Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 6 (1897).djvu/14

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CONTENTS 1055 He delivers the Caliph of Bagdad His Investiture 1063 And Death 1050 The Turks invade the Roman Empire 1063-1072. Reign of Alp Arslan... 1065-1068. Conquest of Armenia and Georgia ... 1068-1071. The Emperor Romanus Diogenes ... 1071 Defeat of the Romans [Battle of Manzikert] Captivity and Deliverance of the Emperor 1072 Death of Alp Arslan ... 1072-1092. Reign and Prosperity of Malek Shah 1092 His Death Division of the Seljukian Empire ... 1074-1084. Conquest of Asia Minor by the Turks The Seljukian Kingdom of Roum ... 638-1099. State and Pilgrimage of Jerusalem ... 969-1076. Under the Fatimite Caliphs ... 1009 Sacrilege of Hakem ... 1024 Increase of Pilgrimages 1076-1096. Conquest of Jerusalem by the Turks PAGE 233 234 235 235 236 236 237 239 240 242 243 246 247 248 249 251 254 255 255 256 CHAPTER LVIII Origin and Numbers of the First Crusade — Characters of the Latin Princes — Their March to Constantinople — Policy of the Greek Emperor Alexius — Conquest of Nice, Antioch, andjferusalem, by the Franks — Deliverance of the Holy Sepulchre — Godfrey of Bouillon, first King of jfernsalem — Institidions of the French or Latin Kingdom 1095-1099. The first Crusade ... Peter the Hermit 1095 Urban II. in the Council of Placentia Council of Clermont ... Justice of the Crusaders ... ... ... Spiritual Motives and Indulgences ... Temporal and Carnal Motives Influence of Example 1096 Departure of the first Crusaders Their Destruction in Hungary and Asia ... .:. The Chiefs of the first Crusade I. Godfrey of Bouillon II. Hugh of Vermandois, Robert of Normandy, Robert Flanders, Stephen of Chartres, &c. ... III. Raymond of Toulouse ... IV. Bohemond and Tancred Chivalry ... ... 1096, 1097. March of the Princes to Constantinople Policy of the Emperor Alexius Comnenus He obtains the homage of the Crusaders ... Insolence of the Franks of 259 259 261 263 266 268 271 272 273 275 278 278 279 280 281 282 284 287 289 291