Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/124

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • chih1018868
  • To plunge a thing into water for the purpose of cooling it.
chih húe-thòaⁿ;
extinguish cinders by plunging them in water.
khîeh khí lâi cū chih lô̤h cúi;
as soon as you lift it off plunge it into the water.
chih lô̤h khṳ̀ cū cī-cē-kìe;
when you plunge it in it hisses.
chih kàu cho̤h cúi sie-sie;
the water was heated by its being plunged in.
  • chih553866
  • To brand; to burn in.
cang thih pû âng-âng lâi chih;
take an iron, heat it red hot, and brand it therewith.
chih mô̤ⁿ kâi ìn;
a branding iron for branding animals.
chih kàu chiah-pauh chiah-pauh;
scorched it brown.


  • chim736858
  • Deep; profound; intimate; intense; very.
cúi bô̤ hìeⁿ chim;
the water is not very deep.
cúi ho̤h chim;
the water is quite deep.
tŏ̤-lí chim;
this doctrine is deep.
i jī-bâk chim;
he is a person of profound scholarship.
chim sek;
deeply tinted.
chim ṳn;
great kindness.
i nŏ̤ nâng ìo chim kau;
the two are on excellent terms with each other.
i kâi kòi-mông chim-tîm;
his plot was a deep laid one.
keⁿ chim lío;
it is past midnight.
chim kìu;
deep research.
chim-chim chíu ip-că;
a very low bow.
chim-au chim-au;
chim hn̆g;
far distant.
chim nâng bô̤ chíen gṳ́;
deep thinkers do not make shallow speeches.
líu kàu chim-chim;
dig it deep.
kût chim cē;
dig deeper.
hó̤ li kau chim, m̄-hó̤ li kau chíen;
be intimate with the good, and hold little intercourse with the bad.
chîu kak khṳ̀ chim căi;
his enmity is very deep.
chim hṳ̆n i;
dislike him greatly.
thn̄g chim;
probe deeply.
chǹg ŭ cêk chùn chim;
pierced to the depth of an inch.
chim kàu chah m̄ căi;
so deep I cannot touch bottom.
  • chím9914011
  • To sleep.
chím cîah m̄ uaⁿ;
no comfort either in eating or in sleeping.
bûang chang hùi chím;
loss of food and sleep.
cìaⁿ chím, lăi chím;
the sleeping appartments for males and for females.
  • chìm94814917
  • Sybiline; an omen.
chìm cṳ;
a sybiline book.
khieh tîeh chìm-cṳ;
choose an omen from a sybiline book.
chìm-cṳ tī;
a plot of ground indicated by an omen found in a sybiline book.
jû khieh tîeh chìm cṳ khǹg kín-kín;
keep it carefully as one would keep a hint from the book of fate.
  • chîm807419
  • To search for; to explore; common.
to search for.
chîm-chūe m̄ tîeh;
could not find it.
kṳn thâu chîm kṳn búe;
to investigate thoroughly.
chîm pó̤;
search for treasure.
chîm-sieⁿ kâi nâng;
an ordinary person.
chîm-sîeⁿ kâi mûeh;
a common article.
chîm-sîeⁿ kâi sṳ̄;
a frequent occurrence.
chîm tī;
to explore the country.
kàu ku-ā nî cìaⁿ chîm tîeh;
found it after many years search.
chîm-chut ŭ ko̤h īeⁿ kâi ì chut lâi;
found out another meaning for it.
  • chîm99197
  • To invade; to usurp.
chîm-thun sìo-bâk;
took illegal possession of the account books.
chîm-hŭam kéng-kài;
invaded their boundaries.
to usurp.
chim hŵt;
to invade and chastise.
  • chĭm10756410
  • To take hold of for the purpose of moving; to lay hold of and sway; to joggle; to shake.
chĭm m̄ tin-tăng;
cannot stir it from its position.
khṳt i khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ chĭm cū chĭm khí lâi;
let him steadily lift at it and it will move.
nŏ̤ nâng khṳ̀ kio i sie-hŭ chǐm;
two persons went to help him move it.
chin-chĭeⁿ suaⁿ-meⁿ chĭm cîeh-teng, chĭm tîeh bô̤ bī bô̤ sò;
like a dragon fly laying hold of a stone half imbedded in the earth for the purpose of lifting it, the stone is not swayed at all thereby.
màiⁿ chĭm tîeh chn̂g;
do not jog the table.


  • 相似chin-chĭeⁿ837
  • Like, similar, resembling; as if.
seⁿ lâi chin-chĭeⁿ;
they are much alike.
cò̤ lâi m̄ chin-chĭeⁿ;
they are very unlike.
i chin-chĭeⁿ i âi;
he resembles his mother.
thóiⁿ tîeh chin-chĭeⁿ chin-chĭeⁿ;
they appear very similar.
chin-chĭeⁿ m̄-hó̤, khî-sît hó̤;
it looks badly, but is really excellent.
chin-chĭeⁿ ngà kâi;
like a dunce.
chin-chĭeⁿ m̄ hàuⁿ;
appeared unwilling.
  • chin9911479
  • One's own; akin; kith.
bó̤ chin;
own mother.
úa chin hĭⁿ thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;
I heard it with my own ears.
chin mâk thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
saw it with his own eyes.
chin mīn kāng i tàⁿ;
tell him with your own mouth.
cía jī sĭ i chin pit sía kâi;
this was written by his own hand.
chin sin khṳ̀ cò̤;
went and did it himself.
àiⁿ cò̤ chin;
are going to marry.
sêng chin;
to consummate marriage.
kîaⁿ chin-ngêng kâi lói-sìo;
perform the marriage rites.
sì mâk bô̤