Author:Edward Irving Carlyle
[edit]- William Cobbett: A Study of His Life as Shown in His Writings (1904) (external scan)
- 1885-1900
- Pond, Edward
- Povey, Thomas
- Pratt, John Burnett
- Purdon, Edward
- Purnell, Thomas
- Rae, Peter
- Ramsay, Thomas (fl.1653)
- Reade, John Edmund
- Rede, William Leman
- Renehan, Laurence
- Rhodes, William Barnes
- Rickards, George Kettilby
- Rigby, Edward (1804-1860)
- Roberts, John (1576-1610)
- Robertson, Thomas (d.1799)
- Robertson, Thomas Campbell
- Robson, William
- Rogers, John (1627-1665?)
- Ross, Thomas (1575?-1618)
- Rowland, David
- Russell, Charles William
- Russell, Patrick (1629-1692)
- Rutherford, John (d.1577)
- Sabine, Joseph (1662?-1739)
- St. Lawrence, Nicholas
- St. Lawrence, Robert
- St. Paul, John de
- Salaberry, Charles Michel de
- Salmon, Robert
- Saphir, Adolph
- Sassoon, Albert Abdullah David
- Savage, John (d.1492)
- Savage, Richard (d.1743)
- Savage, Roland
- Savage, Thomas (1608-1682)
- Savage, William (1770-1843)
- Savery, Thomas
- Scott, Thomas (1745-1842)
- Seton, Alexander (1814-1852)
- Seymour, Edward Adolphus (1775-1855)
- Sharp, Cuthbert
- Sharp, John (1572?-1648?)
- Sharp, Leonel
- Sharp, Patrick
- Sharp, Thomas (1770-1841)
- Sharp, William (1749-1824)
- Sharpe, James
- Sharpe, Lewis
- Sharpham, Edward
- Shaw, James
- Shaw, Joseph
- Shaw, Mary
- Shaw, Patrick
- Shea, David
- Sheehy, Nicholas
- Sheeres, Henry
- Sheffield, John (1648-1721)
- Sheldon, Richard
- Shelford, Leonard
- Shepherd, John (1759-1805)
- Shepherd, Luke
- Sheppard, John (1785-1879)
- Sheppard, Samuel
- Sheppard, William (d.1675?)
- Sherfield, Henry
- Sheridan, Thomas (fl.1661-1688)
- Sheriff, Laurence
- Sherley, Thomas
- Sherring, Matthew Atmore
- Sherry, Richard
- Sherwood, Robert
- Shilling, Andrew
- Shipton, William
- Shirley, Horatio
- Shirley, John (1648-1679)
- Shirley, Robert (1629-1656)
- Shirley, William (fl.1739-1780)
- Shirwood, John
- Shirwood, Robert
- Shorton, Robert
- Shuckburgh, Richard
- Shuckburgh-Evelyn, George Augustus William
- Shute, Christopher
- Sibbald, William
- Sibley, George
- Sibly, Ebenezer
- Sibly, Manoah
- Sibthorp, Christopher
- Sicklemore, John
- Siddall, Henry
- Silvester, Tipping
- Simcocks, John
- Simmons, Samuel Foart
- Simms, Frederic Walter
- Simon, John (1818-1897)
- Simpson, Edward
- Simpson, James (1781-1853)
- Simpson, Nathaniel
- Simpson, Thomas (1710-1761)
- Simson, Andrew (d.1590?)
- Simson, Andrew (1638-1712)
- Simson, Archibald
- Simson, Robert
- Simson, Thomas
- Singer, George John
- Singer, Joseph Henderson
- Singleton, Thomas
- Sinnich, John
- Skelton, Bevil
- Skinner, James (1818-1881)
- Skinner, John (1772-1839)
- Skinner, Thomas (1800?-1843)
- Skinner, Thomas (1804-1877)
- Skrine, Henry
- Slater, Samuel
- Slatyer, William
- Small, John (1726-1796)
- Smalle, Peter
- Smallwood, Charles
- Smart, Benjamin Humphrey
- Smeton, Thomas
- Smith, Archibald
- Smith, Charles (1713-1777)
- Smith, Charles Harriot
- Smith, Edward (1665-1720)
- Smith, George (1815-1871)
- Smith, George (1831-1895)
- Smith, Hugh
- Smith, James (1805-1872)
- Smith, John (1616-1644)
- Smith, John (fl.1633-1673)
- Smith, John (1630-1679)
- Smith, John (1662-1717)
- Smith, John (1747-1807)
- Smith, John (1790-1824)
- Smith, John Abel
- Smith, Joseph (1670-1756)
- Smith, Lionel
- Smith, Miles
- Smith, Robert (fl.1689-1729)
- Smith, Robert Percy
- Smith, Samuel (1584-1662?)
