Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 59.djvu/20

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of the privy council by preventing the celebration of mass at Mary's residence at Copt Hall, near Epping. Two days later they were removed to the Tower, where Waldegrave fell sick, and received permission on 27 Sept. to be attended by his wife. On 24 Oct. he was permitted to leave the Tower, though still a prisoner, and to reside ‘in some honest house where he might be better tended.’ On 18 March 1551–2 he received permission to go to his own house, and on 24 April he was set at liberty and had license to repair to Mary at her request.

On the death of Edward VI Waldegrave, whom Mary much esteemed for his sufferings on her behalf, was sworn of the privy council, constituted master of the great wardrobe, and presented with the manors of Navestock in Essex, and of Chewton in Somerset. He was returned for Wiltshire in the parliament of October 1553, and for Somerset in that of April 1554. In the parliament of January 1557–8 he represented Essex. On 2 Oct. 1553 he was knighted, on 4 Nov. was appointed joint receiver-general of the duchy of Cornwall (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1547–80, p. 55), and on 17 April 1554 he was appointed one of the commissioners at the trial of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton [q. v.] Waldegrave was a strenuous opponent of the queen's marriage with Philip of Spain, and, with Lord Derby and Sir Edward Hastings, threatened to leave her service if she persisted. A pension of five hundred crowns bestowed on him by Charles V early in 1554 quieted his opposition, and he undertook the office of commissioner for inquiry into heresies. In 1557 he obtained a grant of the manor of Hever Cobham in Kent, and of the office of lieutenant of Waltham or Epping Forest. On the death of his uncle, Sir Robert Rochester, on 28 Nov. 1557, he succeeded him as chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster. In the following year he formed one of the commission appointed to dispose of the church lands vested in the crown. On the death of Mary he was deprived of his employments, and soon after was sent to the Tower with his wife, the priest, and the congregation, for permitting mass to be said in his house (ib. pp. 173, 176, 179, Addenda, 1547–65, pp. 509, 510). He died in the Tower on 1 Sept. 1561, and was buried in the Tower chapel. A monument was erected to his memory and that of his wife at Borley. He married Frances (d. 1599), daughter of Sir Edward Neville (d. 1538) [q. v.] By her he had two sons: Charles, who succeeded him in his Norfolk and Somerset estates, and was ancestor of the Earls Waldegrave; and Nicholas, ancestor to the Waldegraves of Borley in Essex. They had also three daughters: Mary, married to John Petre, first baron Petre [see under Petre, Sir William]; Magdalen, married to Sir John Southcote of Witham in Essex; and Catharine, married to Thomas Gawen of Wiltshire.

[Collins's Peerage, 1779, iv. 421–5; Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials, 1822, II. i. 388, 454–459, III. i. 549; Strype's Annals of the Reformation, I. i. 400, 404; Foxe's Actes and Monuments, 1846, vi. 22; Hasted's History of Kent, i. 396; Morant's Hist. of Essex, 1768, i. 182; Acts of the Privy Council, ed. Dasent; Machyn's Diary (Camden Soc.); Ducatus Lancastriæ, Record ed.; Metcalfe's Book of Knights, p. 107; Froude's Hist. of England, 1870, v. 358, vi. 116, 138, 193, 443, 513, vii. 338–9; Gent. Mag. 1823, ii. 17; Notes and Queries, II. vii. 166; Miss Strickland's Queens of England, 1851, iii. 410–14, 454.]

WALDEGRAVE, FRANCES ELIZABETH ANNE, Countess Waldegrave (1821–1879), the daughter of John Braham [q. v.], the singer, was born in London on 4 Jan. 1821. She married, on 25 May 1839, John James Waldegrave of Navestock, Essex, who died in the same year. She married secondly, on 28 Sept. 1840, George Edward, seventh earl Waldegrave. After the marriage her husband was sentenced to six months' imprisonment for assault. During his detention she lived with him in the queen's bench prison, and on his release they retired into the country. On the death of Lord Waldegrave on 28 Sept. 1846, she found herself possessed of the whole of the Waldegrave estates (including residences at Strawberry Hill, Chewton, Somerset, and Dudbrook, Essex), but with little knowledge of the world to guide her conduct. In this position she entered for a third time into matrimony, marrying on 30 Sept. 1847 George Granville Harcourt of Nuneham and Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire. Her third husband, who was a widower and her senior by thirty-six years (being sixty-two at the date of the marriage, while she was only twenty-six), was eldest son of Edward Harcourt [q. v.], archbishop of York, and a follower of Peel, whom he supported in parliament as member for Oxfordshire.

As Harcourt's wife, Lady Waldegrave first exhibited her rare capacity as a leader and hostess of society. Of her conduct to Harcourt, Sir William Gregory wrote in his ‘Autobiography:’ ‘She was an excellent wife to him, and neither during her life with him nor previously was there ever a whisper of disparagement to her character. No great