Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/123

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


  • chieh71441
  • The Chinese foot.
bâk chieh;
a carpenter's foot rule.
pò chieh;
a foot in cloth measure.
cok chieh;
the measure used in shoes.
khek chieh ;
a carpenter's square.
châi chieh;
a tailor's measure.
chieh chùn ŭ tōa sòi;
feet and inches are of different lengths.
câp hun ûi cêk chùn, câp chùn ûi cêk chieh, câp chieh ûi cêk tn̆g;
ten tenths make an inch, ten inches make a foot, ten feet make an ell.
cêk tn̆g kûiⁿ, káu chieh bô̤ ēng;
for reaching ten feet a nine foot pole is useless.
m̄ kàu chieh chùn;
not of full stature.
àiⁿ sĭm-mih chieh tō?
What are its dimensions to be?
nîe thiⁿ chieh;
a sextant.
saⁿ-chieh hai-thông;
a young lad.
an iron bludgeon.
i tó̤ bú thih-chieh khṳt nâng thoíⁿ;
he is wielding an iron bludgeon for people's amusement.
ŭ nâng khîa toaⁿ thih-chieh, ŭ nâng khîa sang thih-chieh;
some had single bludgeons, and others had one in each hand.
  • chieh9971723
  • The peacock.
khóng-chieh khui phîn;
the peacock spreads its tail.
khóng-chieh lêng;
peacock's feathers.
khóng-chieh ngán;
the eye in a peacock's feather.
  • chîeh804507
  • A mat; matting.
cháu chîeh;
straw matting.
tîn chîeh;
rattan matting.
tek chîeh;
bamboo matting.
lîang chîeh;
bed mats for hot weather.
ńng chîeh;
flexible matting, used for wrapping bundles.
chîeh pau; chîeh tō̤;
straw bags.
chṳ cháu-chîeh;
spread down a straw mat.
cŏ̤ chîeh;
sit on a mat.
sai chîeh;
an instructor. (In olden times a teacher sat on a mat on the west side of his school-room).


  • chien980241
  • A thousand; many.
m̄ cai li, so̤h cò̤ thàng bw̄n-chien;
did not know, but supposed he would gain millions by it.
  • chien98016212
  • To remove from one place to another.
go elsewhere to live.
chien suaⁿ;
to remove a grave.
kói kùe, chien sĭen;
to reform.
chien-ĭen sî-jît;
to postpone the day.
to evict.
pìen chien;
much changed on account of removals.
  • chíen982858
  • Shallow; superficial.
m̄ cai chim chíen;
does not know the depth.
hâk-mn̄g chíen;
the questions were easy.
chíen kṳ̆n;
chíen sek;
a pale color.
sĭm chíen;
the simplest.
cĭu chíen-chíen nē, sueh khṳt nâng thiaⁿ;
explain it in just the easiest way.
hāi nâng put chíen;
it was no slight injury.
cúi chíen kàu hó̤ ĕ kùe khṳ̀;
the water is so shallow that you can wade across.
cúi khah chíen, cûn m̄-hó̤ kiaⁿ;
the water is too shallow, and the boats cannot run.
tó-tn̂g chíen;
shallow minded.
chíen mô̤ⁿ;
short fur.
  • chîen981187
  • To advance; to progress.
i kien ŭ chîen-thêng a bô̤?
Did his contributions to the support of the government bring him promotion to office or not?
i thàng kàu ŭ cîⁿ khṳ̀ kien chîen-thêng;
he has gained so much that he has money wherewith to purchase an official position.


  • chiet976182
  • Important; urgent; the entire lot.
bô̤ chiet-ìo;
bô̤ mih chiet-ìo;
of no great importance.
ŭ chiet-ìo;
there is occasion for speed.
sĭang chiet-ìo ;
the most important.
bô̤ mih kwn-chiet;
not much interested in it.
wholly sincere.
i tàⁿ kàu chiet-chêng căi;
he spoke in the most cordial manner.
lṳ́ chiet-chiet tîeh lâi;
you must not fail to come.
sueh lâi khap-khap chiet-chiet;
it is irrevocably set forth.
cêk chiet kâi sṳ̄ lí tît lío;
the whole matter is completely arranged.
cì-chiet màiⁿ gō;
it is of the utmost importance that it should not miscarry.
chiet cò̤;
act with urgency.
tàⁿ kàu chiet căi;
spoke with great earnestness.
thó̤iⁿ tîeh bô̤ chiet bô̤ ìo;
considered it of no importance at all.
bô̤ kài-chiet;
not urgent.


  • chih9268610
  • To scald off the hair or feathers.
khîeh lô̤h kún cui khṳ̀ chih, chih lío, mô̤ⁿ máng cheng-khih;
take it and scald it in boiling water, and then pluck out all the feathers.
  • chih2858612
  • To catch fire; to singe.
húe chih tîeh;
it ignited.
thâu màiⁿ cang thâu-mô̤ⁿ khṳ̀ chih húe;
do not put your head so near that your hair will take fire.
i kâi chiu khṳt húe chih tīo cêk pôiⁿ khṳ̀;
his whiskers caught fire and burned off the whole of one side.