- Smith, Theyre Townsend
- Smith, Wentworth
- Smith, William (1550?-1618)
- Smith, William (1651?-1735)
- Smith, William (1808-1876)
- Snape, Edmund
- Somers, Edmund Sigismund
- Somers, Robert
- Somerville, Alexander Neil
- Somerville, Thomas
- Southern, Henry
- Speechly, William
- Spelman, Edward
- Spencer, William George
- Spender, Lily
- Spens, James
- Spillan, Daniel
- Sprint, John
- Spry, Henry Harpur
- Stack, Edward
- Stack, Richard
- Stafford, William (1593-1684)
- Standish, Arthur
- Standish, Myles
- Stanwix, Richard
- Stark, William
- Starkey, George
- Stayley, George
- Stebbing, Henry (1687-1763)
- Steele, Joshua
- Stephenson, James
- Stevens, Alfred
- Stevenson, George John
- Stevenson, William (1772-1829)
- Stevenson, W. B.
- Stewart, Matthew (1717-1785)
- Stirling, James (1692-1770)
- Stirling, Robert
- Stocker, Thomas
- Stogdon, Hubert
- Stokes, David
- Stone, Edmund
- Stone, Frank
- Stone, Samuel
- Stopford, James
- Stothard, Charles Alfred
- Strangeways, James
- Stratford, Edward
- Strauss, Gustave Louis Maurice
- Streat, William
- Strode, Thomas
- Strong, William
- Strother, Edward
- Strutt, Edward
- Strutt, Jedediah
- Stuart, Andrew
- Stuart, Bernard (1623?-1645)
- Stuart, Charles (1640-1672)
- Stuart, James (d.1793)
- Stuart, John Ferdinand Smyth
- Suckling, Alfred Inigo
- Sullivan, Robert
- Sumner, Robert Carey
- Surr, Thomas Skinner
- Sutton, Thomas (1767?-1835)
- Swain, Joseph
- Swale, Richard
- Swete, John
- Swinden, Tobias
- Swinnock, George
- Swinny, Owen Mac
- Swinton, John (1703-1777)
- Sydenham, Floyer
- Sydenham, John
- Sykes, Mark Masterman
- Symington, Andrew
- Symonds, John (1729-1807)
- Symons, Benjamin Parsons
- Tabor, Robert
- Talbot, Charles Chetwynd
- Talboys, David Alphonso
- Tanfield, Lawrence
- Tarlton, Richard
- Tatham, William
- Taylor, Brook
- Taylor, Charles
- Taylor, James (1753-1825)
- Taylor, Jefferys
- Taylor, John (1703-1772)
- Taylor, John (d.1808)
- Taylor, Joseph
- Taylor, Michael Waistell
- Temple, Richard (1634-1697)
- Temple, Richard (1669?-1749)
- Terrien De La Couperie, Albert Étienne Jean Baptiste
- Thackeray, Francis
- Thackeray, George
- Theakston, Joseph
- Thellusson, Peter
- Thesiger, Frederick (d.1805)
- Thomas, Francis Sheppard
- Thomas, John (1712-1793)
- Thomas, Samuel
- Thomas, Vaughan
- Thomason, Edward
- Thompson, Benjamin (1776?-1816)
- Thompson, Henry (1797-1878)
- Thompson, Henry Langhorne
- Thompson, John (1647-1710)
- Thompson, Thomas (1708?-1773)
- Thompson, William (1712?-1766?)
