Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/339

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which glide quietly into the sea through the sandy beach, and can by no means answer the description of the Catarrhactes." But there are many small rivulets which turn the mills near Adalia, and rush directly over the cliff into the sea; and if these rivulets were united, they would form a large body of water. (Beaufort.) The water of these streams is full of calcareous particles, and near some of the mouths stalactites were observed. It is very probable, then, that the lower course of this river may have undergone great changes since Strabo's time, and these changes are still going on. D'Anville considered Adalia to represent Olbia, and Attalia to be further east at a place called Laara and he has been followed by others in identifying Adalia and Olbia; but this erroneous opinion is founded entirely on the order of the names in Strabo, who is contradicted in this matter by Ptolemy and the Stadiasmus. Spratt and his associates visited Adalia. The houses and walls contain many fragments of sculpture and columns: the cemeteries which are outside of the city also contain marble fragments and columns. The style of all the remains, it is said, is invariably Roman. Fourteen inscriptions were found, but not one of them contains the name of the place. As Adalia is now the chief port of the south coast of Asia Minor, it is probable that it was so in former times; and it is an excellent site for a city. Paul and Barnabas after leaving Perga went to Attalia, "and thence sailed to Antioch." (Acts, xiv. 25.) The church of Attalia was afterwards an episcopal see. There are imperial coins of Attalia, with the epigraph Άτταλεων.

Leake, who fixes Attalia at Adalia supposed that Olbia might be found in the plain which extends from Adalia to the foot of Solyma; and it ought to be found here, according to Strabo*s authority. About 3| miles west of Adalia, near the coast, there are the remains of an ancient city, on an elevated flat with three precipitous sides, one side of which is bounded by the Arab Su. This agrees with Strabo's description of Olbia as a "great fbrt." The country between these ruins and Adalia is a rocky tract, incapable of cultivation, but the country west of them to the mountains of Solyma, is very fertile. This, as it is well observed in Spratt's Lycia (vol i.p.2 17), will explain Stephanus (s. v. Όλβία), who finds fault with Philo for saying that Olbia belongs to Pamphylia: he adds, "it is not in Pamphylia, but in the land of the Solymi;" and his remark is conformable to the physical character of the country. He says, also, that the true name is Olba. Mannert's conjecture of Olbia and Attalia being the same place, cannot be admitted. Strabo, in an obscure passage (p. 667), speaks of Corycus and Attalia together. Leake (Asia Minor, p. 192) interprets Strabo, by comparing with his text Stephanus (s. v. Άττάλεια) and Suidas (s. v. Κωρυκαίος), to mean that Attalus fixed Attalia near a small town called Corycus, and that he inclosed Corycus and the new settlement within the same walls. This does not appear to be exactly Strabo's meaning; but Corycus was at last near Attalia, and received a colony and was fortified when Attalia was built.

2. A city of Lydia, originally named Agroeira or Alloeira. (Steph. s. v. Άττάλεια) There is a place called Adala on the river Hermus, but Hamilton (Researches, &c. vol. i. p. 143) found no ancient remains there. [Attea.] [ G. L. ]

ATTA VICUS (Άττα κώμη), a town in the country of the Aetaeei, on the west of the Persian
Gulf, and south of Gerrha (Ptol. vi. 7. § 15), which probably gave its name to the Attene regio of Pliny (vi. 28. s. 32), which he places on the Gerraicus Sinus, now the Gulf of Bahrein. The Attene regio has been identified with the peninsula of Bahran, which forms the eastern side of this gulf, and the Atta vicus with the modern Khalt, a town north of Katura (the Katara of Ptolemy), on the eastern coast of this peninsula. (Forster, Geog. of Arabia, vol. ii. pp. 221, 223.) [ G. W. ]

A'TTEA (Άττεα), a place on the sea coast of Mysia, which, if we follow the order of Strabo's enumeration (p. 607), lies between Heracleia and Atarneus. It has been conjectured that it is the same place which is named Attalia in the Table. Pliny (v. 30) mentions an Attalia in Mysia, but he places it in the interior; and he also mentions the Attalenses as belonging to the conventus of Pergamum. It seems, then, there is some confusion in the authorities about this Attalia; and the Lydian Attalia of Stephanus and this Attalia of Pliny may be the same place. [ G. L. ]

ATTE'GUA (Άτέγουα: prob. Teba, between Osüna and Antequera), an inland town in the mountains of Hispania Baetica, in the district of Bastetania and the conventus of Corduba, mentioned in the war between Caesar and the sons of Pompey. (Bell. Hisp. 7, 8, 22; Dion Cass, xliii. 33; Val. Max. ix. 3; Frontin. Strat. iii. 14; Strab. iii. p. 141; Plin. iii 1; Ukert, Geographie, vol. ii. pt. 1. p. 362.) [ P. S. ]

ATTELEBUSA, a small island in the Lycian sea, mentioned by Pliny (v. 31 ) and by Ptolemy. Beaufort (Karamania, p. 117) identifies it with the islet Rashat, which is separated from the Lycian shore by a narrow channel. Adalia is on the opposite side of the bay which the coast forms here. [ G. L. ]

A'TTICA (ή Άττική, sc. γή), one of the political divisions of Greece. I. Name. — The name of Attica is probably derived from Acle (άκτή), as being a projecting peninsula, in the same manner as the peninsula of Mt. Athos was also called Acte. [Acte.] Attica would thus be a corruption of Actica (Άκτική), which would be regularly formed from Acte, It is stated by several ancient writers that the country was originally called Acte. (Strab. ix. p. 391; Steph. B. s. v. άκτή; Plin. iv. 7. s. 11.) Its name, however, was usually derived by the ancient writers from the autochthon Actaeus or Actaeon, or from Atthis, daughter of Cranaus, who is represented as the second king of Athens. (Paus. i. 2. § 6; Strab. ix. p. 397; Apollod. iii. 14. § 5.) Some modern scholars think that Attica has nothing to do with the word Acte, but contains the root Att or Ath, which we see in Ath-enae.

II. Natural Divisions. — Attica is in the form of a triangle, having two of its sides washed by the sea, and its base united to the land. It was bounded on the east by the Aegaean sea, on the west by Megaris and the Saronic gulf, and on the north by Boeotia. It is separated from Boeotia by a range of lofty, and in most places inaccessible, mountains, which extend from the Corinthian gulf to the channel of Euboea. The most important part of this range, immediately south of Thebes and Plataeae, and near the Corinthian gulf, was called Cithaeron. From the latter there were two chief branches, one extending SW. through Megaris under the name of the Oenean mountains, and terminating at the Scironian rocks on the Saronic gulf; and the other, called Parnes, running in a general easterly