Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 50.djvu/270

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sion ‘The Practice of Christian Perfection,’ by Father Alphonsus Rodriguez, S. J., 3 pts. London, 1697–9, 4to. This translation has been several times reprinted in England, Ireland, and the United States.

[De Backer, Bibl. des Écrivains de la Compagnie de Jésus, 1876, iii. 534; Foley's Records, v. 156, 313, vi. 412, vii. 683; Helme's Curious Miscellaneous Fragments, 1815, p. 194; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. ed. Bohn, pp. 266, 2185; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. vii. 132; Oliver's Jesuit Collections, p. 185.]

T. C.

SANDERS, FRANCIS WILLIAMS (1769–1831), conveyancer, eldest son of John Williams Sanders of the island of Nevis, West Indies, born in 1769, was admitted, on 30 April 1787, a member of Lincoln's Inn, where, after some years of pupilage to John Stanley, attorney-general of the Leeward Islands, and M.P. for Hastings, 1784–1801, he began practice as a certificated conveyancer. He was called to the bar in Hilary term 1802. He gave evidence before the real property law commission appointed in 1828, and was afterwards added to the commission, of which he signed the second report in 1830. He died at his house, 5 Upper Montagu Street, Russell Square, on 1 May 1831. Sanders was author of a professional treatise of deservedly high repute entitled ‘An Essay on Uses and Trusts, and on the Nature and Operation of Conveyances at Common Law, and of those which derive their effect from the Statute of Uses,’ London, 1791, 1799 (2 vols. 8vo), 1813 (2 vols. 8vo); 5th edit., by George William Sanders and John Warner, 1844 (2 vols. 8vo). Sanders also edited the ‘Reports’ of John Tracy Atkyns [q. v.], and published in 1819 a learned tract entitled ‘Surrenders of Copyhold Property considered with reference to Future and Springing Uses,’ London, 8vo.

[Lincoln's Inn Reg.; Gent. Mag. 1831, i. 475; Legal Observer, 1831, ii. 34; Law List, 1795; Bridgman's Legal Bibliography; Marvin's Legal Bibliography; Allibone's Dict. Engl. Lit.; Real Property Law Commission, 1st Rep. (1829), p. 121, 2nd Rep. (1830), p. 66.]

J. M. R.

SANDERS, GEORGE (1774–1846), portrait-painter, was born at Kinghorn, Fifeshire, in 1774, and educated at Edinburgh. There he was apprenticed to a coach-painter named Smeaton, and afterwards practised as a miniature-painter and drawing-master, and designer of book illustrations. At that period he executed a panorama of Edinburgh taken from the guardship in Leith roads. Before 1807 Sanders came to London, where, after working as a miniaturist for a few years, he established himself as a painter of life-sized portraits in oil. Though of limited abilities, he was for a time a very fashionable artist, and obtained high prices, as much as 800l. being paid for his portrait of Lord Londonderry. He usually represented his male sitters in fancy dress. His portraits of the Dukes of Buckingham, Devonshire, and Rutland, Lord Dover, Lord Falmouth, the Duchess of Marlborough, Mr. W. Cavendish, and Sir W. Forbes, were well engraved by J. Burnet, C. Turner, H. Meyer, and others. Sanders painted several portraits of Lord Byron; one, dated 1807, was engraved whole-length by E. Finden as a frontispiece to his ‘Works,’ 1832, and half-length for Finden's ‘Illustrations to Lord Byron's Works,’ 1834; another, representing the poet standing by his boat, of which a plate by W. Finden was published in 1831, is well known. He also painted a miniature of Byron for his sister, Mrs. Leigh, which was engraved for the ‘Works,’ but cancelled at Byron's request. Sanders exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1834 only, sending then five portraits, which were severely criticised at the time (Arnold, Library of the Fine Arts, iv. 143). He frequently visited the continent, and made watercolour copies of celebrated pictures by Dutch and Flemish masters; twenty-three of these are now in the National Gallery of Scotland. He died at Allsop Terrace, New Road, London, on 26 March 1846.

George Sanders has been confused with George Lethbridge Saunders (1807–1863), miniature-painter, frequently exhibiting at the Royal Academy between 1829 and 1853; he was living in 1856.

[Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Cat. of the Scottish National Gallery; Royal Academy Catalogues; Conolly's Fifeshire Biography, 1866, p. 390; Byron's Works, 1832, ii. 175, 180, 187; Times, 28 March 1846.]

F. M. O'D.

SANDERS or SAUNDERS, JOHN (1750–1825), painter, born in London in 1750, appears to have been the son of John Saunders, a pastel-painter of merit, who practised at Norwich, Stourbridge in Worcestershire, and elsewhere. Sanders was a student at the Royal Academy in 1769, and obtained a silver medal in 1770. He first appears as an exhibitor at the Royal Academy in 1771, when he sent a portrait and ‘A Philosopher.’ In 1772 he exhibited ‘St. Sebastian’ and a portrait; in 1773 ‘Jael and Sisera’ and three portraits; and continued to exhibit pictures in oil and crayon, and drawings, for some years. During these years he was resident in Great Ormond Street, and in 1775 appears in the catalogue of the Royal Academy as ‘John Saunders, junior.’ Possibly some of the works mentioned above were exhibited