Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 46.djvu/343

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inscribed ‘Political Gunpowder,’ which rests on a book inscribed ‘Calculations.’ Below are the words, ‘“Tale of a Tub,” “Every man has his PRICE.” Sir R. Walpole.’ There is another caricature by Gilray (Wright, Caricature History of the Georges, pp. 450, 452).

Most of Price's more important works have been already mentioned. To these may be added an ‘Essay on the Population of England,’ 2nd edit. 1780; two ‘Fast-day Sermons,’ published respectively in 1779 and 1781; and ‘Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the means of rendering it a Benefit to the World,’ 1784. A complete list of his works, which are numerous, is given in an appendix to Dr. Priestley's ‘Funeral Sermon.’

[Notices of Price's Ethical System occur in Mackintosh's Progress of Ethical Philosophy, Jouffroy's Introduction to Ethics, Whewell's History of Moral Philosophy in England, Leslie Stephen's English Thought in the Eighteenth Century, Bain's Mental and Moral Science, Sidgwick's Hist. of Ethics, Fowler's Shaftesbury and Hutcheson, pp. 222–4, Fowler and Wilson's Principles of Morals, pt. i. pp. 63–70, and elsewhere. In the last-mentioned work the reader will find a full account and criticism of Price's theories. The chief authority for his life is a memoir by his nephew, William Morgan; but see also Turner's Lives of Eminent Unitarians, ii. 382 sq.; Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice's Life of Lord Shelburne, ii. 236, iii. 92, 439, 498; Walpole's Letters, ed. Cunningham, ix. 264, 269, 302, 354; Franklin's Memoirs, 1833, iii. 157; Gibbon's Misc. Works, i. 304; Rogers's Table Talk, p. 3; Boswell's Johnson, ed. G. B. Hill, passim; Wheatley and Cunningham's London; Conway's Life of Paine, i. 324. The writer of the present article has, by permission, made use of a previous article, written by himself, in the Encyclopædia Britannica (9th edit.). A Welsh Family, by Miss Williams (privately printed, 1893, 2nd edit.), gives an account of Price's domestic life.]

T. F.

PRICE, RICHARD (1790–1833), philologist and antiquary, born in 1790, was the eldest son of Richard Price, a British merchant. He entered at the Middle Temple on 29 May 1823, was called to the bar in 1830, and practised on the western circuit. He was also a sub-commissioner of the public record commission. In 1824 he published an edition of Warton's ‘History of Poetry,’ with a long preface, which is reprinted in the editions of R. Taylor (1840) and Mr. W. C. Hazlitt (1871). Price incorporated the notes of Ritson, Ashby, Douce, and Park, besides adding some of his own. The edition had value, although Price retained many of Warton's self-evident mistakes, and made some new ones. In 1830 Price revised and brought up to date, in four volumes, Edward Christian's edition of Blackstone's ‘Commentaries’ of 1809. He also assisted Henry Petrie [q. v.] in his edition of the ‘Saxon Chronicle to 1066,’ in vol. i. of ‘Monumenta Historica Britannica.’ Price died of dropsy on 23 May 1833, at Branch Hill, Hampstead.

Price had a wide knowledge of German and Scandinavian literature, to which testimony was borne by Dr. James Grimm, Dr. J. J. Thorkelin, and Edgar Taylor, translator of Wace's ‘Chronicle.’ Thorpe, in the preface to his ‘Ancient Laws and Institutes of England,’ says his labours had been considerably lightened by Price, whom he calls ‘a good man and highly accomplished scholar.’

[Gent. Mag. 1833, ii. 282, 561; Times, 24 May 1833 (where there is a singular misprint); Taylor's edition (1840) of Warton, with notices of Price by various scholars; Hazlitt's edition (1871), preface; Middle Temple Admissions; Allibone's Dict. Engl. Lit. ii. 1679.]

G. Le G. N.

PRICE, ROBERT (1655–1733), judge, born in the parish of Cerrig-y-Druidion, Denbighshire, on 14 Jan. 1655, was the second son of Thomas Price of Geeler, Denbighshire, by his wife Margaret, daughter and heiress of Thomas Vynne of Bwlch-y-Beudy in the same county. He was educated at Ruthin and St. John's College, Cambridge, where he was admitted on 28 March 1672, but left without taking any degree. He entered Lincoln's Inn as a student on 8 May 1673, and was called to the bar in July 1679. Previously to his call Price made the grand tour of France and Italy. While at Rome his Coke upon Littleton was mistaken for an English bible, and he was carried before the pope. After convincing his accusers of their error, he made a present of the book to the pope, by whom it was placed in the Vatican library (Life, p. 59). In 1682 Price was made attorney-general for South Wales, and elected an alderman of the city of Hereford. He was appointed recorder of Radnor in 1683, steward to the queen-dowager in 1684, town clerk of the city of Gloucester in 1685, and king's counsel at Ludlow in 1686. Price represented Weobley in the Short parliament of James II. He resigned the town-clerkship of Gloucester in 1688 (Shower, Reports, 1794, ii. 490), and on the accession of William III was deprived of his Welsh attorney-generalship. At the general election in February 1690 he was again returned to the House of Commons for Weobley, and continued to represent that borough until the dissolution in December 1700. He was one of the counsel for Charles, fifth baron Mohun, who was acquitted by the