Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/560

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flids fM. vol L ^Jf'ir> i AeUi H'lwO/r. Awj. vol. i. I*. 101.) 4. A umk vf tU mwowtcry of C0CCW09AfHUS tiiHtui iUti ium tA i^M ttmimoe Alexia* Comtumm (A.&. lOUl— IIUO' ^^*' ^** * "*'> ^ fC*^^ Unniitm mtd m ttUn^ui wHi«f. H^vitrd d % hwu'ii'M-* ttr« ttxUiut m Wi^ iifld mm of tbtiitf /» NiHJMfiUim h. Marim^ if fivm both in tfa« ori- gttifll Or«!«k and in m J^atfn v«r«umt ^<f ^^lAimtHum fjtmwii, iili i'AmVS%^ vol. i. p. 1A>}{;^. Allittiut* MMmUfn tUU homily^ but with l»«»itfttion, to uiioth*?!- .JjiC<i)/ui»* ftr<;bbi»)M>p of lUl^^^ln^ who )ivc<l Jil^out th« uiUhiiK of tlj« 13tl> century, (Kul/ric. /y///^. /y/'<«v.'. vol, X. >p. 'llh *i1^'>* '^V'K 2JJ2, ;})«, voLxL |;. 037 J Cav«» //«*<' /^'^^ vol. jj. p, 1 JJO.) /J. CimMtcm'AT<ni. (H<wNoJJ.J «. J>/A</<>wu» (th«j l)KAa>N) or of Kdkma. It {« douhtUii of wltAt cliurcit jHc<)buit wum dtmeou. IteroitiuM coMt«fMli» (<;r IJ<;lio|>oliM in CooU-iiyri^ to VAmui. lla ftpp<«(tri« io hiivo liv(4 about tho i»W4U» of tb« Atb century, and U krwwn ojjly jw iim autliof of F/^ ;y. Pe/.wji'Hf Mmitrki* AfUiwkvu',,

  • ♦ 'J'lw Ufo of H«i«t P«lii*(itt, tl»« Harlot of Antiocli/'

written in (>r««kf (;f wbicii a J^iitin vitrwion, by on<; KuwtacltiuN, i» Kiv<ni by Huriui*, in hii* JM VrohiUiM Hmuiirrum VUU, 'ul dhn VI U. Odohr. 'I'hn littlo tluit i* kmmn of .I<u^oI^ijm in ^I(<iiim'<1 frotn tliix work, ((/omparo Haroniuw, Anvd. I<lvrh;». n^L Ann.h^ «■». cxxvii. ; J'hj/;!, CVifi^wj in Jtaronimn f Aowjnmiii, A. OrA??</. vol.' i. p. 2AH.) 7. Of HiUKMHAt tl)« <?l<l<;r, cull'i'l hW; by a I^itin* iMd ItMH of bi» Hyi'iiUi co}<iioni<;n liAUAUAKtm, und bjr <Jw Orwko ZhhwiIhi* (Z«<'f'«Ao»), a word iv}H«h Nkopbortiw CHlJiNti intt^tpiciM >u ni(!a(iiii;(

    • morf** WOH oriKi/iiilly a inonk iit tli<! woitiikU'iy

of PluMilta* an<l wnu i-WAnU-A t'> tlx? bisiliopiic of Kd«M« ii«». A'l). Ji<) took a U'iul'iun itt in tiin Monopbyi»it« c<'n/»cil, in wlilcii I'twlun wii» o,U;cUni MtriarcU of Antiocij of tiK^ir tmriy. I l<i hwawiU'A in ttBitiflg tk« variou* Mubdivldionw of tm Mono- t^y»Uni ittto OM imi, uuA lli«y Unvti r<?<;<?lvMl frwi Dim thf tmamiffJuaoUUin. li» dU-d a. i>, A7M. 'J'ix; NoktofiatM ii»p«ak of bini m {latriacch of iUa .JtmAf i(M. but tliitt i» not vomxl '. Uti n«v<«r attaintsd any Mgii<«r dii^riity tlian that of bioliop of KiUnnu ; tlxi arror Uhm probably aritMfn from lii» grwat Uiiutitit'At in liin party, and from iii» haviii((){iv<)n nani<) t«) tbcni. Jtotit .hui«)f'iU'<n Mid Ndttoriann iiavo tho nio»t ub- Nurd and iiXiii/,i/,tiinU'A Htorictt r<!Np('«t!/i({ liiui : tli» Ja4jobit<'« tMnn that Ua onluin«<i two palriarclix, om ar<;libi(tliop, twmity bi*>liopN, and a liundn'd tiMmMtiuJ pri<'i»tt» and di'ivconn : ihf, N'^titorianN ttiat lui ordant<-d f'mUiy tliouwind pri(iMt» and dt'iujono. II<i UttM a placo in tlio calendar of tlin .J(u;obit4t». II<) vi/u) >Mfii an Anwplutra or lAtwuj/^ <»f which a J^tln vwwon in v,sm in tb« IMnrnhm < trhmUdv* of iUnaudot, vol. ii. p. '6Vh, (^avd and otli<!r*» aocribn to him tiio (htmhdit of tlio J(u;obit<iM, wlii<;li in OfM of tlidr Nymlxdi'! bookit ; but AitNcniani Imim »hown that it iMof lator dut<'. (Ni(:*|)li. Callint. //. A'. «viii. U'l J A»««^iriani, HiU, (MmL vol, ii. p. (i% &«. (;av«, ////»/, lAU. voL i. p. t,'l Iknaudot, l,e, and noU'ti on p, 'tSi'l.) H. Of KnKKHA, tli« youn««r, known ali»o by tlin <l«*i^nation« of XhnmM^ and CommkN'/atok, and wiit,A>%¥M l/inaoai/M, Hit appmrM to liavt iM^nt ap)»oint4id to IImi biodoprir of V,iW<,,m A. n. O/i I , 'J'li«  dal<i and nla<:o of liix biiili ur« not ni«!ntio(u<d, but Ini nnjMt navo Ixu^n ('ontparaliviily youn^ at tb. 70^; ; but tlx- pa-^w^c in wbkib tbb ii rocord^d in ob^curo and n.ui)'v^wu». Hi» mwnory in highly r«;v<;r<fn<^;d, and h« han a plsu^j in tln« cab;ndar l>otii of tli« MaroniU; and .lacobiUj church*;*, and hi» opinioim an? cit^-d with gr«?at r<!gard i;y i»ubw','ju<;nt iSyria<; wriUir». |]«  wroUi (JtmimcMiurm 'm tim Hi'tiiitwi'M^ an<l a Co>»» nu'Min/ry <m tlui Jifi^jDj/K of I'tyrpkyry ; al»o a work calhid C'/mmirmit or Amiiilmt^ wiiich iw not known to bo extant ; a l/Uunji/ ; a Jiaplitinnd St'riniT ; J'^xl(iiiUiMli(^d (Janmtu^ and l^fiU'/rn. H<5 wan tlj«  autlu;r of a Hyruu',(Jru,mnnir^n

