Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/294

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232 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. Enter Black Man : loquitur. Here am I, Tippo : India is my right. What power of fame shall I render over this British fight? Thirty thousand troops have I under my command, Thirteen thousand of them soon shall before me stand. Then soon will I let Cornwallis know That India's ills shall overflow. Enter Cornwallis : loquitur. For why, Tippo, for why dost thou freely boast. Or make mention of that mighty force. For that by Zeboys (i.e. Sepoys) thou wast defeated. Tippo. Me defeated ? Me defeated ? Not me. [They fight without damage] Enter a French Marine : loquitur. Here am I, that French marine, sent here by bold Bonaparte To see if I can't find out some of these here English dogs, and stab them through the heart. There is Sir Charles Jenkins and Lord Collingwood, Their great renowns and fame, But the greatest of these Admirals, Lord Nelson is his name. Enter Nelson : loquitur. Here am I, Nelson bold : neither by French or Spanish dogs Will ever I be controlled. 'Twas at the Battle of the Nile, That here we sailed in glorious style : Nine ships we sunk, twelve ran away, And the men came in at last. [Cetera desunt}. Enter Lord Collingwood : loquitur. 'Twas at the battle I firmly stood ; 'Twas at the battle of Trafalgar bay Where Lord Nelson did receive his scar. He sent for me. All for to take his sword, and see That none of these great Britons Never shall get slain As long as Rule Britannia rules the main. Rule Britannia rules the sea, Britons never, never, never shall be slain. He was took down from the deck so high, Which here he lay until he die. Till at last come up Lord Collingwood With all his fighting men, 'Twas in the hour of victory When Nelson did intend. Mourn, old England, mourn, Mourn and complain, Our gallant hero, Nelson, is slain. Edwin S. Chalk. 5^V^^-P-f