Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/559

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lACCHUS. iii. 10. § 1 ; Hygin. Fab. 195 ; Schol. ad Horn. II. xviii. 486.) Kespectiiig his treasures see Aga- MEDJSS. [L. S.] HYRMINE ('rp,ulvri), a daughter of Neleus, or Nycteus, or, according to others, of Epeius and Anaxiroe. She was the wife of Phorbas, and the mother of Augeas and Actor. (Schol. ad ApoUon. Mod. i. 173 ; Paus. v. 1. § 4 ; Eustath, ad Horn. p. 303.) The Argonaut Tiphys is likewise called a sou of Phorbas and Hyrmine. (Hygin. Fab. 14.) [L. S.] HYRNE'THO ('rpp-ned), a daughter of Terae- nus, and wife of Deiphontes. Pier tomb and a heroura, with a sacred grove, were shown at Epi- daurus and Argos. (Paus. ii. 23, § 3, 28. § 3 ; Apollod. ii. 8. *i o.) [L. S.] HY'RTACUS ("Tpra/fos), a Trojan, the hus- band of Arisbe, and father of Asius and Nisus, who are hence called Hyrtacides. (Horn. //. ii. 837, &c. ; Apollod. iii. 12, $ 5 ; Virg. Aen. ix. 177, 406.) A second personage of this name occurs in Virgil. {Aen. V. 4.92.) [L. S.] HYSMON {"raixwv), an Eleian athlete, who began when a boy to practise the pentathlon as a cure for rheumatism, and who was victorious in that kind of contest, once in the Olympian games, and once in the Nemean : from the Isthmian games the Eleians were excluded. His statue in the Altis at Olympia, representing him as holding old-fashioned halleres, was the work of Cleon. (Paus. vi. 3. $ 4.) [Cleon.] [P. S.] HYSTASPES ('Yo-Too-TTTjs ; in Persian, Gosh- tasp, Gustasp, Histasp, or Wistasp). 1. The son of Arsames, and father of Dareius I., was a member of the Persian royal house of the Achaemenidae. He was satrap of Persis under Cambyses, and pro- bably under Cyrus also. He accompanied Cyrus on his expedition against the Massagetae ; but he was sent back to Persis, to keep watch over his eldest son Dareius, whom Cyrus, in consequence of a dream, suspected of meditating treason. [Da- reius.] Besides Dareius, Hystaspes had two sons, Artabanus and Artanes. (Herod, i. 209, 210, iii. 70, iv. 83, vii. 224.) Annnianus Mar- cellinus (xxiii. 6) makes him a chief of the Ma- gians, and tells a story of his studying in India under the Brahmins. His name occurs in the inscriptions at Persepolis. (Grotefend, Deilaye zu lice rot's Ideen.) 2. The son of Dareius I. and Atossa, commanded the Bactrians and Sacae in the army of his brother Xerxes. (Herod, vii. 64.) [P. S.] I. J. IACCHUS ("loKXos), the solemn name of the mystic Bacchus at Athens and Eleusis. The Phrygian Bacchus was looked upon in the Eleusinian mysteries as a child, and as such he is described as the son of Demeter (Deo or Calligeneia) and Zeus, and as the brother of Cora, that is, the male Cora or Corns. (Aristoph. Ran. 338 ; Soph. Anlig. 1121, &c. ; Orph. Hymn. 51, 11.) His name was de- rived from the boisterous festive song which is likewise called lacchus. (Aristopli. Ran. 321, 400 ; Herod, viii. 65 ; Arrian, Anab. ii. 16.) From these statements (comp. Schol. ad Aiistoph. Ran. 326), it is clear that the ancients distinguished lacchus, the son of Zeus and Demeter, from the Theban Bacchus (Dionysus), the son of Zeus and VOL. 11. JACOBUS. 545 Semele, nay, in some traditions lacchus is called a son of Bacchus, but in others the two are con- founded and identified. (Soph. Antig. 1115, &c., 1154 ; Strab. x. p. 468 ; Virg. Eclog. vi. 15 ; Ov. Met. iv. 15.) He is also identified with the infernal Zagreus, the son of Zeus and Persephone. (Schol. ad Find. Jsthm. vii. 3, ad Eurip. Orest. 952, ad ArislQph. Ran. 401, 479 ; Arrian, I. c.) At Athens a statue of lacchus, bearing a torch in his hand, was seen by the side of those of Demeter and Cora. (Paus. i. 2. § 4, 37. i!^ 3.) At the celebration of the great Eleusinian mysteries in honour of Demeter, Persephone, and lacchus, the statue of the last di- vinity, carrying a torch and adorned with a myrtle wreath, was carried on the sixth day of the festival (the 20th of Boedromion) from the temple of De- meter across the Thriasian plain to Eleusis, accom- panied by a numerous and riotous procession of the initiated, who sang the lacchus, carried mystic baskets, and danced amid the sounds of cymbals and trumpets. (Schol. ad Find. Isthm. vii. 3; Plut. Themist. 15, Camill. 19 ; Herod, viii. 65 ; Athen. V. p. 213 ; Virg. Georg. i. 166.) In some traditions lacchus is described as the companion of Baubo or Babo, at the time when she endeavoured to cheer the mourning Demeter by lascivious gestures ; and it is perhaps in reference to this lacchus that Suidas and Hesychius call lacchus r[pu>s ris. [L. S.] JACO'BUS i'ldKMSos). 1. Of Alexandria, called PsYCHiusTUS or Ps-ycochristus, a physi- cian who lived in the reign of the emperor Leo I. Thrax (a. d. 457 — 474), mentioned by Photius (Bibl. Cod. 242), and by Tillemont, who has sup- plied many references respecting him. {Hist, des Emp. vol. vi. 376.) 2. Baradaeus. [See No. 7 .] 3. Bishop of Batne or Batnae (Bcxtj/t; or Barvai), a town now called Saruj, in the district of Sarug or Saruj, in Osrhoene, about 30 miles E. of Birtha, on the Euphrates. Jacobus is variously designated from his bishopric Batnae us and Sa- RUGENsis. He is also called Sapiens or the Wise. He was born about a. d. 452, at Cnrta- mum, near the Euphrates, His parents had long been childless, and his birth was regarded as aii answer to prayer. When he grew up he became eminent for learning and eloquence, and when in his 68th year A. d. 519, was chosen bishop of Batnae. He died in less than three years after his elevation to the bishopric, a. d. 522, aged 70. He has been charged by Renaudot with holding the Monophysite doctrine, but Assemani defends him from the charge, and vindicates his orthodoxy. His works, of which many ai'o extant, were written in Syriac : they comprehended a Liturgy., of which a Latin version is given by Renaudot ; a Baptismal Service ; Hotni/ies, some in prose and some metrical ; on the saints of the Old and New Testament, and the incarnation, deatii, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ ; and Letters. A Letter, which he wrote during an invasion of the eastern frontier by the Persian king, Cavades, or Cabadis, in the beginning of the 6th century, encouraged the inhabitants to resist the invaders. The memory of Jacobus is reverenced both in the Marohite and Jacobite churches. He is not to be confounded with the Jacobus, a Syrian saint, mentioned by Procopius {de Bello Fersico, i. 7) who lived about half a century before the bisliop of Batnae, (Assemani, Bibl. Orient, vol. i. p. 274, 283, &c. ; Renaudot, Liturgiae Orientales, vol. ii. p. 356, &c. ; Cavsi, N N