- Thoms, William John
- Thomson, Alexander (1763-1803)
- Thomson, Alexander (1817-1875)
- Thomson, George (fl.1643-1668)
- Thomson, George (fl.1648-1679)
- Thomson, James (1768-1855)
- Thomson, William (1819-1890)
- Thornborough, John
- Thorne, James (1795-1872)
- Thorne, William (1568?-1630)
- Thornton, Edward Parry
- Thornton, Thomas (d.1814)
- Thorp, Charles
- Thorpe, John (1715-1792)
- Thurland, Edward
- Thurlow, Thomas
- Tidd, William
- Tillesley, Richard
- Tilloch, Alexander
- Tindal, William
- Tipper, John
- Todd, Hugh
- Toller, Samuel
- Tomkins, Martin
- Tomkins, Thomas (1637?-1675)
- Tomlins, Thomas Edlyne
- Tomlinson, Charles
- Tooke, George
- Tooker, William
- Topham, John
- Torshell, Samuel
- Tovey-Tennent, Hamilton
- Towers, John
- Townsend, Aurelian
- Townsend, George (1788-1857)
- Townsend, George Henry
- Townsend, John
- Townsend, Richard (1618?-1692)
- Townsend, Richard (1821-1884)
- Townsend, William Charles
- Townshend, Chauncey Hare
- Townson, Robert (1575-1621)
- Townson, Robert (fl.1792-1799)
- Toy, John
- Tracy, Robert
- Tredgold, Thomas
- Tremellius, John Immanuel
- Trench, Francis Chenevix
- Tresham, William (d.1569)
- Trevelyan, Raleigh
- Trevor, George
- Trevor, Richard
- Trevor, Thomas (1586-1656)
- Trigge, Francis
- Trimnell, Charles
- Tripp, Henry
- Trollope, Arthur William
- Trubshaw, James
- Tufnell, Henry
- Tulloch, Alexander Murray
- Tully, Thomas
- Turberville, Daubeney
- Turberville, James
- Turnbull, John
- Turnbull, William (1729?-1796)
- Turner, Matthew
- Turner, Peter (1586-1652)
- Turner, Richard (d.1565?)
- Turner, Richard (1753-1788)
- Turner, Richard (1724?-1791)
- Turner, Robert (fl.1654-1665)
- Turner, Samuel (d.1647)
- Turner, Thomas (1591-1672)
- Turner, Thomas (1749-1809)
- Turner, Thomas Hudson
- Turner, William (1792-1867)
- Turnor, Edmund
- Tuttiett, Lawrence
- Twyford, Josiah
- Tyerman, Daniel
- Tyler, James Endell
- Tyndale, William
- Tyrrell, James (1642-1718)
- Tyrrell, John
- Tytler, Henry William
- Underhill, John (1545?-1592)
- Ure, David
- Urquhart, David
- Urry, John (d.1650)
- Urry, John (1666-1715)
- Uwins, David
- Vallans, William
- Vanderlint, Jacob
- Vansittart, Henry (1732-1770)
- Vansittart, Robert
- Vaughan, Thomas (fl.1772-1820)
- Vaughan, William (1752-1850)
- Vaux, Anne
- Vavasour, John
- Vennar, Richard
- Vennor, Henry George
- Vicars, Thomas
- Viccars, John
- Vigne, Godfrey Thomas
- Vincent, Philip
- Vint, William
- Vyse, Richard William Howard
- Waddington, Edward
- Waddington, John
- Waddington, Samuel Ferrand
- Wait, Daniel Guilford
- Wakefield, Edward Gibbon
- Wakefield, Priscilla
- Wakefield, William Hayward
- Wakley, Thomas
- Waldegrave, Edward
- Waldegrave, Richard
- Wales, William
- Waley, Jacob
- Walford, Edward
- Walford, Thomas
- Walker, Adam
- Walker, Alexander
- Walker, Charles Vincent
- Walker, James (1770?-1841)
- Walker, John (1759-1830)
- Walker, John (1770-1831)
- Walker, John (1768-1833)
- Walker, John (1781?-1859)
- Walker, Richard
- Walker, Samuel
- Wallington, Nehemiah
- Wallis, George (1740-1802)
- Wallis, John (1789-1866)
- Walsh, John (1725?-1795)
- Walsh, Richard Hussey
- Wansey, Henry
- Ward, John (fl.1613)
- Ward, John (fl.1642-1643)
- Ward, Joshua
- Ward, Seth
- Ward, William (1769-1823)
- Ward, William (1787-1849)
