Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/288

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(Vit. x. Orat. p. 848), who calls liim a rhetor, to have written orations, one of which, viz. against Phocion, is mentioned by Plutarch himself. (Phoc. 4 ; comp. Athen. xiii. p. 590 ; Suid. s. v. Γλαύκιππος; Phot. ᾽᾽Bibl. Cod.᾽᾽ 266. p. 495, ed. Bekker.) Whether he is the same as the rhetorician Glaucippus, of whom a fragment is preserved by Seneca (᾽᾽Controv.᾽᾽ iv. 25), or as the Glaucippus who wrote on the Sacra of the Athenians (Macrob. ᾽᾽Sat.᾽᾽ i. 13), is uncertain. [L. S.]

GLAUCON (Γλαύκων), an Athenian mentioned by Teles (ap. Stob. ᾽᾽Floril.᾽᾽ vol. ii. p. 82. ed Gaisf.), who appears to have borne a distinguished part in the last struggle of the Athenians against Antigonus Gonatas, known by the name of the Chremonidean war, B. C. 263. After its termination he fled, together with Chremonides, to the court of Ptolemy Philadelphus, where he was received with great honour, and rose to a high place in the king's confidence. Droysen (Hellenism. vol. ii. p. 206) supposes him to be the same Glaucon that is mentioned by Pythermus (ap. Athen. ii. p. 44) as a water-drinker, and who is there called one of the tyrants of the Peiraeeus (ἐν τοῖς Πειραῖως τυραννεύοθσι); but this expression is understood by Thirlwall, with more probability, to refer to the thirty tyrants of B. C. 404. (Thirlwall's Greece, vol. viii. p. 92 not.) [E. H. B.]

GLAUCON (Γλαύκων), an Athenian, who, together with his brother Glaucus, and Theopompus, father of Macartatus, endeavoured by a forged will to obtain possession of some property, to the exclusion of Phylomache, who was next of kin to the deceased. The forgery was detected, but the attempt was renewed by them successfully in another trial (διαδικασία; see Dict. of Ant. s.v.), which placed Theopompus in possession of the property (Dem. c. Macart. pp. 1051, 1052). The speech of Demosthenes πρὸς Μακάρτατον was written to recover it for Eubulides, the son of Phylomache. [E. E.]

GLAUCON (Γλαύκων), grammarians. 1. An eminent rhapsodist, or expositor of Homer, mentioned by Plato, in conjunction with Metrodorus of Lampsacus, and Stesimbrotus of Thasos. (Ion. p. 530, d.; see the notes of Miiller and Nitzsch.) 2. A writer on Homer, quoted by Aristotle. (Poet. 25: this is one of the passages which Ritter considers as the additions of a later writer: he believes that Glaucon lived after Aristotle.) 3. Of Tarsus, also a writer on Homer, and apparently the head of a grammatical school. He wrote a work entitled γλώσσαι. (Schol. ad Hom. Il. i. 1 ; Athen. xi. p. 480, f.) 4. Of Teos, a writer on recitation. (Aristot. Rhet. iii. 1.) Whether of the above writers, the first and second are the same as either the third or the fourth, or different from either, it is impossible to determine. The first is supposed by some to have been an Athenian, because Plato does not mention his country. (Comp. Villoisin, Proleg. ad Hom. p. 25.) [P. S.]

GLAUCON (Γλαύκων), relatives of Plato. 1. The son of Critias, son of Dropides, was also the brother of Callaeschrus, and the father of Charmides and of Plato's mother, Perictione; he was, consequently, uncle to Critias (the tyrant) on the father's side, and to Plato on the mother's side. (Plat. passim; Xen. Mem. iii. 7. § 1; Heindorf, ad Plat. Charm. p. 154.) 2. The son of Ariston, and brother of Plato, who, besides mentioning him elsewhere, makes him one of the speakers in the republic. He is also introduced as a speaker in Xenophon's Memorabilia (iii. 6). Suidas (s. v. Πλάτων) calls him Glaucus. (See also Diog. Laërt. iii. 4 ; Plut. de Frat. Amor. p. 484, e.) In Plato's Parmenides also, Glaucon is one of the speakers ; but a doubt has been raised whether this is not a different person, on the ground of an anachronism which the passage contains. Considering, however, the frequency of anachronisms in Plato, it seems most probable that this Glaucon is his brother. (Comp. Heindorf. ad Plat. Parmen. p. 126.) There is, perhaps, more doubt about the Glaucon who is one of the speakers in the Symposium (p. 172, c). It is universally believed that this Glaucon is the Athenian philosopher mentioned by Diogenes Laërtius, as the author of a book containing nine dialogues, entitled, Φειδύλος, Εὐριπίδησς, Ἀμύντιχος, Εὐθίας, Λυσιθείδης, Ἀριστοφάνης, Κέφαλος, Ἀναξίφημος, Μενέξενος. Thirty-two other dialogues, which were ascribed to him, are designated as spu- rious by Diogenes (ii. 124). The following pedigree represents the relationships above referred to : —


[P. S.]

GLAUCO'NOME (Γλαυκονόμη), one of the daughters of Nereus. (Hes. Theog. 256; Apollod. i. 2. § 7.) [L. S.]

GLAUCUS (Γλαύκος). 1. A grandson of Aeolus, son of Sisyphus and Merope, and father of Bellerophontes. (Hom. Il. vi. 154; Apollod. i. 9. § 3; Paus. ii. 4. § 2.) He lived at Potniae, despised the power of Aphrodite, and did not allow his mares to breed, that they might be the stronger for the horse race. According to others, he fed them with human flesh, for the purpose of making them spirited and warlike. This excited the anger of Aphrodite or the gods in general, who punished him in this way: — when Acastus celebrated the funeral games of his father, Pelias, at Iolcus, Glaucus took part in them with a chariot and four horses; but the animals were frightened and upset the chariot. (Paus. iii. 18. § 9, v. 17. § 4; Apollod. i. 9. § 28; Nonn. Dionys. xi. 143.) According to others, they tore Glaucus to pieces, having drunk from the water of a sacred well in Boeotia, in consequence of which they were seized with madness; others, again, describe this madness as the consequence of their having eaten a herb called hippomanes. (Hygin. Fab. 250, 273; Schol. ad Eurip. Or. 318, Phoen. 1159; Strab. p. 409; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 269; Etym. Magn. p. 685. 42; Paus. ix. 8. § 1; Aelian, H. A. xv. 25; Virg. Georg. iii. 267.) It was believed on the Corinthian isthmus that it was haunted by the shade of Glaucus, who frightened the horses during the race, and was therefore called ταράξιππος. (Paus. vi. 20. § 9.) Glaucus of Potniae (Γλαῦκος Ποτνιεύς) was the title of one of Aeschylus' lost tragedies. (Welcker, Die Aeschyl. Trilog. p. 561,