Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/301

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PHILIPPUS. parently misled by an error in the MS. used by him. (Fabric. Bill. Grace, vol. vii. p. 107 ; Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 192, vol. i. p. 87, ed. Oxford, 1740—1743.) . 5. Caricarum Rerum Scriptor. [No. 30.] 6. Of Chalcis, a Greek historian mentioned by Plutarch {Alex. Mag. Vita., c. 46) as one of the writers who regarded the story of the visit of the queen of the Amazons to Alexander the Great, as a fable. 7. Chollideus, or Chollidensis (XoAiSeuy, more correctly XoWiSeus), mentioned in Plato's will, given by Diogenes Laertius (iii. 41), as the owner of land adjoining a farm or estate which Plato bequeathed to his son Adeimantius. Fa- bricius {Bibl. Graec. vol. iii. p. 181) notices this occurrence of the name of Philippus : and the compiler of the index to Fabricius has unwittingly converted the Attic landowner into a Platonic philosopher. 8. CoMicus, the Comic Writer, of whom scarcely anything is known, except it be the title of some of his comedies, and even with respect to these there is considerable difficulty. Suidas (s. v.), on the authority of Athenaeus, ascribes to him a comedy entitled Ku^wviaarai., but no such title is found in the present text of Athenaeus ; and it is doubtful if that writer has mentioned Philip at all. His name occurs, indeed, in one place (viii. p. 358, £), according to the older editions, but the correct reading is Ephippus. Philip is among the comic poets from whom passages are given in the several collections of the Foetae G?iomici Graeci ; but only one citation appears to be ascribed to him, said by Grotius to be from a comedy entitled ^OKwOtaKos, OU/nthiacu$ ; but Grotius assigns the play not to Philippus, but to Philippides. There is consequently not one known drama to which the title of Philip is clear and indisputable. Philip is probably the 76Aa>T07rofos *iAi7r'n-os, " the laughter-exciting Philip" of Maximus Tyrius {Dissert, xxi. vol. i. p. 402, ed. Reiske), and the ^iAiinros jccOiU6y5i8d(r- vaKos of Themistius {Faraphras. Aristotelis Lib. I. de Anima, c. 3, sub fin. p. 68, b. ed. Aldus, Venice, 1533, or c. 19, in the Latin version of Hermolaus Barbarus), who cites a saying of Dae- dalus, one of his characters. (Suidas, /. c. ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. i. pp. 728, 743, 747, 748, vol. ii. p. 480.) 9. DiACONUs, the Deacon. [No. 11.] 10. Epigrammaticus. Among the writers whose Epigrammata are inserted in the various editions of the Anthologia Graeca., or in other works, are several who bear the name of Philip ; as Philip the Macedonian [No. 15], and Philip of Thessa- lonica [see below]. There are two others: a Philip whom Fabricius styles Junior, and assigns to the fifth or sixth century after Christ, of whom there is extant an Epigramma in A mores sibi arri- dmies Constaiitinopoli., which is assigned to Philip of Thessalonica, among whose epigrams it is No. Ivii., in the editions of Brunck, vol, ii. p. 227, and Jacobs, vol. ii. p. 211 ; and a Philip called Byzan- tinus, whose Epigramma in Herculem is given in the Mijthologiae of Natalis Comes, lib. vii. pp. Q9 1 , 692, ed. sine loci not. 1653, and assigned to Philip of Thessalonica (No. Ii.) in the Anthologia of Brunck, vol, ii, pp, 225, 226, and Jacobs, vol. ii. p. 209, (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. iv. p. 491.) 11. Evangelist A, the Evangelist. Among the spurious gospela which were produced in the TOL. ni. PHILIPPUS, 289 early ages of the Church, was one to which some of the Gnostic sects appealed (Epiphan. Haeres. xxvi. 13), and which they ascribed to Philip, whether to the Apostle Philip or the deacon Philip, who in one passage in the New Testament {Acts., xxi, 8) is called the Evangelist, is not clear, A passage from this apocryphal gospel is cited by Epi- phanius (ibid.) Timotheus, the presbyter of Con- stantinople (apud Meursium, Varia Divitia, p. 117), and Leontius of Byzantium {De Sectis., act. s. lect. iii.) mention To Kara, ^iKiinrou EvayyeKiov, Evan- gelium secundum Fhilippum., as among the spurious books used by the Manichaeans. Whether this was the same book with that used by the Gnostics, is not determined. (Fabric. Cod. Apocryph. N. T. vol. i. p. 376, «Scc.) 12. Of GoRTYNA, a Christian writer of the se- cond century. He was bishop of the Church at Gortyna in Crete, and was spoken of in the highest terms by Dionysius of Corinth [Dionvsius, lite- rary. No. 22], in a letter to the Church at Gortyna and the other Churches in Crete (apud Euseb. //. E. iv. 23), as having inspired his flock with manly courage, apparently during the persecution of Mar- cus Aurelius. Philip wrote a book against Marcion [Marcion], which was highly esteemed by the ancients, but is now lost : Trithemius speaks of it as extant in his day, but his exactness as to whether books were in existence or not is not great. He also states that Philip wrote Ad Diversos Epistolae and Varii Tractutus, but these are not mentioned by the ancients. (Euseb. H. E. iv. 21, 23, 25 ; Hieron. De Viris Iliustr. c. 30 ; Trithem. De Scriptorib. Eccles. c. 19 ; Cave, Hist. Lilt, ad ann. 172, vol. i. p. 74, ed. Oxford, 1740—1743.) 13. Grammaticus s. Rhetor s. Sophist Av Suidas {s.v. ^iKnriros ao(piaTris) ascribes to this writer a work on the aspirates, Uepl ■n-vev/j.a.Twv, De Spiritibus, taken from Herodian, and arranged in alphabetical order : also a work Ile^i avpaKoKprjs, De Synaloej)ha. Nothing more is known of the works or the writer, Avho must have lived at a later period than Herodian [Herodianus Aelius], who belongs to the age of the Antonines. 14. Isangelus (o 640-077 6 Aeuj), a writer cited by Plutarch {Alex. Mag. Vita, c. 46) as one of those who affirmed that the account of the visit of the queen of the Amazons to Alexander was a fiction. It has been conjectured (vide Reiske, Not. ad Flutarch. I. c.) that 6 elaayyeevs is a corrupt reading, and that it should be 6 Qeay yeAevs. [No. 30.] 15. Macedo, the Macedonian. An Epi- gramma in the Anthologia Graeca (lib. iv. c. 11, vol. ii. p, 232, ed. Brunck, vol. ii. p, 216, No. Ixxiv. ed, Jacobs) is ascribed by Fabricius to a Philippus Macedo, Philip the Macedonian, sup- posed by him to have been a different person from Philip of Thessalonica (see below), and to have lived in the reign of Caligula, whose bridge at Puteoli has been thoufjht to be referred to. But Jacobs { /oc) considers the reference to be to tlie Portus Julius formed by Agrippa in Lake Lucrinus near Baiae, and places the Epi- granuna among those of Philip of Thessalonica, 16. Medmaeus (o MfSjuatos), an astronomer of Medama or Medma in Magna Graecia (abouL 25 miles N. N. E. of Rhegium), and a disciple of Plato, under whose direction he turned his atten- tion to the mathematical sciences. His observa- tions, which were made in the Peloponnesus and u