Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/18

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] 0 CONTEN'TS. 6. Nothing material is presented etse- where 46 7. The contrs? doctrine is the source of numerous and great errors, such as Shakerism, Mormonism, &c. 46 IlL 7? Scripture, ?e ? or ? 46 1. Romanisto ss? they are obscure 47 2. The writers of them must, at leut, be as competent as other writers 47

3. The Old Testament was given to

the Jews 4,7 4. The New wn addreined to all the s?nts 47 �hey are represented as a/?At, to b?trp. ct, and guide 47, 48 6. Examination of 2 Peter iii, 16 4/9, 49 7. Protestants provide against the ob- seurity of Scripture 49 8. Ability to understand them tbe- roughly, not the rule of pe?inn to ?fici?n:?d read them 49, 50 of the Church of Rome, beth in explaining, and promoting a knowledge of Scripture 50 9. Mankind liable to fall into error 50, 51 IV*. Th? 8c?pture thz rule, amt o?ly r?l?, of fa?th a?d practice 51 1. The Protestant and Roman Catho- lic rules defined 51 2. The Scripture point? out no other rule than itself 51 3. The primitive church acknowledg- ed no other 51 4. Private judgment not the Pmte?t- ant rule Protestant rule explained 51, 52 Intodated private judgment con- sidered 52-54 5. Uncertainty of the Roman Catholic rule 54 They are obliged to adopt some- times the Prutestant rule 54 Dr. Wiseman cited 54 An ?t off, irA 54 Implk?f? a substitute fo? faith 54 The absurdity of it 54' The '* 54 The curious di?tinction? they make, and theit definitio? 55 Doubts of Roman Catholics and Ptotostant? comlm'ed 55 Dr. Milner's objection, tkat Pro- answered 55, 56 Ob?_., "The church had not ?3cripture always," 57 Obj., "Many books of t? Old T?ent a? l?t" 57 ?ey deem t? Bible unn?o,m? ?ey have no c?in ? 8. The? ? no new ?velafim ? the chu?h ? co?titute a new ?e Not the ch?h Nor ?e fuhe? Nor eouncih N? d?s of ? Nor t?tion 1. First. ?pt? ? the ?e to fo? �?fe? f? or u f? u m? ca?le ?. ,?. It ? the ?le ? form t? 59 3. For t? a m? ne? stud? the pv? ?e qu?ti? of can? 4. Nor ? the ori? ian?ag? ?5. N? e?t ?eten 60 ?6. F?r th? ?!y a? ? fo? a true fait? which ?y ? t? by all? ?st. To ? w? ? f? ?ation 60, 61 7. 8e?. Adapt? ? t? ?p?ity of all 8. T?. Fo?s ? t?e ?? ? the mind 61 9. F?r?. F? f?m ? er- ? 61, 6? ?. ? ? to r?d t? ?? 6? 1. ?t?n? of the Chu?h of ? ? th? ?int F?h role ? the l?ex 6% ?us ?I.?BuH of Ju? 1816 ?e ?'s bull of ?pt. lSt? Bull of ? X., dat? M?y 18? Bull Unigenitus ? 1713 D?o?t opinions of ?m?im on this 67 ? M? eit? 67 ?nt?en? of the l? el? 67, ?e, ?ever, ?t m apple of e?ulati? tha ?? Bishop ?eli's o?n ?, 69 ?. H?i's sentiment 69, 70 ?me ?a!ly favor ?eh ti? but ?y ? ?n?y ? to it 70 ?e ?ptu? ? ?uth Am? aM ?t ? ?, 71 ?. ? ?ould ? t? B? ? Digitized by GO02Ic