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Royal Archæological Institute about 1878 and a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland in 1880. In 1895 he was admitted an honorary member of the Glasgow Archæological Association. He was a vice-president of the Royal Archæological Institute and of the Surtees Society. Ferguson died at Carlisle on 3 March 1900, at his residence, 74 Lowther Street. In August 1867 he married, at Kew, Georgiana Fanny, eldest daughter of Spencer Shelley of Richmond House, Kew, principal clerk of the treasury, and granddaughter of Sir John Shelley, sixth baronet (d. 28 March 1852) He was separated from her in 1872, and divorced her in December 1877. By her he had one son, Spencer Charles Ferguson, now captain in the Northumberland fusiliers, and one daughter, Margaret Josephine, who married in 1896 the Rev. Frederick Luke Holland Millard, vicar of Aspatria. Ferguson's portrait, painted by Mr. Sephton, was presented to him by the corporation of Carlisle in 1896. A replica hangs in the vestibule of Tullie House.

Besides the works already mentioned Ferguson wrote, in conjunction with his brother, Charles John Ferguson, 'A Short Historical Account of Lanercost' (London, 1870, 8vo). He contributed:

  1. 'Carlisle' (London, 1889, 8vo) to the 'Diocesan Histories' of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
  2. 'A History of Cumberland' (London, 1890, 8vo) to Elliot Stock's 'Popular County Histories.'
  3. 'An Archæological Survey of Cumberland and Westmorland' (1893) to the 'Archæologia' of the Society of Antiquaries (vol. liii.)
  4. 'A History of Westmorland' (London, 1894, 8vo) to 'Popular County Histories.'
  5. 'Carlisle Cathedral' (London, 1898, 8vo) to 'English Cathedrals.'

He edited for the Cumberland and Westmoreland Archæological Society:

  1. 'Miscellany Accounts of the Diocese of Carlisle,' by William Nicolson [q. v.], 1877.
  2. 'Old Church Plate in the Diocese of Carlisle, with the Makers and Marks,' 1882.
  3. 'An Accompt of the most considerable Estates and Families in the County of Cumberland,' by John Denton, 1887 (Tract Series, No. 2).
  4. With W. Nanson, 'Some Municipal Records of the City of Carlisle,' 1887.
  5. 'Description of the County of Cumberland,' by Sir Daniel Fleming [q. v .] (Tract Series, No. 3).
  6. 'A cursory Relation of all the Antiquities and Familyes in Cumberland,' 1890 (Tract Series, No. 4).
  7. 'Account of the City and Diocese of Carlisle,' by Hugh Todd [q. v.], 1890 (Tract Series, No. 5).
  8. 'Notitia Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Carliolensis,' by Todd, 1892 (Tract Series, No. 6).
  9. 'A Boke off Recorde … concerning the Corporation of Kirkbiekendall … 1575,' 1892.
  10. 'Testamenta Karleolensia,' 1893.
  11. 'The Royal Chartes of the City of Carlisle,' 1894.

He contributed a biographical notice of Michael Waistell Taylor to that antiquary's 'Old Manorial Halls of Cumberland and Westmorland,' 1892, and a preface to Hugh Alexander Macpherson's 'Vertebrate Fauna of Lakeland,' 1892. He was a contributor to the 'Antiquary,' 'Reliquary,' and the 'Archæologia' of the Society of Antiquaries.

[Eagle, June 1900; Shrewsbury School Register, 1898, p. 112; Foster's Men at the Bar, 1885; Burke's Landed Gentry; Carlisle Journal, 6 March 1900.]

FIELD, JOHN (d. 1588), puritan divine. [See Feilde.]

FINDLAY, Sir GEORGE (1829–1893), general manager of the London and North-Western railway, born at Rainhill in Lancashire on 18 May 1829, was the younger son of George Findlay (d. 1858) of Grantown, Inverness, by his wife Agnes (d. 1835), daughter of Henry Courtenay of Glasgow. His father, descended from a family of small tenant farmers residing at Coltfield in the parish of Alves in Elgin, became an inspector of masonry under the great engineer, George Stephenson, and was engaged in building the well-known skew bridge near Rainhill at the time of his son's birth. The younger George resided with his father successively at Liverpool, Coventry, and Halifax, where he attended the grammar school. At the age of fourteen he left school and worked as a mason on the Halifax branch railway, then in course of construction. Two years later he was assistant to his elder brother James on the Trent Valley Railway. The brothers were in the employ of Thomas Brassey [q. v.], with whom George remained connected for seventeen years. Brassey early appreciated his abilities, and afterwards gave him opportunity to use them. On the completion of the Trent Valley line in 1847, Findlay proceeded to London, and entered the service of Messrs. Bransome & Gwyther, contractors, by whom he was employed in building the new engine sheds of the London and North-Western Railway Company at Camden Town, and the 'Round House' at Chalk Farm. He afterwards was engaged, under Messrs. Grissel & Peto, in building the new houses of parliament, and fashioned with his own hand much of the stone tracery of the great window at the east end of Westminster Hall. Within a year he left London and

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