Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/68

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4*3 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. & sinj^uler the appurtenances to the said John / & assigned for and during the hole term estate & interest of the said John Balfron & Julyan his wiff as in the right of the said Julyan of & in the same & for & during as many yeres * / John Balfron & Julyan his wiff as in the right of the said Julyan nowe have or maye have or by the said indenture before receyved ought to have in or to the moytie of the / parcelles thereof And the said John Balfron & Julyan his wiff for theym & theire executors & admynystrators cove- nanten & graunten & every of them doth covenannte and graunte to & with the ■• / his executors and assignes by these presentes that all & singuler . . . [folded here] . . . with th appurtenances are clerlie exonerated acquytted & discharged of all former bargaynes sales graunts & '^'- j made or don by the said , . . [folded here] . . . And ffurther the said John Balfron & Julyan his wiff do covennant & graunte to and with the / his executors . . . [folded here] . . . John Balfron & Julyan his wiff . . . [folded here] ... of theym at any tyme or tymes happen during the said */surrendermg or gevcn upp the . . . [folded here] . . . thereyn conteyned nor do nor suffer to be don any other acte or actes thing or thinges which shall or maye * / wise hurtfull or prejudiciall to the said receyved indenture or to the said estate interest or tenure of yeres of the said Julyan yn or to the premysses or whereby the said recyved [indenture] / or might lose his force or in any wise be made voide in lawe but that the said John Balfron & Juljan his wiff or one of theym shall att all tymes hereafter from tyme * / the reasonable request of the said John Pratt his executors or assignees or any of them bryng or showe or cause to be broughte or showed the said former indenture in any / maiesties courte of assize or elsewhere for preservacion & mayntenance of the right title interest & tenure of yeres of the said John Balfron & Julyan his wiff as in the * / Julyan in & to the premisses or any parcel thereof during the said tenure And the said John Pratt doth covenante &. graunte for hymselffe his executors & assignees to & with '■■'■ I Balfron Sc Julyan his wiff & every of them by these presentes that the said John Pratt his executors & assignees shall from henceforth from tyme to tyme during the • / exonerate acquitt & discharge the said John Balfron & Julyan his wiff ik. every of them of for and concernyng the