Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/99

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EUGAMON. scholars, in the Zeitsclirifl fur die Alterthums- wissenschaft., 1840, p. 118. Of the other poets of this name next to nothing is known beyond the titles, quoted above, in the Palatine Anthology. Jacobs conjectures that the Sicilian and the Ascalonite are the same, the name ISi/ceAwTou being a corruption of 'AcTKaXuviTov, but he gives no reason for this conjecture. The epigrams of one of these poets, we know not which, were in the collection of Philip, which contained chiefly the verses of poets nearly contemporary with Philip himself. (Wagner, de Events Poetis elegiaeis, Vratisl. 1 828 ; Schreiber, Disput. de Events Fariis, Getting. 1839 ; Souchay, Sur les Foetes elegiaques, in the Mem. de fAcad. des Inscript. vol. x. p. 598 ; Schneidewin, Delect. Foes. Graec. eleg. vol. i. p. 133; Gaisford, Poet. Min. Graec. vol. iii. p. 277 ; Boissonade, Graec. Poet. p. 163; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol, xiii. pp. 893, 894 ; Fabric. Bihl. Graec. vol. i. p. 727.) [P. S.] EVE'RES (Eu77>7?s), a son of Pterelaiis, was the only one among his brothers that escaped in their fight with the sons of Electryon. (ApoUod. ii. 4. § 5, &c.; comp. Alcmene and Amphitryon.) There are two other mythical personages of this name. (Apollod. ii. 7. § 8, iii. 6. § 7.) fL. S.] EVE'RGETES (Ei5ep7^T77s), the " Benefactor," Avas a title of honour, frequently conferred by the Greek states upon those from whom they had re- ceived benefits, and was afterwards assumed by many of the Greek kings in Egypt and other countries. [Ptolemaeus.] EVERSA, a Theban, who joined Callicritus in opposing in the Boeotian assembly the views of Perseus, and was in consequence murdered with Callicritus by order of the king. (Liv. xlii. 13, 40.) [Callicritus.] L'VETES (Eu'e'TTjs) and EUXE'NIDES(Eu|e- J'/Srjs), were Athenian comic poets, contemporary with Epicharmus, about B. c. 485. Nothing is heard of comic poetry during an interval of eighty years from the time of Susarion, till it was re- vived by Epichannus in Sicil}', and by Evetes, Euxenides, and Myllus at Athens. The only writer who mentions these two poets is Suidas (s. V. "'Eirlxap/j.os). Myllus is not unfrequently mentioned. [Myllus.] (Meineke, Hist. Grit. Com. Graec. p. 26.) There is also a Pythagorean philosopher, Evetes, of whom nothing is known but his name. (lam- blich. VU. Pyth. 36.) [P. S.] EUGAMON (Euya^wj/), one of the Cyclic poets. He was a native of Cyrene, and lived about B. c. 568, so that he was a contemporary of Peisistratus, Stesichorus, and Aristeas. His poem, which was intended to be a continuation of the Odyssey, and bore the title of l-nXi-yovia., consisted of two books or rhapsodies, and formed the conclu- sion of the epic cycle. It contained an account of all that happened after the fight of Odysseus with the suitors of Penelope till the death of Odysseus. The substance of the poem, which itself is entirely lost, is preserved in Proclus's Chrestoraathia. (Comp. Eustath. ad Horn. p. 1796.) As Eugamon lived at so late a period, it is highly probable that he made use of the productions of earlier poets ; and Clemenb of Alexandria {Strom, vi. p. 751; comp. Euseb. Praep. Evang. x. 12) expressly states that Eugamon incorporated in his Telegonia a whole epic poem of Musaeus, entitled " Thesprotis." EUGENICUS. 8^ Whether the Telegonia ascribed to the Lacedae- monian Cinaethon was an earlier work than that of Eugamon, or whether it was identical with it, is uncertain. The name Telegonia was formed from Telegonus, a son of Odysseus and Circe, who killed his father. (Comp. Bode, Gesch. der Episch. Dichtk, p. 339, &c.) [L. S.] EU'GENES (Ey7eVrjs), the author of an epi- gram, in the Greek Anthology, upon the statue of Anacreon intoxicated. (Brunck, A7ial. vol. ii. p. 453 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. iii. p. 158 ; Pans. i. 93. § 1.) The epigram seems to be an imitation of one by Leonidas Tarentinus on the same sub- ject. (Brunck, Anal. vol. i. p. 230 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. i. p. 163, No. xxxviii.) [P. S.] EUGENIA'NUS {Evyiviav6s), a physician in the latter half of the second century after Christ, a friend and contemporary, and probably also a pu- pil of Galen, with whom he was acquainted while they were both at Rome. (Galen, de Meth. Med. viii. 2. vol. X. p. 535, 536.) It was at his request that Galen was induced to resume his work " De Methodo Medendi," which he had begun to write for the use of Hieron, and which he had laid aside after his death. {Ibid. vii. 1. p. 456.) It was also at his request that Galen wrote his work "De Ordine Librorum Suorum." (vol. xiv. p. 49.) [W. A. G.] _ M. EUGE'NICUS, a brother of Joannes Euge- nicus, who was a celebrated ecclesiastical writer, none of whose works, however, has yet ap- peared in print. (Fabric. DM. Graec. vol. xi. p. 653.) M. Eugenicus was by birth a Greek, and in early life he was engaged as a schoolmaster and teacher of rhetoric. But his great learning and his eloquence raised him to the highest dignities in the church, and about a.d. 1436 he succeeded Josephus as archbishop of Ephesus. Two years later, he accompanied the emperor Joannes Palaeologus to the council of Florence, in which he took a very prominent part ; for he represented not only hia own diocese, but acted as proxy for the patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalem. He opposed the Latin church with as much bitterness as he defended the rights of the Greek church with zeal. In the be- ginning of the discussions at the council, this dis- position drew upon him the displeasure of the em- peror, who was anxious to reunite the two churches, and also of the pope Engenius. This gave rise to most vehement disputes, in which the Greeks chose Eugenicus as their spokesman and champion. As he was little acquainted with the dialectic*subtle- ties and the scholastic philosophy, in which the prelates of the West far surpassed him, he was at first defeated by the cardinal Julian ; but after- wards, when Bessarion became his ally, the elo- quence of Eugenicus threw all the council into amazement. The vehemence and bitterness of his invectives against the Latins, however, was so great, that a report was soon spread and believed, that he was out of his mind ; and even Bessarion called him an evil spirit {cacodaemon). At the close of the council, when the other bishops were ready to acknowledge the claims of the pope, and were ordered by the emperor to sign the decrees of the council, Eugenicus alone steadfastly refused to yield, and neither threats nor promises could induce him to alter his determination. The union of the two churches, however, was decreed. On his return to Constantinople, he was received by the people with the greatest enthusiasm, and the most extravagant veneration was paid him. Dur-