Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/561

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JAConns. («. g. Fnbriciiis) huvo tvtiirinod tlitit ho took |)nrt nii ni author in tho Ariiin coutrovt»r8y, foutulin^^ their n!»stMii«>u on a punwjgo of AlhanuHiun. (Ad A))«.y- Citpos Atuft/fifi i't t.t^iiutfi /Cpisto/tt Kucji/i'liht tHtuhu AriiimKs^ miuiclinioii citod m (>Hh'a AriaHos^ C 8; ()/Htm, vol. i. p. '2711, od. HonoiHctln.) llut wlmt AthiniuKius wiyn ia, that tho writinnH of tho ht<»(>tioN v«««v apparontly »o ortho«h>x, tliut it" thoy hud boon vritt«<n l»y nuoh non an ".laoohuH and tho roHt (vom M«'HO|u>tau>in," tliciv wouhi ho no gmnnd for >vadin(( tlioni with mispioion — n Htatonunit whioh by no nioanH assortn that ho wroto any thing on tho qnoHllon. Tho natno of »Iactd)UH ajipcnrH auunig thoso HiihHorihod to tho dooivoa of lh<» omnu'il of v tiooh, a. t). IM I (Lahho, vol. ii. col. .^H.'>) ; Imt thoro aw Hovoml ilillicidtioa con- nootod with tho liintiirv of thin oounoil. Tho inoHt ronwu'kahlo incident in tho lifo of .lacolina va« tho »iogo of NiHibi* l»y tho l'or«ian«  undor thoir king, Sapor II. Tho aiogo wan vigo- rtuisly prcsst^d, hut tho dofonco va« tvpially vt»ll iMiiidufti>(l, ihi« hnivo citi/oim hoing aniuiiUo«l by th«< oxlmitntions of thoir binhop. vVt longlh tho criHiK of tlu'ir fato Bi>oni<'d to bo at htuul, whon .larohoK, at tho ontivaty of IiIm diwiplo Kpliraont nnd otIitM'M, uM't'odod tho walU and prayod for tho dolivoranoo of tho city. A Hwarni of gnatH or nioa- (piitni>H nod othor inwH'trt, wliiih juht afl<»rvardn att;i('ki'd ili(> bojiiogcrK, juiido thoir liorw'rt n»Mtivo, and oiliiTwiao produood mu-U annoyanco an, with othor tiiingH, to eonipol lliont to juino tho iiiogo, woM t;on»iilorod ait an aimwc'r to thi* i)rayor. Tho citijf.oni* rogardod .lacobuH uh ilioir dolivoror ; and wlion ht« dii'd, npparontly noon aftor, ho wan buriod in tlio (<ily. Tho tinio of tho niogo » diMpiitod : Nii*ihiK wan twioo vainlv altackod by Sapor, A. u. •h'lll ami ll}[. 'I'ho auihnr «>f tho (irnNitum A'i/f.v- tfuum givon by vH«oniaiii (//iWio/A. <Vn»M/. vol. i, p. 'M, ^c), ami Dionyhiim, patriawh of tho .Tacol»ii.(«H, ill luH Syriao Chronitlc*, tpiotod in tin* sanio work, pliico hi» doath in A. i>. '.VM, whioh would doit»rniiiio tho limt of tho two HiogoH lo ho tho ono at whioh ho Hignalim'd hiiuHolf; luit wo havo noon that ho wan probably at tho oounoil of Antiooh in a. n. ;iJl ; and thort* in roanon to boliovo, with Tillomoni, that tho nooond Hi«<go Ih tho ono roforrotl to, and that tho SyriuuH havt» anlo- dated tho doath of .laoubiiH. Vho oharaotor of JaooliUM, aM tirawn by Thoodorot, iH v«»ry aniiablo. Tho uiiraoloN aHcribod lo him, ovon whon pnnitivo, mv domribod um diotalod or ton>porod by nioivy, oxcopt pt«rliapH in tho oano of tho ooltdtratotl Arlnn, wlioNO opporium^ doath in aNorihod by tho author of a HpiiriouH paHNago in Thoodorot to tho pray«tr of .Iao(d»u« that (iotl wtaild proHt>rv(> tho ohuroli from tho oalinnity (ho it waH ooiiNidiM'otl) td' that ropulod horoilo'H roHtoralion. | Aiiiuh. | VVIiotli«>r .lao(d)m» wroto any thing in tnuch di«- putod. .loronio, who mttntioiiN him in hiit (%'it- ttii'otu <looH not notit'o him in lim book Ih I'nin l//u.inliiis { and Thoodtn'ot, from whom wo idttain tho amploMt dolail <d' hin lifo, dooH not Hpoak of Imm writiiiK». lbod .Ionu, in hiu aooouiit of tho Syriae ooolohiuHiioal wriloiN, in aim* tiilont ronpocting'him. On tlio oihor haml, (htnnadmM {Ih Vim ///«.«• (riltiM) awrilioN lo him a work in twonty-wix partH, or jierhapH iwoniv »ix tlinlinot workw, «d" moht of which ho givoH tiio liiloM. Thoy w«'ro in Syriao, aooordiiiK <<» him. Among thorn waw a (Vntimhin^ whioh (loinitidiiiH domriliOMaH Iom onrionnly niinuto tN.'vn thobo of thodrookM, but moro atvu'ralo and jAConua. 