Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/594

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576 CAUNII. CAUNII. [Caria, Caunus.] CAUNO'NIUM. [Canonium.] CAUNUS (i^ Kavvos: Eth. Kavms and Kav- vatoy), a city oif Caria, in the Peraea. [Caria.] Stralx) (p. 651) places Caunos west of Calynda. Caonns had dockyards and a closed haTixmr, that is, a harbour that could be closed. Above the city, on a height, was the fort Imbrus. Diodorus (xx. 27) mentions two forts, Persicum and Heradeium. The country was fertile, but unhealthy in summer and autumn, owing to the air and the abundance of fruit, of which we must suppose the people ate too much, as the fruit alone could not cause unhealthi- ness. Strabo's description of the position is not clear. After mentioning Calynda, he says, " then Caunus, and a river near it, CalbLs, deep, and having a navigable entrance, and between, Pi^iilis;" which means that Pisilis is between the Calbis and Cau- nus. It is clear, then, that Caunus, according to Strabo, is not on the Calbis, as it is represented in some maps. If the Calbis, which is the Indus, or the large river Dalamon Tchy^ lb cast of Pisilis, it is of course still further east of Caunus. Caunus is placed in some maps a little distance south of a lake on a stream which flows from it, and four or five miles from the sea; but the river is usually incorrectly marked the Calbis. The site of Caunus is said to be now Kaiguez, or some similar name. But the ancient descriptions of the site of Caunus vary. Mela (i. 16) places Caunus on the Calbis. Ptolemy (v. 2) places it «ist of the Calbis, and his description of the coast of Caria is exact. But as he mentions no other river except the Calbis till we come to the Xanthus, he has omitted the Dalamon Tchy^ unless this is his Calbis. Pliny (v. 28), who proceeds from east to west in his description of this part of the coast, mentions the great river Indus, supposed to be the Calbis, and then '* Oppidum Cau- nus liberum." This confusion in the ancient autho- rities cannot be satisfactorily cleared by the aid of any modem authorities. This part of the coast seems to have been very imperfectly examined. Kiepert places Caunus on the west side of the en- trance of Portus Panormus. Herodotus (i. 172) says that the habits of the Cauuii were very different from those of the Carians and other people. It was their fashion for men, women, and children to mingle in their entertain- ments. They had once some foreign deities among them, but they expelled them in singular fashion. The Caunii made a desperate resistance to the Per- sian general Harpagus. Uke their neighbours the Lvcians. (Herod, i. 176.) The Caunii also joined the lonians in their revolt against the Persians after the burning of Sardis, b. c. 499. (Herod, v. 103.) When Thucydides (i. 116) speaks of the expedition of Pericles to the parts about Caunus after the sea- fight at the island of Tragia (b. c. 440), he says, " he went towards Caria and Caunus," as if he did not consider Caunus to be included in Caria Proper. The place is mentioned several times in the eighth book of Thucydides, and in one passage (viii. 39) as a secure harbour agamst attack. As Caunus was in the Rhodian Peraea, it belonged to the Rliodians, but the islanders were not always able to hold it. There is a st-ory recorded in Polybius (xxxi. 7) of theRhodians having bought Caunus from the generals of Ptolemaeus for 200 talents; and they alleged that they had received, as a grant from Antiochus the son of Seleucus. Stratoniccia in Caria. Caunus was token by Ptolemy in b. c. 309 (Diod. zz. 27), and CAVABES. the Bhodians may have bought it of him. A decree of the Roman senate ordered the Rhodians to take away their garrisoos from Stratonioeia and Caunus. (Polyb. XXX. 19.) This was in b. c. 167. (Liv. xlv. 25.) The Itonans appear to have given Cau- nus, with other jdaoes in Caria, to the Rhodians, after the defeat of Antiochus in Asia. (Liv. zsxviL 56.) For Appian says that in the massacre of the Romans in Asia, which was planned by ^tbri- dates Eupator, **the Caunii, who had been made tributary to the Rhodians afl»r the war with Antio- chus (b.c. 190), and had been set free by the Romans not long before (b. c. 167), dragged oat the Italians who had fled for refuge to the Boulaea Hestia, or the hearth of Vesta, in the senate house, and after murdering the children before the eyes of their mothers, they killed the modiens and the hns- bands on the dead bodies." (Appian. MUhrid, c. 23.) This dreadful massacre happened in b. c. 88 ; and Sulla, after defeating Mithridates, repaid the Cannii by putting them again under their old masters the lUiodians. Strabo (p. 652) says that the Caunii once revolted from the Rhodians, and the case being heard by the Romans, they were brought back under the Rhodians; and there is an extant oration of Mob against the Rhodians. Apdlcmins Molo was in Kc»ne, B.C. 81, as an ambassador from the Rhodians, and this seems to be the occasion to which Strabo refers (Cic. Brvt, 90), and which is by some critics re- ferred to the wrong time. Cicero (ad Q. Fr. i. 1. §11) speaks of the Camiii as being still subject to the Rhodians in b. c. 59 ; bnt they had lately ap- plied to the Romans to be released from the Rhodian dominion, and requested that they might pay their taxes to the Romans rather than to tiie Rhodians. Their prayer had not been listened to, as it seems, for they were still under the Rhodians. Though Cicero says lately (nuper) he may be speaking of the same event thkt Strabo mentions. Vfiaeai Pliny wrote, they had been released from the t^rtamj of the islanders, for he calls Caunus a free town. Caunus was the birthplace of one great num, Pro- togenes the painter, who was a contemporary of Apelles, and therefore of the period of Alexander the Great; but he lived chiefly at Rhodes. Pliny (xxxv. 10) speaks of his birthplace as a city subject to ih& Rhodians ; and though we cannot use this as historical evidence, Caunus may have been subject to the Rho- dians at that time. Caunus was a place of con- siderable trade, and noted for its dried figs (Plin. XV. 19), a fruit that would not ccmtribute to the unhealthiness of the place, even if the people eat them freely. They seem to have been carried even to Italy, as we may infer from a story in Cicero (de Divin. ii. 40). [G. L.] CAUSENNIS, in Britain, mentioned in the 5th Itinerary, the difficulties of which are noticed under CoLONiA and Durobrivis. Being the first station south of Lindum, from which it is distant 12 miles, and Lindum (Lincoln) being one of the most certain identifications we have, it is safe to jurefer u4«»-ca8ter to Boston, Nottingham, and other localities as its present equivalent. The termination -catUry the present exbtence of Roman remains, and even the syllable An ( a> caus-/^nnae castrd) all support this view. Besides which it stands upon the CUff Road, which is a Roman one. [R. G. L.] CAVARES, or CAVARI (Kao^>o(, Kafopoi), a people of Gallia Karbonensis. Strabo (p. 186) says that the Volcae on tiie west bank of the Rhine have the Salyes and Cavari opposite to them on the east side;