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3() EUGENIUS. iiig the remainder of his life he contirmed to oppose the Latin church wherever he could ; and it was mainly owing to his influence that, after his death, the union was broken off. For, on his death-bed in 1447, he solemnly requested Georgius Scholarius, to continue the struggle against the Latins, which he himself had carried on, and Georgius promised, and faithfully kept his word. The funeral oration on Eugenicus was delivered by the same friend, Georgius. M. Eugenicus was the author of many works, most of which were directed against the Latin church, whence they were attacked by those Greeks who were in favour of that church, such as Joseph of Methone, Bessarion, and others. The following are printed either entire or in part. 1. A Letter to the emperor Palaeologus, in which he cautions the Greeks against the council of Florence, and exposes the intrigues of the Latins. It is printed, with a Latin version and an answer by Joseph of Methone, in Labbeus, Cof^cil. vol. xiii. p. 677. 2. A Circular^ addressed to all Christendom, on the same subject, is printed in Labbeus, I. c. p. 740, with an answer by Gregorius Protosyncellus. 3. A Treatise on Liturgical Subjects, in which he maintains the spiritual power of the priesthood. It is printed in the Liturgiae, p. 138, ed. Paris, 1560. 4. A Professio7i of Faith, of which a frag- ment, with a Latin translation, is printed in Alla- tius, de Consensu, iii. 3. § 4. 5. A Letter to the emperor Falaeologus, of which a fragment is given in Allatius, de Synodo Octava, 14, p. 544. His other works are still extant in MS., but have never been published. A list of them is given by Fabri- cius. {Dihl. Graec. vol. xi. p. 670, &c.; comp. Cave, Hist. Lit. vol. i. Appendix, p. Ill, &c.) [L. S.] EUGE'NIUS, an African confessor, not less celebrated for his learning and sanctity than for the courage with which he advocated the doctrines of the orthodox faith during the persecution of the Arian Vandals towards the close of the fifth centurj^ At first tolerated by Hunneric, who ac- quiesced in his elevation to the see of Carthage in A. D. 480, he was subsequently transported by that prince, after the stormy council held in February a. d. 484, to the deserts of Tripoli, from whence he was recalled by the tardy cle- mency of Gundamund, but eight years afterwards was arrested, tried and condemned to death by Thrasimund, who, however, commuted the sen- tence to banishment. The place fixed upon was Vienne in Languedoc, where Alaric at that period held sway. Here Eugenius founded a monastery near the tomb of St. Araaranthus, where he passed his time in devout tranquillity until his death on the 13th of July a. d. 505. Under the name of Eugenius we possess a con- fession of faith drawn up in accordance with the doctrines recognised by the council of Nicaea, and presented on the part of the orthodox African pre- lates to Hunneric, under the title, Professio Jidei Catholicorum episcopnrum Hunerico regi ohlata. It will be found in the Bill, Max. Patr. Lugdun. 1677, vol. viii. p. 683, and an account of its con- tents in Schrock, Kirchengeschichte, vol. xviii. p. 97. Gennadius mentions several other Avorks by this author, but they no longer exist. For the original documents connected with the Vandal persecution 8»»e " Victor Vitensis de persecutione Vandalica " with the notes of Ruinart, Paris, 1694 ; the "Vita S. Fulgentii " in the Bibl, Mao:. Pair. Lugdun. EUnODUS. 1677, vol. ix., p. 4 ; and Procopius, De Bcllo Van- dalico, i. 7, &c. [W. R.] EUGE'NIUS, who was bishop of Toledo from A. D. 646 to 657, is mentioned under Dracun- Tius as the editor and enlarger of the work by Dracontius upon the Creation. He is known also as the author of thirty-two short original poems composed on a great variety of subjects, chiefly however moral and religious, in heroic, elegiac, trochaic, and sapphic measures. These were pub- lished by Sirmond at Paris, 8vo. 1619, will be found also in the collected works of Sirmond (Paris 1696 and Venice 1728), in the BibL Patr. Mux. Lugdun. 1677, vol. xii. p. 345, and in the edition of Dracontius by Rivinus, Lips. 1651. Two Epigrams by Eugenius — one on the invention of letters, the other on the names of hybrid animals, are contained in the Anthologia Latina of Burmann, ii. 264, v. 164, or n. 386, 387, ed. Meyer. [W. R.] EUGE'NIUS, praefectus praetorio Orientis in A. D. 547 or 540. He was the author of an Edict concerning the accoimts of publicans, which is in- serted in the collection of the Edicta praefectoruni praetorio. ( Biener, Geschichte der Novellen Justini- ans. p.532; Zachariae, Anecdota,^.2Q.) [J. T. G.] EUGENIUS, a Greek physician, of whom it is only known that he must have lived some time in or before the first century after Christ, as one of his medical formulae is quoted by An- dromachus. (ap. Galen, de Compos, Medicam. sec. Locos, vii. 6. vol. xiii. p. 114.) He is also quoted by Gariopontus {de Fehr. c. 7), from which it would appear either that some of his works were extant in the eleventh century, or that some sources of information concerning him were then to be had which do not now exist. [W. A. G.] EU'GEON (Euyeoji' or Eu7aiW), of Samos, one of the earliest Greek historians mentioned by Dio- nysius of Halicarnassus. {Jud. de Thucyd.b; comp. Suid. s. V.) [L. S.] EUGESIPPUS (EuyTjo-iTTTTOs), the author of a work on the distances of places in the Holy Land, of which a Latin translation is printed in Leo Al- latius' "ZvixixiKTa. He lived about A. D. 1040, but no particulars are known about him. [L. S.] EUGRAMMUS. [Eucheir, No. 2.] EUGRA'PHIUS, a Latin grammarian, who is believed to have flourished as late as the end of the tenth century, is the author of a few unimportant notes upon Terence, referring chiefly to the pro- logues. They were first published by Faernus (Florent. 8vo. 1565), were subsequently improved and enlarged by Lindenbrogius (4to. Paris, 1502, Francf. 1623) and Westerhovius (Hag. Com. 4to. 1726), and are given in all the more complete edi- tions of the dramatist. We hear also of a MS. in the Bibliothcque du Roi at Paris, intitled Commen- tum, in Terentium, bearing the name of Eugraphius, which Lindenbrogius did not think worth publish- ing. [W. R.] EU'HODUS, a freedman of the emperor Septi- mius Severus and tutor to Caracalla, who was nursed by his wife Euhodia. At the instigation of the young prince he contrived the ruin of the too powerful Plautianus [Plautianus] ; but although loaded with honours on account of this good ser- vice, he was put to death in A. d. 21 1, almost im- mediately after the accession of his foster-son, from a suspicion, probably, that he entertained friendly feelings towards the hated Geta. When Tertullian