547 truktworthy« tu re»tlng on tho Scripturt**. Qouiuv* diuH ucotuntta for JorontoVi kilonoo rt>«pectlng Jx- cohuN by AuppoHing that Jortnno,whon ho wroto Ida y>o t'lna ///M.v/r«YiH,v, wu* ignomnt of Syriac, nud that tho worka of .laoobna had "not vot" (nocdum) boon tranalatoil ; t oxpivaaion which aooma to imply that whon (lontuvdiua wrt>to thoy had boon tninslat(<d. Assomani auppoaoa that Oonnadiua liaM aaoribod to .lacobua of Niaibi« tho worka of anoihor Syrian of tho aiuno tamo tdAtOHUH, No. it, Hatnaki's, or SaiuoknsIsI, and por- liaprt of aomo oiliora. S«<voral Syriao and ono Aialdc nnuuaorinl,cliiolly of luanilioa, by u wrilor or writi'ra vagu(»iy doacribod na "Mar. .Iacol>u»," "SancHia .laotdma," ".laoobua Syrua," uro on«- moratoil in tho (htuhtijua MSturmn J»<i;/i«w (4 //♦/torMidff. In aomo of thoao AISS. tho writing* aw minglod with thoao of Kphnvotn, who waa, ua wo havo aooti, tho prt>tt^g(> and pupil of Jaoolma of Niaihia ; bnt whothor tho wrilor tnay bo otawclly idontiruul with .1anoH of Niaihia ia not cloar. A volumo publiNliod at Uouo, fol. IT'dt, ia montionod by llarlt^H midor tho tillo of ^S. JimMi /i.'/M,th»/»i /li^'oMft, A'o/w, ft hisitpiititiouo dti rfljhWw. ihHHM NHuo fU'imuM in Im'vm ftiHHUf<t'Hnt. Tho worka oompi>t<hond a lorloa of diacouraoa mbhvaaod by .lac(dtua to (li-ogoriua Ilbnninalor, or (li>ogi>ry tho Apoatl<> of .Armonia ((JuKOouiHH, No. (i.|, andu iV>/«()</('is»/ hU<'i Tln<nomiinonoaaof tho Diaoonraoa ia atronnously conlondod for by Anlonolli, thoir oditor, and by (laUand, who haa inaoriod thonj ami tho hotlor, both tho Aruonian toxl and tho hatiii voraion, in tho lil'ih volumo «d" hia IUUu>OitHt litviim ; and it ia romarkablo that Aaaomaul, who had boon infonut«d that tho worka woro ox- tant in MS. in tho library of tho Arumnian con- vont »»f St. Ant»»ny ivt Vonico, roiracta, in tho AfUmih at (hvHiJfmln to tho rtrat vohimo of hia iHNixtt/tfiH (h'iciitalii^ tho opitdon ho had oxproaaod in tho body i)( hia work, tliat .lamoa waa not an author at all, and that (ionnadiua had oonl'oundod .lao.diUH td" Niaibia wiih.laodma of Sarug |No.aj and admila tho gt<n»»inonoaa both td' tho Diaoourao* ami tho Synodical lioltor; going in thia boyoml Anlonolli and (hillami, who doubt tho gonuinonoaa id' tho I<otu>r. Tlu> hubjoota td' tht> Dinotuiraoaagroo to aoonaidorablo oxlonl, lad. not wlmlly, with tho liat givon by (lonnatliua. Tho tlillloully ariaing froni thoir hoing ox taut in tho Arn>onian ami not in tho Syriao languago, which waa tho vornacular tonguo tii'tho wrilor, and in whioh (Ionnadiua aay a thoy woro wriltt>u, ia mot by iho hUppOHiiion that, aa »oing atldroaaoil to an Armonian prolatt<, tht<y woro written in tho Armonian tonguo ; tn- that being wriiton in Syriao, but aont in»modiately into Armenia, thoy wt«ro at tmco tramdatod, ami tho tni^inal nt>glot'totl and h>Ht. Their not being oxUtnt in any tilhor limnmigo ia thought tt> aoomml for thoir being unkmtwn to, and nnnolicod by, Jortmio, Thooiltiroi, antl IMiotiua. Jactdiua ia connnontoraltMl In tho ni<td)/it»h,nim •d' tho Hianiah ('hmvh on tho lAth .luly ; in tho i1/oM«»/o,»/M«M» td' thtt (lrt>oka on tht« Ml at Oct. i in tlm A>/«<i.r»iri»4m id' tho Martndtea on tho Kith .January, aiid in that td' tho t'optio Chmvh on the Idlh tif iho nn»nlh Tybi. 'J'ho Syriana atill oroloNN to point tint at Nl».ibia tho original burial place where ho waa laltl. (Iliorttnynj. (^hmt,t Athanaa. /. «./ ( Jojuiatl. /. 0. ; l'hilt»a'u>rg. //. J^. III. -*« | Thoodorot.

/. h i. 7 I II. 'J(i. («il. Valoa. UO, od. SohuU) | J'M^