Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 6 (1897).djvu/13

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CONTENTS ix A.D. PAGE 1060 Duke of Apulia ... 187 His Italian Conquest ... ... ... ... ... ... 188 School of Salerno ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 189 Trade of Amalphi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 190 1060-1090. Conquest of Sicily by Count Roger ... ... ... 191 1081 Robert invades the Eastern Empire ... ... ... ... 193 Siege of Durazzo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 195 The Army and March of the Emperor Alexius ... ... ... 197 Battle of Durazzo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 199 1082 Durazzo taken ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 201 Return of Robert, and Actions of Bohemond ... ... ... 202 1081 The Emperor Henry HI. [IV.] invited by the Greeks ... ... 203 1081-1084. Besieges Rome ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 204 Flies before Robert ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 204 1084 Second Expedition of Robert into Greece ... ... ... 205 1085 His Death ... ... ... ... ... ... 207 1101-1154. Reign and Ambition of Roger, great Count of Sicily ... 208 1127 Duke of Apulia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2og 1130-1139. First King of Sicily ... ... ... ... ... ... 210 1122-1152. His Conquest in Africa ... ... ... ... ... 210 1146 His Invasion of Greece ... ... ... ... ... ... 212 His Admiral delivers Louis VII. of France ... ... ... 213 Insults Constantinople ... ... ... ... ... ... 213 1148, 1149. The Emperor Manuel repulses the Normans ... ... 214 1155 He reduces Apulia and Calabria ... ... ... ... ... 214 1155-1174. His Desire of acquiring Italy and the Western Empire ... 215 Failure of his Designs ... ... ... .. ... ... 216 1156 Peace with the Normans ... ... ... ... ... ... 217 1185 Last War of the Greeks and Normans ... ... ... ... 217 1154-1166. William I. the Bad, King of Sicily ... ... .„ ... 218 1166-1189. William II. the Good .. ... ... ... ... 219 Lamentation of the Historian Falcandus ... ... ... ... 219 1194 Conquest of the Kingdom of Sicily by the Emperor Henry VI. 221 1204 Final Extinction of the Normans ... ... ... ... ... 223 CHAPTER LVII The Turks of the House ofSeljuk — Their Revolt against Mahmud, Conqueror of Hindostan — Togrul subdues Persia, and protects the Caliphs — Defeat and Captivity of the Emperor Romaniis Diogenes by Alp Arslan — Power and Magnificence of Male k Shah — Conquest of Asia Minor and Syria — State and Oppression of Jerusalem — Pilgrimages to the Holy Sepulchre The Turks 224 997-1028 Mahmud, the Gaznevide ... ... ... ... ... 224 His twelve Expeditions into Hindostan ... ... ... ... 225 His Character ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 227 980-1028. Manners and Emigration of the Turks, or Turkmans ... 230 1038 They defeat the Gaznevides, and subdue Persia ... ... ... 231 1038-1152. Dynasty of the Seljukians ... ... ... ... ... 231 1038-1063. Reign and Character of Togrul Beg 232