Page:Devonshire Characters and Strange Events.djvu/941

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Sheerness, 358, 359, 361, 363, 364

Sheppard, Rev. H. H., 210, 371

Sherborne, 280

Sherwell, 533

Sherwill, 773, 784

Shiloh, the expected, 394, 395, 401, 404

Shilston, 217, 490

Shilstone, dolmen of, 127

Shipwreck, 333

Shore, Juliana Susannah, 584

Short, Anthony, 196

Short History of Social Life in England, 51

Short, J, 256, 257

Shortland, Capt. Thomas G., 642, 643, 650, 666, 696
— charges against, 653
— his account of the massacre, 659
— orders massacre of prisoners, 646
— practical joke on, 645

Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage, 242

Shute, 367

Sibley, 402

Sidmouth, 257, 307

Sidney, 269

Siege of Memphis, The, 240

Simmins, Dick, 525

Simpson, Richard, 262

Sims, Dr., 396

Skellum Grenville. See Sir Richard

Skirrett, John, 97

Skisdon, 56

Skynner, William, 232

Slade, 458

Slanning, Gamaliel, 191

Slanning, Nicholas, 188-191

Slaughter, 315

Sleeman, Mr., 531, 532, 543

Smerdon, Hugh, 438, 440, 444

Smerdon, Rev. Thomas, 446

Smiles, Samuel, 454, 456, 490, 498

Smith, Gerard, 691

Smith, Mr., 115, 592

Smith, Sarah, 590

Smith, Thomas, 698

Smith, William, 687

Smugglers, 301-319
— desperate, 306, 318

Smuggling, 301, 378
— adventures while, 315
— conveniences for, 301-305

Smyrna, 84, 160, 161, 162

Snell, Mr., 319 note

Snow, Miss Marianne, 718

Snow, Mistress, 72

Snowe, Richard, 597

Soathern, John, 695

Somerset, Duke of, 263, 264

Somerstown, 752

Songs of the West, 57, 210, 368 note

"Sons of the Blue," 56

Soper, John, 345, 346, 347, 348

Sourton Down, 212

South Brent, 210

Southcott, Joanna, 390-404
— authorities for the life of, 403
— comes under Methodist influence, 390
— expected resurrection of, 398
— issues certificates for the millennium, 394
— mother of Shiloh, 394
— prophetess, 391

Southcote, Mary, 711

Southey, 392

Southgate, Exeter, 320, 504, 505

South Hams, 9-11

Southill, 535

Southmolton, 285, 437, 519, 536, 538, 544, 546, 555, 560

South Tawton, 248, 250, 253, 254, 709

Southwark, 185

South Zeal, 250

Speedwell, 152

Spesinick, Dominic, 345-348

Spitchwick, 627

Spithead, 313, 359

Sport advocated by Parson Russell, 540, 541

Spreyton, 170, 171

Spry, Mr., 508

Spry, Thomasine, 52

Stafford, Bridget Maria, 1

Stafford family, the, 1

Stafford, Hugh, 1–15
— experiments in cyder, 11

Stage, licentiousness of the, 23, 242
— defended by Brice, 508

Stamford, the Earl of, 221

Standard, The, 785

St. Andrew's Church, Plymouth, 36, 567, 578

Stanhope, Charles, 33

Stanwich, George, 95-104

Stapeldon, Bishop, 438

Starcross, 150

St. Austell, 524, 570, 601, 602, 605, 704