Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/285

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wing-action 'win,aek$9n n. the action characteristic of

wings; the motion peculiar to wings. wing-arc 'win,a:e:k n. the arc or angular distance tgaverst

by a flapping or reciprocating wing or aerofoil. wing-area 'win,e:-zi-3 n. the area of the wing or wings; the

area of the sustaining^surfaces of a bird or flying^machine ;

spred of wing; wmg^spred (sense 2). wing- arm 'win,a:zm n. the arm or structure to tuhich the

wing of a flying-machine is attacht, and which moves the


wing-band 'win,bsend n. same meaning as wingtbar. wing-bar 'win,ba:z n.

1. a colord bar or band across a bird's wing; such a band fermd by the tips of the greater or median wing-coverts, or both of these, and located bettueen the wing-bow and the wing-bay; a wing-band.

2. a bar or rod used as a longitudinal strengthening- member in a wing-frame; one of the spars or poles which span an aeroplane sustaining-plane from tip to tip at right angles to the ribs ; a simple wing-girder.

wing-bay 'win,bee n. the (bay-colord or other) plumage* marking of a bird fermd by the secondary fethers of the wing when the wing is closed and these fethers differ in color from the rest of the plumage.

wing-beat 'wii],biit n. a beat or stroke of a wing; one com- plete motion, or cycle of movement, of a wing in the action of flying; a wing-stroke : as, the smaller the creature, the quicker the *wmg-beat.

wing-blade 'win,bleed n. the blade or vane of a wing or of a wing-like part.

wing-bone 'win/boon n. any bone of a bird's wing.

wing-border 'win,bD:z-d3? n. the border, margin, or edge of a wing.

wing-bow 'win,boo n. the plumage-marking on the shoul- der or bend of a bird's wing.

wring-case 'win,kees n. the hard, herny, caseslike anterior or upper modified wing which overlies the functional wing of many insects, especially celeepters; a wmg-cover; a wing-sheath ; an elyt^um ; a hemielytjum : as, the flight of the *wing?case insects.

wing-cell 'wir),sel n. (in entomology) any one of the spaces bcttreen the nerves or veins of an insect's wing.

wing-center 'wir^sentQz n. the center or middle peint of a wing.

aerodromic ivingicenter, a point, in a wing of an aero- foil, such that, if the whole wing^resistance (in the line of

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