- Warde, Henry
- Warder, Joseph
- Ware, Hugh
- Warmington, William
- Warner, Edward
- Warner, John (d.1565)
- Warner, John (1673?-1760)
- Warren, John Taylor
- Wastell, Simon
- Wathen, James
- Watkins, John
- Watson, Anthony
- Watson, George (1723?-1773)
- Watson, John Forbes
- Watson, Joseph
- Watson, Lewis
- Watson, Robert (fl.1555)
- Watson, Robert (fl.1581-1605)
- Watson, Thomas (d.1686)
- Watson, Thomas (1637-1717)
- Watts, Walter Henry
- Weale, John
- Weatherhead, George Hume
- Weaver, Robert
- Webb, Daniel
- Webb, Francis (1735-1815)
- Webbe, Joseph
- Webster, William
- Wedge, John Helder
- Weguelin, Thomas Matthias
- Welby, Henry
- Welch, Joseph
- Welles, Thomas
- Wellesley, Henry (1791-1866)
- Welsted, Robert
- Welton, Richard
- Welwood, William
- Wemyss, John
- Wenman, Thomas (1596-1665)
- Wentworth, John
- Wentworth, Thomas (1568?-1628)
- Werden, John
- Werden, Robert
- West, Charles Richard Sackville-
- West, Richard (fl.1606-1619)
- West, William (fl.1568-1594)
- Westcote, Thomas
- Westfaling, Herbert
- Westfield, Thomas
- Weyland, John
- Whalley, George Hammond
- Whalley, John
- Wharton, John
- Wheatley, Benjamin Robert
- Wheatly, Charles
- Whichcote, George
- Whiddon, John
- Whitaker, Tobias
- Whitbourne, Richard
- White, Henry (1812-1880)
- White, James (1775-1820)
- White, James (1803-1862)
- White, John Tahourdin
- White, Michael
- White, Robert (1802-1874)
- White, Robert Meadows
- Whitehurst, John
- Whitford, David
- Whitford, Walter (1581?-1647)
- Whitlock, William
- Whitmore, George
- Whytehead, Thomas
- Wiburn, Perceval
- Widdrington, Samuel Edward
- Wigginton, Giles
- Wigram, Joseph Cotton
- Wilcocks, Joseph
- Wilde, William (1611?-1679)
- Wilkes, Richard
- Wilkinson, James John Garth
- Wilkinson, William
- Wilks, John
- Wilks, Mark
- Willes, Richard
- Williams, Frederick Smeeton
- Williams, Griffith (1589?-1672)
- Williams, Henry
- Williams, John (1636?-1709)
- Williams, John (1727-1798)
- Williams, John (1757-1810)
- Williams, John (1796-1839)
- Williams, John (1753-1841)
- Williams, Thomas Walter
- Willymat, William
- Willymott, William
- Wilmot, Lemuel Allen
- Wilson, Andrew (1718-1792)
- Wilson, Anthony
- Wilson, Benjamin
- Wilson, Edward (1814-1878)
- Wilson, George (fl.1607)
- Wilson, Henry Bristow
- Wilson, John (1741-1793)
- Wilson, John (1804-1875)
- Wilson, Nicholas
- Wilson, William (1690-1741)
- Wilson, William (1783?-1873)
- Winch, Humphrey
- Windele, John
- Windham, Joseph
- Winram, George
- Winstanley, Thomas
- Winterbottom, Thomas Masterman
- Wintringham, Clifton (1689-1748)
- Wintringham, Clifton (1710-1794)
- Wishart, John
- Witherspoon, John
- Wolfe, David
- Wolff, Joseph
- Wollaston, Francis (1731-1815)
- Wolley, Edward
- Wolley, John
- Wolley, Richard
- Wood, Alexander (1725-1807)
- Wood, Edmund Burke
- Wood, George (1743-1824)
- Wood, John (fl.1596)
- Wood, John (1811-1871)
- Wood, John Philip
- Wood, Robert (1622?-1685)
- Wood, Thomas
- Woodd, Basil
- Wooddeson, Richard
- Woodhouse, Peter
- Woodhouse, Robert
- Woodhouse, Thomas
- Woodrow, Henry
- Woodville, William
- Woodward, Richard
- Wooler, Thomas Jonathan
- Woolf, Arthur
- Woolley, John
- Woolley, Joseph
- Worsley, Henry (1768-1841)
- Wray, Daniel
- Wright, James (1716-1785)
- Wright, John (1805-1843?)
