Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/516

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Spanish English
Legumbres, verduras y cereales Vegetables and cereals
alcachofa artichoke
apio celery
arroz rice
atole (Mex) corn gruel
avena oatmeal
batata, (Am) boniato, camote sweet potato
berenjena eggplant
berro water cress
calabaza squash, pumpkin
cebolla onion
chupe potato stew
col, repollo cabbage
coliflor cauliflower
escarola endive
espárragos asparagus
espinacas spinach
frijoles, (Sp) judias beans
frijoles refritos beans fried after being boiled
gachés porridge
garbanzos chickpeas
guisantes peas
habichuelas verdes, judías verdes, frijoles verdes string beans
lechuga lettuce
lentejas lentils
mazamorra (Arg) hulled and crushed corn served cold with milk
ñame yam
papa (Am), patata (Sp) potato
papas a la Guancayina (Peru) potato salad
papas fritas fried potatoes
pepinos cucumbers
perejil parsley
pimientos peppers
pinole (Mex) toasted cornmeal
puré de papa mashed potatoes
rábanos radishes
setas, hongos mushrooms
tamales tamales
tomate tomato
tortilla (Mex) corn griddle cake
verduras green leafy vegetables
zanahorias carrots