Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/69

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries.

moiety or halfendeale of all covenanntes graunted articles & * / are on the parte of the said John Balfron & Julyan his wiff as in the right of the said Julyan to be observed performed fulfilled made don or kept of for & conceryng * / halfendeale of the said messuages lands & tenements & other the premisses or any parte or parcelles thereof And ffurther the Said John Balfron for hym his executors * / assignees doth covenante & graunte to & with the said John Pratt his executors admynystrators & assignees & every of them by these presentes that if it happen * / to die lyving the said Robert hehar her fFather that then the said John Balfron his executors or assignees shall repaye or cause to be repayd unto the * / his executors or assignees the sum of sixe poundes thirteene shillings & foure pence of lawfull money of England att one hole entire payment * / nexte after the death of the said Julyan without covyn fraude or delaye In Witnes Whereof the partes aforesaid to these present indentures . . . * / Seales geven the dale & yere first above writen. Beatrix F. Cresswell.

42. Marriage of John Edye.—From the Marriage Register of Wootton Fitzpaine, Dorset:—

1797. April 19, John Edye, of Winterborne, Glos., and Frances Walrond Oke.

Frances Walrond Oke was daughter and heiress of Walter Oke, of Pinney (died 18 Dec, buried at Axmouth, 21 Dec., 1779), and his wife Frances (married at Holy Trinity, Exeter, 25 May, 1773; died 6 Dec, buried at Axmouth, 10 Dec., 1775), daughter and heiress of John Walrond, of the City of Exeter and of Tidwell, East Budleigh.

John Walrond (buried at Holy Trinity 8 Oct., 1755) was the second son of Henry Walrond (died 16 Aug., buried at Holy Trinity, Exeter, 20 Aug., 1728, aged 60, M.I.), of Exeter and Tidwell, and his wife Elizabeth (married at Holy Trinity, 27 Dec, 1706; died 15 Aug., 1727, aged 41; buried Holy Trinity, M.I.), daughter of Clement Weekes (died 20 Jan., 1715, aged 64; buried Holy

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