Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 27.djvu/403

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cupied quadrangle. He submitted his drawings to the trustees of the Museum on 30 Nov. 1849, and an account of the scheme, with some discussion, appeared in the ‘Builder’ in 1850, pp. 295–6. When Panizzi's plan for the reading-room was adopted in 1854, Hosking regarded it as ‘an obvious plagiarism’ of his own suggestion and design, and the matter caused him bitter disappointment. Cf. ‘Illustrated London News,’ 1855, p. 403.).

Hosking wrote the articles on ‘Architecture’ and on ‘Building’ for the seventh edition of the ‘Encyclopædia Britannica.’ These were illustrated from drawings by Hosking and Jenkins, and reappeared in the eighth edition; that on ‘Architecture,’ with a supplement written in 1853, and articles on ‘Construction’ and ‘Drainage of Towns’ being added. Many of the plates were retained in the ninth edition to illustrate the rewritten articles. Hosking's articles were republished in a separate volume in 1832, 1846, 1860, and (revised by Ashpitel) in 1867. He was preparing an enlarged and improved edition of them at the time of his death. He communicated papers to the Society of Antiquaries (cf. Archæologia, xxiii. 85, 411); and to the Institute of British Architects (1842–3). Among drawings illustrating his papers preserved in the Institute library, is a suggested design for remodelling Westminster Bridge upon the existing piers, besides one for altering the parapets of London Bridge (see Weale, Bridges, pt. ii. pp. 237, 245, and pl. 39). In 1844 he read a paper at the Institution of Civil Engineers ‘On the Introduction of Constructions to retain the Sides of Deep Cuttings in Clays or other Uncertain Soils,’ printed in the ‘Minutes of Proceedings’ of the institution, and with woodcuts in the ‘Civil Engineer,’ 1845, p. 209.

[Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Dict. of Architecture; Ashpitel's Treatise on Architecture, 1867, preface; Royal Academy Exhibition Cat. 1826; Society of British Artists' Catalogues; Builder, 17 Aug. 1861, p. 560; Cat. of Drawings, &c., in the Library of the Royal Institute of British Architects; Encyclopædia Britannica, 7th and 8th edits.; Weale's Theory, Practice, and Architecture of Bridges, pref. to vol. ii.; Engineer's Report to the Provisional Committee of the Harwich Railway Company; Charter and Bye-laws of the Institute of British Architects (afterwards R.I.B.A.); Minutes of Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers; British Almanac Companion, 1841, pp. 233, 237, 1842 p. 213, 1857 p. 243; Athenæum, 1829, p. 157; information from Ethelbert Hosking, esq., and from W. Benson, esq.]

B. P.

HOSKINS, ANTHONY (1568–1615), jesuit, a native of Herefordshire, was born in 1568. He entered the English College at Douay 17 April 1590, but the next year passed into Spain, where in 1593 he became a member of the Society of Jesus. In 1603 he came to England on the mission, and in 1609 went to Brussels as vice-prefect of the English mission in Belgium. Going again on a mission to Spain about 1611, he was vice-prefect there also. He died 10 Sept. 1615 at the English College of Valladolid. Hoskins wrote ‘A Briefe and Clear Declaration of Sundry Pointes absolutely dislyked in the lately enacted Oath of Allegiance proposed to the Catholikes of England …,’ St. Omer, 1611, 12mo. He translated the Apologies of Henry IV and Louis XIII for the Society of Jesus at Paris, St. Omer, 1611, 4to, and ‘An Abridgment of Christian Perfection,’ from the French of Alphonsus Rodriquez, St. Omer, 1612. He also modernised Richard Whytford's translation of the ‘De imitatione Christi’ of Thomas à Kempis, St. Omer, 1613, 12mo. In the two last he calls himself F. B. and B. F. respectively.

[Gillow's Bibl. Dict. of English Catholics, iii. 406; Dodd's Church Hist. of England, ii. 416.]

W. A. J. A.

HOSKINS, JOHN (1566–1638), wit and lawyer, born in 1566 at Monton or Monkton, now known as Monnington-upon-Wye, in the parish of Llanwarne, Herefordshire, an estate of which his family had long possessed the leasehold interest, was the son of John Hoskins, who married Margery, daughter of Thomas Jones of Llanwarne. He was at first intended for trade, but his desire for learning was so keen that his father complied with his wish that he should be taught Greek. For one year he was educated at Westminster School, but when his father discovered that his family was akin to that of William of Wykeham, the boy was, in order to obtain the advantages of the relationship, admitted a scholar at Winchester College in 1579. He matriculated at New College, Oxford, on 5 March 1584–5, having obtained a scholarship there 22 June 1584, and after two years became a full fellow 22 June 1586. He graduated B.A. 6 May 1588, and M.A. 26 Feb. 1591–2, when he also served as terræ filius, but with such bitterness of satire that he was forced to resign his fellowship, and was driven from the university.

Hoskins withdrew into Somerset, and supported himself by teaching. For a year he taught in a school at Ilchester, where he compiled a Greek lexicon as far as the letter M, and was probably engaged afterwards in a similar position at Bath. His fortune was made when he married in Bath Abbey, on