alto-stratus ,aeJtD'str,ee-t9s n. high stratus, a thin veiWike cloud of a gray or blue color exhibiting, when near the sun or moon, a brighter portion which sometimes produces a corona; st^ato^cirrus.
spotted alto-stratus, mackerel sky.
alula 'aeHo-te n. the false or bastard wing of a bird; the ala spuria.
aluminium ,ae!iu'mini-3m n. same meaning as aluminum.
aluminum a'liuu-mi-nam n. a whitish, ductil, malleable, and very light metal often used in airship^constsuction ; alu- minium.
aluminum bronze, a strong, yellowish metal, an alley of aluminum and copper.
amidships 9'mid,ships adv. in or toward the middle of an airship; midway between stem and stern.
ample 'aemp9l adj. both long and broad without being pointed, as the wing of a heron or crane.
anchor 'serjkaz n. a large prengd hook or similar appliance attacht to a balloon or airship by a rope, used for establish- ing a connection with the earth preparatory to landing, or for holding or mooring the airship to the ground or to some fixt object; a grapnel.
anchor 'aenk^z v.
1. tr. secure (a balloon or airship) with an anchor; place at, or bring to, anchor.
2. intr. cast anchor; come to anchor :' said either of the crew or the airship.
anchorage 'aerjka-zids n. the action of anchoring; the state of being anchord; conditions admitting of anchoring; a place for anchoring.
anchorage-post '3enk9zid3,poost n. a lofty steel post or lattist tower, proposed as a means for anchoring dirigible balloons. I '
anchor-hook 'serjk9z,huk n. one of the hooks or prongs of an anchor or grapnel; a grapne!4iook.
anchoring-part 'senk9zirj,pa:zt n. one of the parts or por- tions of a dirigible balloon to which the anchor^ropes or grapnel^ropes are attacht.
anchoring-ring 'aenkazirj^irj n. a ring n a dirigible bal- loon to which the anchor=rope is attacht.
anchoring-rope 'senkazirj^oop n. same meaning as anchor* rope.
anchoring-rule 'serjlozir^zoul n. one of the rules or regu- lations about the anchoring of dirigible or other balloons.
anchor-ring 'serjk9z,zirj n. the ring of an anchor, to which the anchor^rope is fastend.
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