Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/523

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Nganalăk. poss. p.—Mine.

Ngand-yar, a.—Crooked. (Upper Swan dialect.)

Ngando, p.—Who, as the agent.

Ngando, s.—The breast-bone.

Ngandul—Who will?

Ngandyn, a.—Unwell. Toothache, Rheumatism, Ophthalmia, and Consumption are their principal ailments, which all arise from colds. The constant exposure does not appear to make them callous and hardy, as might be supposed.

Nganga, s.—The sun. The sun is a female, and the moon is a male. The say the Daran, or eastern men, see where the sun rises out of the water; where the water and the sky meet together.

Nganga, s.—The beard; the chin; roots of trees or plants.

Nganga batta, s.—Sunbeams. Also the beard.

Ngangalar, a.—Having been a mother; having had children.

Nganganbru, s.—A mother; the great toe; the thumb.

Nganganbru, a.—Motherless; an orphan.

Ngangar, s.—The stars.

Ngangonat,—Cenomice retispora. A species of lichen.

Nganna, p.–My.

Nganni, p.—Who. As Nganni Yugowin, who is there? Nginni nganni, who are you; literally, thou, who?

Ngannik, d. p.—We two; husband and wife.

Ngannil, p.—We; us.

Ngannilăk, poss. p.—Ours; of or belonging to us.

Ngannip, s.—A young kankaroo; still resorting to its mother's pouch. The mother sometimes, when pressed by the dogs, throws the young one from its pouch, and continues its flight with increased speed, when thus cruelly compelled to relieve itself of its burden.

Ngannong, p.—Whose.

Ngannow, v.—Pres. par., Ngannowin; past tense, Ngannăga, to eat; to swallow.

Ngannăma, dual p.—We two; brothers-in-law.

Ngan-ya, pers. p.—Me.

Ngardăgăn, ad.—Below; within; beneath; low grounds. This word is the exact opposite of Yirăgan.

Ngardăk, ad.—Downwards.

Ngardak yugown—Literally, standing downwards. Applied to the upper teeth.

Ngardăl, a.—Low; low in position; lying low; below.

Ngardăng, v.—Pres. part., Ngardăngwin; past tense, Ngardăng-ăgga; to creep, to steal on anything.

Ngordo, s.—The heel.

Ngardyte, a.—Shallow.