Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 21.djvu/133

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and 1612, 8vo; Oxford, ed. T. E. Holland, 1877, 4to; and in the ‘Opera Omnia,’ 1770, 4to. 10. ‘De Injustitia Bellica Romanorum Actio,’ Oxford, 1590, 4to. 11. ‘Ad tit. de Malef. et Math. item ad tit. de Prof. et Med.,’ Hanau, 1593, and 1604, 8vo. 12. ‘De Armis Romanis et Injustitia Bellica Romanorum Libri II,’ Hanau, 1599 and 1612, 8vo; printed also, merely as by A. G., in Polenus's ‘Thesaur. Antiq.,’ tom. i., ed. Venice, 1737. 13. ‘De Actoribus et de Abusu Mendacii Disp. Duæ,’ Hanau, 1599, 8vo (printed also in Gronovii ‘Thesaur. Antiquit.,’ vol. viii.). 14. ‘De Ludis Scenicis Epistolæ Duæ’ (dated 1593), appended to ‘The Overthrow of Stage Plays,’ Middelburg, 1599, 4to, and Oxford, 1629. 15. ‘Ad I Maccabæorum Disp.,’ Frankfurt, 1600, 4to. 16. ‘De Nuptiis Libri VII,’ Hanau, 1601 and 1614, 8vo. 17. ‘Lectiones Virgilianæ,’ Hanau, 1603 and 1604, 8vo. 18. ‘Ad I Maccabæorum Disp., et de Linguarum Mistura,’ London, 1604. 19. ‘De si quis Principi et ad Leg. Jul. Disp. Decem,’ Hanau, 1604 and 1607, 8vo. 20. ‘De Latinitate vet. Bibl. vers. male accusata,’ Hanau, 1604, 8vo. 21. ‘Laudes Academiæ Perusinæ et Oxon.,’ Hanau, 1605, 8vo. 22. ‘De Unione Angliæ et Scotiæ Discursus,’ London, 1605, 8vo; Helmstedt, 1664, 4to. 23. ‘Disputationes Tres (1) de libris Juris Can., (2) de libris Juris Civ., (3) Latinitate vet. Bibl.,’ &c., Hanau, 1605, 8vo; Helmstedt, 1674, 4to. 24. ‘Regales Disputationes, (1) de pot. Regis absol., (2) de Unione Regnorum, &c., (3) de vi Civium in Regem,’ &c., London, 1605, fol. and 4to; Hanau, 1605, 8vo (‘England's Monarch,’ London, 1644, is a refutation of the ‘false principles and insinuating flatteries’ of this work). 25. ‘De libro Pyano ad Jo. Howsonum Epistola’ (dated 1603) in Howson's ‘Theseos defensio,’ Oxford, 1606. 26. ‘Hispanicæ Advocationis Libri Duo,’ Hanau and Frankfurt, 1613, 4to; Amsterdam, 1661 and 1664, 8vo. 27. ‘In tit. de Verborum Significatione,’ Hanau, 1614, 4to. 28. ‘De Legatis in Testamento,’ Amsterdam, 1661, 8vo. 29. ‘A Discourse on Marriage by Proxy’ is attributed to Alberico Gentili by Anthony à Wood. ‘Alberici Gentilis J. C. Prof. Reg. Opera Omnia in plures tomos distributa,’ Naples, 1770, was interrupted, after the appearance of vols. i. and ii., by the death of Gravier, the printer. It contains Nos. 9, 12, and 27. ‘Mundus alter et idem, auct. Mercurio Britannico,’ Hanau, 1607, though attributed by Bayle to Bishop Hall, is thought by Blaufus (Vermischte Beyträge, ii. 328) to be by Alberico Gentili. The following are Gentili's unpublished writings: 1. ‘De Probationibus Libri IV.’ 2. ‘Consultationum Volumen.’ 3. ‘Quæstionum publice Disput. Liber.’ 4. ‘Commentarius ad Edict. de Annona’ (Gentilis complains, in the dedication to ‘De Diversis Temporum Appellationibus,’ of the loss of all these, ‘Quæ pessimo pontificiorum facinore mihi omnia perierunt,’ possibly in his flight to Carniola). 5. ‘Verborum et Historiarum Juris ex Accurs. et Bartol. Comm. duo’ (mentioned in ‘Dial. II’). 6. ‘In Aldi Manutii Orthographiam Annotationes.’ 7. ‘De præmio Coronæ Muralis disputatio’ (both mentioned in ‘Ad. Maccab. I’). 8. ‘De Poetis Disputatio.’ 9. ‘De potiore interpr. Decalogi in sec. tab.’ (both mentioned in ‘De Actoribus et Spectatoribus’). 10. A volume of ‘Leggi ed ordini straordinarii da aggiungersi allo statuto composto e riformato dall' egregio ed eccellentissimo messer Alberigo Gentili’ was, according to Benigni, presented by Alberico to San Ginesio. 11. The D'Orville MSS. in the Bodleian Library contain ‘De papatu Romano Antichristo assertiones ex verbo Dei et SS. patribus, Alberico Gentili Italo auctore.’ The manuscripts of the ‘Condicionum Liber,’ of the ‘De Verborum Significatione,’ and of the ‘Advocatio Hispanica’ are in the same collection. The library of Corpus Christi College possesses the manuscript of the correspondence between Dr. Rainolds and Alberico (ccciii, ccclii). All the works of Gentili were placed in the ‘Index Librorum Prohibitorum’ in 1603.

[Archives of San Ginesio, Perugia, and Oxford; D'Orville MSS. in Bodleian; Lansdowne MSS. vols. cxxxix. cxlv. in Brit. Mus.; State Papers, Dom. Eliz. vols. cxliv. cxlvii.; wills of Alberico and Hester Gentili at Somerset House; prefaces and dedications to the several works of Alberico Gentili; G. M. Konigius's Bibliotheca vetus et nova, Altdorfii, 1678; T. Benigni in Colucci Antichità Picene, vol. vii. Fermo, 1790; W. A. Reiger's Commentatio, Groningen, 1867; T. E. Holland's Inaugural Lecture, London, 1874, and his Preface to De Jure Belli, Oxford, 1877; G. Speranza's Studi, Rome, 1876; A. Fiorini, Di A. G. e del suo diritto di guerra, Leghorn, 1877; A. Saffi's Letture, Bologna, 1878.]

GENTILI, ALOYSIUS, LL.D. (1801–1848), missionary-apostolic in England, born at Rome on 14 July 1801, was the son of a solicitor of Neapolitan descent. After completing his studies at the Sapienza, he took the degree of doctor of civil and canon law, and began to practise as an advocate. The death of his patron, Cardinal Gonsalvi, successively auditor of the rota and secretary of state, having destroyed his hopes of advancement, he studied the English, French, and Spanish languages, and became a professional teacher of Italian, in which vocation he had great success. He was made a knight by