. of Gen. William Staveley, C.B.: William Staveley, b. 1841. Robert Charles Edward, b. 1843. George Ireland, b. 1847 : in. 18 , May Gumming, da. of the late D. Munro, Esq., and has issue living, a son and two daus. Ann : in. 1862, Edward Douglas. Esq., who d. 1867 [see M. Queensberry, colls. ]. Harriet Gertrude. Louise FitzGerald L'Estrange. Emily Frederica : ;. 1879, Walter Fox Williamson Wells, Esq., Dep. Commr. , India, and has issue living, one son and three daus. Residence, Cursetjee Rustomjee, N.W. Provinces, I ndia.-^ Charlotte Elizabeth. Frances Henrietta. This family is a branch of the Lairds of Arbuthnot, who have held lands in Kincardineshire from about 1160. The ist baronet, Sir William, Lord Provost of Edinburgh in 1822, entertained George IV. at a public banquet in that city, and was created a baronet by the King in person, the patent, how- ever, bearing date 1823. ARMSTRONG, Creation 1841, of Gallen Priory, King's County. Rev. Sir EDMUND FREDERICK ARMSTRONG, 2nd Baronet; b. May ayth, 1836; s. his father, Sir ANDREW, 1863; ed. at King's Coll., London ; formerly Vicar of Skeirke, Incum- bent of Borris-in-Ossory, Queen's co. ; formerly Chap, to Earl Spencer, K. G. , Lord-Lieut, of Ireland: m. 1865. Alice Anne, who d. 1875, el. da. of William Windsor Fisher, Esq., and has issue. ^rms Quarterly : ist and 4th, argent, issuing from the sinister side a dexter arm habited gules, the hand grasping the trunk of an oak-tree eradicated and broken at the top proper ; 2nd and 3rd, argent, three pallets azure. Crist An armed arm embowed, the hand grasping the broken trunk of an oak-tree eradicated all proper. Residence Gallen Priory', Ferbane, King's CO. Invictus maneo. I am still unconquered. g(?ns ] lvln g_ A x DREW HARVEY, b. May ?3 rd, 1866; is Capt. 3 rd Batn. Prince of Wales's Leinster Regt. (Roy. Canadians). Nesbitt William, b. 1875. Daughters living Beatrice Frances. Gertrude Adelaide. Constantia Jessie Armstrong. Katherine Edith Armstrong. Brothers living Andrew Charles, b. 1845 ; ed. at Royal Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; formerly Lieut, znd