Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/293

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 231 Turk. D.D. F.C. D.D. F.C. D.D. F.C. D.D. F.C. F.C. Doctor. F. C. Doctor. F.C. Doctor. For to maintain the crown of old England aright, So arise, and go thy way. Behold, ye see me arise and go my way, God bless Saint George and all his royal ships at sea. [S. George calls the guard. The guard marches round singing twice. ] See that proud Turk a marching up and down. With his hands into his pockets and his head a hanging down, His pocket's Uned with blue and his heart is never true, Take him off into the castle, for this will never do. Enter Dame Dolly with a besom : loquitur. Here comes I, old dame Dorothy, With my great authority. Lumps of pudding and pieces of beef, My mother gave me when I was a thief. Lumps of pudding and pieces of bread, My mother gave me when I was a maid. Look up my back and see how its swoUed, Look up in the tower and hear my bells. [Shakes bells in cap.} Enter FATHER CHRISTMAS : loquitur. Hello, old Bet 1 Hello, Jan ! Where you been to, then ? That's my business. Where 's that drippence I give thee last night ? I spent it And where 's my share ? I eat my half first and yours was so good that I eat yours [They fight. D. D. is killed.] [afterwards. O Doctor, Doctor ! Is there a Doctor can be found. Can cure my wife of this deep and deadly wound ? Enter Doctor : loquitur. yes, O yes, there is a Doctor, and a Doctor can be found. What 's your name ? Doctor Ben. What 's thy fee ? Ten pounds and a crown. What can you cure ? Hitch, pitch, pox, palsy and the gout, All pains within and all pains without. And if the very old Nick's in a man, 1 can fetch him out (again), [Goes to Dame Dolly.] Here, old jig, take a drop of my flip flop, And run it up thy very tip top. And rise and fight again. [D. D. gets up. D. D. and F. C. scuffle and run out. Doctor exit solus]