- Wright, John (1770?-1844)
- Wright, Robert (d.1689)
- Wright, William (1837-1899)
- Writer, Clement
- Wrottesley, John (1798-1867)
- Wyke, Charles Lennox
- Wykeham, William (1539-1595)
- Wylie, Alexander
- Wyndham, Francis
- Wynter, Andrew
- Wynyard, Robert Henry
- Yale, Thomas
- Yates, John
- Yeats, Grant David
- Yelverton, William Charles
- Young, Aretas William
- Young, Arthur (1693-1759)
- Young, John (1807-1876)
- Young, John Radford
- Young, William (1749-1815)
- Young, William (1799-1887)
- Zincke, Foster Barham
- 1st supplement
- Adler, Nathan Marcus
- Ainsworth, William Francis
- Alexander, Cecil Frances
- Allon, Henry
- Anderson, William (1835-1898)
- Angas, George French
- Archbold, John Frederick
- Atkinson, John Christopher
- Attwood, Thomas (1783-1856)
- Badger, George Percy
- Barkly, Henry
- Barlow, Peter William
- Bateman, James
- Bateman, John Frederic La Trobe-
- Baxter, William Edward
- Bennett, William Cox
- Bickersteth, Edward (1814-1892)
- Blaikie, William Garden
- Bowen, George Ferguson
- Broadhead, William
- Broome, Frederick Napier
- Brown, George (1818-1880)
- Brown, John (1780-1859)
- Brown, John (1816-1896)
- Bruce, Alexander Balmain
- Bruce, George Wyndham Hamilton Knight-
- Burgess, Joseph Tom
- Burn, John Southerden
- Butler, George (1819-1890)
- Byrnes, Thomas Joseph
- Caldwell, Robert
- Callaway, Henry
- Cameron, Duncan Alexander
- Casey, John
- Cave, Alfred
- Cavendish, Charles (1591-1654)
- Cavendish, William (1808-1891)
- Chapleau, Joseph Adolphe
- Clerk, George Russell
- Cockle, James
- Cole, Christopher
- Cooke, George (1768-1837)
- Cowie, Benjamin Morgan
- Crealock, Henry Hope
- Dalley, William Bede
- Dalyell, Robert Anstruther
- Deane, William John
- Demaus, Robert
- Denton, William (1815-1888)
- Dixon, George (1820-1898)
- Dobson, George Edward
- Doyle, Francis Hastings Charles
- Doyle, James William Edmund
- Duff, Robert William
- Ellis, Alexander John
- Elton, John (d.1751)
- Ferguson, Richard Saul
- Findlay, George
- Fletcher, Banister
- Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward
- Foster, Vere Henry Lewis
- Fraser, Donald
- Frost, Percival
- Gates, Horatio
- Gay, John (1699-1745)
- Grant, John Peter (1807-1893)
- Green, William Kirby Mackenzie
- Greenwood, Thomas
- Harris, George (1809-1890)
- Hay, John (1816-1892)
- Hill, Stephen John
- Hincks, Thomas (1818-1899)
- Hirst, Thomas Archer
- Howe, George Augustus
- Hudson, John (1833-1893)
- Jerrard, George Birch
- Kettle, Rupert Alfred
- Lafontaine, Louis Hypolite
- Layer, John (1585?-1641)
- Mackinnon, William
- Macleod, John Macpherson
- Mangles, Ross Donnelly
- Maxwell, William Edward
- Melvill, James Cosmo
- Metford, William Ellis
- Momerie, Alfred Williams
- Montagu, John (1797-1853)
- Mummery, Albert Frederick
- Nixon, John (1815-1899)
- Palmer, Arthur Hunter
- Patterson, James Browne
- Playfair, Robert Lambert
- Powell, George Smyth Baden-
- Price, Bartholomew
- Reynolds, Henry Robert
- Robinson, William Cleaver Francis
- Smith, Joseph (1733?-1790)
- Strachey, Henry
- Warburton, Robert
- Ward, Mary
- Wauchope, Andrew Gilbert
- Wightman, Joseph
- Wodehouse, Philip Edmond
- Woodgate, Edward Robert Prevost
- 1927 supplement
- Binnie, Alexander Richardson
- Hartley, Charles Augustus
- Hicks Beach, Michael Edward
- Merry, William Walter
- "Dost Mahommed Khan," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
Works about Carlyle
[edit]- "Carlyle, Edward Irving". Who's Who: p. 430. 1920.
Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1930.
This author died in 1952, so works by this author are in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 72 years or less. These works may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
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