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Hyginus (Fab. 13) calls her Ipsia, Apollodorus (i. 9. §23) Idyia, Apollonius (iii. 241) Asterodeia, and others Hecate, Neaera, or Eurylyte. (Schol. ad Apollon. I. c.) When Medeia fled with Jason, she took her brother Absyrtus with her, and when she was nearly overtaken by her father, she murdered her brother, cut his body in pieces and strewed them on the road, that her father might thus be detained by gathering the limbs of his child. Tomi, the place where this horror was committed, was believed to have derived its name from τέμνω, "cut." (Apllod. i. 9. §24; Ov. Trist. iii. 9; compare Apllon. iv. 338, &c. 460, &c.) According to another tradition Absyrtus was not taken by Medeia, but was sent out by his father in pursuit of her. He overtook her in Corcyra, where she had been kindly received by king Alcinous, who refused to surrender her to Absyrtus. When he overtook her a second time in the island of Minerva, he was slain by Jason. (Hygin. Fab. 23.) A tradition followed by Pacuvius (Cic. de nat. deor. iii. 19), Justin (xlii. 3), and Diodorus (iv. 45), called the son of Aeëtes, who was murdered by Medeia, Aegialeus. [L. S.]

ABULI'TES (Ἀβουλίτης), the satrap of Susiana, surrendered Susa to Alexander, when the latter approached the city. The satrapy was restored to him by Alexander, but he and his son Oxyathres were afterwards executed by Alexander for the crimes they had committed in the government of the satrapy. (Curt. v. 2 ; Arrian, Anah. iii. 16. vii. 4; Diod. xvii. 65.)

ABU'RIA GENS, plebeian. On the coins of this gens we find the cognomen Gem., which is perhaps an abbreviation of Geminus. The coins have no heads of persons on them.

1. C. Aburius was one of the ambassadors sent to Masinissa and the Carthaginians, b. c. 171. (Liv. xlii. 35.)

2. M. Aburius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 187, opposed M. Fulvius the proconsul in his petition for a triumph, but withdrew his opposition chiefly through the influence of his colleague Ti. Gracchus. (Liv. xxxix. 4. 5.) He was praetor peregrinus, b. c. 176. (Liv. xli. 18. 19.)


ABYDE'NUS (Ἀβυδηνός), a Greek historian, who wrote a history of Assyria (Ἀσσυριακά). The time at which he lived is uncertain, but we know that he made use of the works of Megasthenes and Berosus ; and Cyrillus (adv. Julian, pp. 8, 9) states, that he wrote in the Ionic dialect. Several fragments of his work are preserved by Eusebius, Cyrillus and Syncellus: it was particularly valuable for chronology. An important fragment, which clears up some difficulties in Assyrian history, has been discovered in the Armenian translation of the Chronicon of Eusebius. The fragments of his history have been published by Scaliger, "De Emendatione Temporum," and Richter, "Berosi Chaldaeorum Historiae," &c., Lips. 1825.

ACACALLIS (Ἀκακαλλίς). daughter of Minos, by whom, according to a Cretan tradition, Hermes begot Cydon; while according to a tradition of the Tegeatans, Cydon was a son of Tegeates, and immigrated to Crete from Tegea. (Pans. viii. 53. §2.) Apollo begot by her a son Miletus, whom, for fear of her father, Acacallis exposed in a forest, where wolves watched and suckled the child, until he was found by shepherds who brought him up. (Antonin, Lib. 30.) Other sons of her and Apollo are Amphithemis and Garamas. (Apollon. iv. 1490, &c.) Apollodorus (iii. 1. § 2) calls this daughter of Minos Acalle (Ἀκάλλη), but does not mention Miletus as her son. Acacallis was in Crete a common name for a narcissus. (Athen, XV. p. 681; Hesych. s. v.)[L. S.]

ACA'CIUS (Ἀκάκιος), a rhetorician, of Caesarea in Palestine, lived under the emperor Julian, and was a friend of Libanius. (Suidas, s. v. Ἀκάκιος, Λιβάνιος: Eunapius, Acacii Vit.) Many of the letters of Libanus are addressed to him.[B. J.]

2. A Syrian by birth, lived in a monastery near Antioch, and, for his active defence of the Church against Arianism, was made Bishop of Berrhoea, a. d. 378, by St. Eusebius of Samosata. While a priest, he (with Paul, another priest) wrote to St. Epiphanius a letter, in consequence of which the latter composed his Panarium (a. d. 374-6). This letter is prefixed to the work. In a. d. 377-8, he was sent to Rome to confute Apollinaris before Pope St. Damasus. He was present at the Oecumenical Council of Constantinople a. d. 381, and on the death of St. Meletius took part in Flavian's ordination to the See of Antioch, by whom he was afterwards sent to the Pope in order to heal the schism between the churches of the West and Antioch. Afterwards, he took part in the persecution against St. Chrysostom (Socrates, Hist. Ecl. vi. 18), and again compromised himself by oidaining as successor to Flavian, Porphyrins, a man unworthy of the episcopate. He defended the heretic Nestorius against St. Cyril, though not himself present at the Council of Ephesus. At a great age, he laboured to reconcile St. Cyril and the Eastern Bishops at a Synod held at Berrhoea, a. d. 432. He died a. d. 437, at the age of 116 years. Three of his letters remain in the original Greek, one to St. Cyril, (extant in the Collection of Councils by Mansi, vol. iv. p. 1056,) and two to Alexander, Bishop of Hierapolis. (Ibid, pp.819, 830, c.41. 65. §129,143.)

3. The One-eyed (ὁ Μονόφθαλμος), the pupil and successor in the See of Caesarea of Eusebius a. d. 340, whose life he wrote. (Socrates, Hist. Eccl. ii. 4.) He was able, learned, and imscrupulous. At first a Semi-Arian like his master, he founded afterwards the Homoean party and was condemned by the Semi-Arians at Seleucia, a. d. 359. (Socrates, Hist. Eccl. ii. 39. 40; Sozomen, Hist. Eccl. iv. 22. 23.) He subsequently became the associate of Aëtius [Aëtius] the author of the Anomoeon, then deserted him at the command of Constantius, and, under the Catholic Jovian, subscribed the Homoousion or Creed of Nicaea. He died a. d. 366. He wrote seventeen Books on Ecdesiastes and six of Miscellanies. (St. Jerome, Vir. III. 98.) St. Epiphanius has preserved a fragment of his work against Marcellus (c. Haer. 72), and nothing else of his is extant, though Sozomen speaks of many valuable works written by him. (Hist. Eccl. iii. 2.)

4. Bishop of Constantinople, succeeded Gennadius a. d. 471, after being at the head of the Orphan Asylum of that city. He distinguished himself by defending the Council of Chalcedon against the emperor Basiliscus, who favoured the Monophysite heresy. Through his exertions Zeno, from whom Basiliscus had usurped the empire, was restored (a. d. 477), but the Monophysites mean-