to hijri itt awriiMtd 

tlw restoration of the purity of the Syriiu; v<v,w„ which iiA ',^i tfj 'iV%i.',i'ViiU'.. lie trannlatid tlio t'nu'd'unvuifd'i^ Aiudijlka^ and l)it Klocidviiin Oni- U/ria of Ari»totl«, and the llimdlvui, IvmUmmvm of Sovcrun of A)iti'>ch and, perhnpH, tno w^nkit of •omo other of tlw (Jr<fek lathcro. Several <d' hia work* are extant: a I^atin ver>»ion of hiit lAlurifn in given in the lAtunivw, OrUmUdim (vol, ii. p, ^71) of Ji^^naudot, who lia» impugned the orthodoxy of J/u^d>u», but lie ix vindicated by AH»»e>iiani. (|{«* natniot, J/Uunjuut Ormit'dtm^ I.e., ami note» on pp. JJJJO, Ace. ; Animtmm, JHhl. Orumt. vol. i. p. 4011, Ate. ; ('ave, //hi. /AU. vol. i. p. tt'Zi.) U. Of KhHHHA^ the Dkacon. {Hee No. fJ.] JO. IsTKnt'HUH LinnoiniM. jHeeNo. {J.J 11. AlAONr;« or the (intcAV. jHee No, '.i.] 12. ()( Njmc;/,a (N</iw;iJf'a), a Kvrian herjjiit, whowj au»teritie* are described in the I'liilotheuw of 'J'heodoret. .lacobu* waw living, and abov<'. ninety yearx of age, when 'i'hoodoret wrote the work, to- ward» thi) middle of the Ath century, ('i'lieodor. /'kUoUuiiiH m, /Iwlorvt /O'lMjinmi., «. 2/i.) ['A. Of Ni«)j»iH, conuooiily deuignaUfd Maoni/h, theOreat (<i /u^7ttii,'J'heodor<'t,), wa» Ijorn at Ni»i- biM,er,(Mit I* iiometimeM caUed, Antioclieiatul MyX" donium or Mygdonica, an important town of the Kawtern JCmtnre In A1e»o|»oia»nia on tlm fronti<'r towanl J'erwa. 'i'he tinni of l)i« birth i* not a»c«r- tained ; it wan probably in tiie lalUrr half of the third <'.<'ntury, lie i-ml/niecd a lif<t of »»oliliide and aiM;etici»ni, living mi ihe mountaiuN, Hlenping in thiiiketH and undrr the open nky in Niiiing, Nunnn<'r, and autumn, and MM'king the Nlidter of a cavH during the rigour of the winUn*. 'I'lK'odon't aNcribeM to iiim tlm gift of propln-cy and olln-r mi- nuinlouN powei'N. After a journey into l'en«iu«  apparently to promote the Npn'iui of OhriHliaiiity there, and to encourago itN pi'(deHiiorM, he ndurned to the neighbourhood of Nikibin, of whi(^li he wan afterwardn iiiiKlit biwliop. On thin appointment h«  lid't hii» Molitiide for the (;ily, but coiitJiiiicd hit hard fare and coarite elolhing. Jl<t wum tint fri<*nd aii/1 bmiehu;tor of the poor, the guardian <d' widow* and orphatiN, and the protector of the injured, 'J'he famoUN Kphraem, when expelled from lioiini by hilt father, an irjohilroui* orient, beeniixe lie n-ftmed to {Mirlhip/ite ill IiIh idolatroiiN praeticeH, found A refiii^c wiUi .buotnix, 'Mm Mmni'it, of tlm Oreekn (wcribe to liim the convr-rnion o ni/uiy idolater*. If till* ntatement ha* any foiindalion in f<u:t, it may poi»iiil;ly have reference to IiIm journey into I'erwiaalreiujy mentioned. According to (leiiuiidiiu, he wan one of the mdrererw in the great pcrwii udoii under the *u<«;eMori» of Diocletian. .In ' ^ <■ -lirl the council of Nice, a.ii. )'ltt^Mu di: > m* Mdf »M» one of the clianipion* of the ' H'd party. (Lahhe, (jonvUiit^ vol, ii, col. 60.) noiiio