Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 08.djvu/263

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and in 1859 ‘A few Facts on the Life of Handel.’ Callcott was for some years organist of Ely Place Chapel. In the latter part of his life he suffered much from ill-health. He died at 1 Campden House Road, Kensington, on 5 Aug. 1882, and was buried on the 9th at Kensal Green. Callcott composed several songs, glees, and anthems, but his name is principally known by his arrangements and transcriptions for the piano, which amount to many hundred pieces. A son of his, Robert Stuart Callcott, who showed great promise as an organist and musician, died in the spring of 1886 at an early age.

[Baptie's Dict. of Musical Biography; Monthly Musical Record for 1 Sept. 1882; Musical Times for September 1882; Musical Standard for 3 Feb. 1883; Records of the Royal Society of Musicians; information from Mr. J. G. Callcott; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

CALLENDER, GEORGE WILLIAM (1830–1878), surgeon, was born at Clifton, and, after education at a Bristol school, became a student of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in 1849, in 1852 a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and F.R.C.S. in 1855. He was house-surgeon at St. Bartholomew's, was in 1861 elected assistant surgeon, and in 1871 surgeon to the hospital. At the same time he was a laborious teacher in the medical school, was registrar (1854), demonstrator of anatomy, lecturer on comparative anatomy and on anatomy (1865), and finally (1873) lecturer on surgery. For many years he was treasurer of the medical school, and exercised great influence in all its affairs. He published a paper on the ‘Development of the Bones of the Face in Man’ in the ‘Philosophical Transactions’ for 1869, which led to his election as F.R.S. in 1871, and in the Proceedings of the Royal Society there are abstracts of papers by him on the anatomy of the thyroid body and on the formation of the sub-axial arches of man. He published many papers in the ‘Medico-Chirurgical Transactions,’ in the ‘Transactions’ of the Clinical Society and of the Pathological Society, in the ‘St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports,’ in Holmes's ‘System of Surgery,’ and in the medical journals, besides, in 1863, a small book on the anatomy of the parts concerned in femoral rupture, and in 1864 an address delivered to the students at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. A great master of surgery and of panegyric who knew him throughout his career thus sums up Callender's work: ‘In the future history of surgery Callender will have a large share of the honour which will be awarded to those who, in the last twenty years, by greatly diminishing the mortality of operations, have made by far the most important improvement in practical surgery’ (St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, vol. xv.) Callender lived in Queen Anne Street, married, and had several children. A few years would probably have made his practice a great one, for he had reached the stage of being known to his profession, and was beginning to be known to the public. He died on 20 Oct. 1878 of Bright's disease, against which he had long struggled. His death took place at sea on his way back from America. He had gone thither for a holiday, and his illness had suddenly become aggravated while travelling. The extraordinary kindness with which, as a distinguished English surgeon, he was treated when taken ill in the United States deserves to be remembered to the honour of the medical profession in that country. He was buried at Kensal Green.

[Sir James Paget, memoir in St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, vol. xv. (MS. minutes of Medical Council of St. Bartholomew's Hospital); personal knowledge.]

CALLENDER, JAMES THOMSON (d. 1803), miscellaneous writer, a native of Scotland, in autumn 1792 published anonymously at London and Edinburgh ‘The Political Progress of Britain, or an Impartial Account of the Principal Abuses in the Government of this Country from the Revolution of 1688.’ This was meant to be the first of a series of pamphlets, but the project was checked by the arrest of the author on 2 Jan. 1793, on account of statements in the work. Having, as he says, ‘with some difficulty made his escape,’ he went to America and established himself in Philadelphia, where he republished his treatise (3rd edit. reissued 1795). It received the favourable notice of Jefferson, was translated into German (Edinburgh, Philadelphia, and London, 1797; the translator's preface is dated from Cologne, 4 June 1796), and was attacked in ‘A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats’ (Philadelphia, 1795). A second part of the ‘Political Progress’ was published, but this was, says Jefferson, much inferior to the first. Callender also published at Philadelphia the ‘Political Register’ (3 Nov. 1794 to 3 March 1795), the ‘American Annual Register for 1796,’ 1797, and ‘Sketches of the History of America,’ 1798. He was a bitter writer; he was continually in want of money, and from either or both causes got into difficulties at Philadelphia, from which he ‘fled in a panic.’ He was afterwards at Richmond, Virginia, where he edited for some years the ‘Richmond Recorder,’ which became noted for the violence